Maintainer: PharMolix

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model overview

BioMedGPT-LM-7B is the first large generative language model based on Llama2 that has been fine-tuned on the biomedical domain. It was trained on over 26 billion tokens from millions of biomedical papers in the S2ORC corpus, allowing it to outperform or match human-level performance on several biomedical question-answering benchmarks. This model was developed by PharMolix, and is the language model component of the larger BioMedGPT-10B open-source project.

Model inputs and outputs


  • Text data, primarily focused on biomedical and scientific topics


  • Generates coherent and informative text in response to prompts, drawing upon its broad knowledge of biomedical concepts and research.


BioMedGPT-LM-7B can be used for a variety of biomedical natural language processing tasks, such as question answering, summarization, and information extraction from scientific literature. Through its strong performance on benchmarks like PubMedQA, the model has demonstrated its ability to understand and reason about complex biomedical topics.

What can I use it for?

The BioMedGPT-LM-7B model is well-suited for research and development projects in the biomedical and healthcare domains. Potential use cases include:

  • Powering AI assistants to help clinicians and researchers access relevant biomedical information more efficiently
  • Automating the summarization of scientific papers or clinical notes
  • Enhancing search and retrieval of biomedical literature
  • Generating high-quality text for biomedical education and training materials

Things to try

One interesting aspect of BioMedGPT-LM-7B is its ability to generate detailed, fact-based responses on a wide range of biomedical topics. Researchers could experiment with prompting the model to explain complex scientific concepts, describe disease mechanisms, or outline treatment guidelines, and observe the model's ability to provide informative and coherent output. Additionally, the model could be evaluated on its capacity to assist with literature reviews, hypothesis generation, and other knowledge-intensive biomedical tasks.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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BioMedLM is a new 2.7 billion parameter language model trained exclusively on biomedical abstracts and papers from The Pile. This GPT-style model can achieve strong results on a variety of biomedical NLP tasks, including a new state of the art performance of 50.3% accuracy on the MedQA biomedical question answering task. The model was a joint collaboration of Stanford CRFM and MosaicML. Similar models include Meditron-70B, a 70 billion parameter medical language model adapted from Llama-2-70B, and GPT-Neo 2.7B, a 2.7 billion parameter model trained on a diverse dataset by EleutherAI. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: BioMedLM takes in text data, such as questions, prompts, or documents related to the biomedical domain. Outputs Text**: The model generates English-language text in response to the input, such as an answer to a biomedical question or a summary of a document. Capabilities BioMedLM can be used for a variety of biomedical NLP tasks, including question answering, summarization, and generation. It has achieved state-of-the-art performance on the MedQA biomedical question answering task, demonstrating its strong capabilities in this domain. What can I use it for? Researchers and developers working on biomedical NLP applications can use BioMedLM as a foundation model to build upon. The model's strong performance on tasks like question answering and summarization suggests it could be useful for powering intelligent assistants in the healthcare domain, or for automating tasks like literature review and information extraction. However, the model's generation capabilities are still being explored, and the maintainers caution that it should not be used for production-level tasks without further testing and development. Users should be aware of the model's potential biases and limitations, and take appropriate measures to ensure safe and responsible use. Things to try One interesting aspect of BioMedLM is its exclusive training on biomedical data, in contrast to more general language models that are trained on a wider variety of text. This specialized training could allow the model to develop a deeper understanding of biomedical concepts and terminology, which could be particularly useful for tasks like medical question answering or extraction of information from scientific literature. Developers could explore fine-tuning or prompt engineering strategies to leverage this specialized knowledge. Another avenue to explore is the model's generation capabilities. While the maintainers caution against using the model for open-ended generation, there may be opportunities to use it in a more controlled way, such as for generating summaries or snippets of text to assist with tasks like literature review or report writing. Careful monitoring and evaluation would be essential to ensure the safety and reliability of such applications.

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Llama3-OpenBioLLM-8B is an advanced open-source language model designed specifically for the biomedical domain. Developed by Saama AI Labs, this model leverages cutting-edge techniques to achieve state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of biomedical tasks. It builds upon the powerful foundations of the Meta-Llama-3-8B model, incorporating the DPO dataset and fine-tuning recipe along with a custom diverse medical instruction dataset. Compared to Llama3-OpenBioLLM-70B, the 8B version has a smaller parameter count but still outperforms other open-source biomedical language models of similar scale. It has also demonstrated better results compared to larger proprietary & open-source models like GPT-3.5 on biomedical benchmarks. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text data from the biomedical domain, such as research papers, clinical notes, and medical literature. Outputs Generated text responses to biomedical queries, questions, and prompts. Summarization of complex medical information. Extraction of biomedical entities, such as diseases, symptoms, and treatments. Classification of medical documents and data. Capabilities Llama3-OpenBioLLM-8B can efficiently analyze and summarize clinical notes, extract key medical information, answer a wide range of biomedical questions, and perform advanced clinical entity recognition. The model's strong performance on domain-specific tasks, such as Medical Genetics and PubMedQA, highlights its ability to effectively capture and apply biomedical knowledge. What can I use it for? Llama3-OpenBioLLM-8B can be a valuable tool for researchers, clinicians, and developers working in the healthcare and life sciences fields. It can be used to accelerate medical research, improve clinical decision-making, and enhance access to biomedical knowledge. Some potential use cases include: Summarizing complex medical records and literature Answering medical queries and providing information to patients or healthcare professionals Extracting relevant biomedical entities from text Classifying medical documents and data Generating medical reports and content Things to try One interesting aspect of Llama3-OpenBioLLM-8B is its ability to leverage its deep understanding of medical terminology and context to accurately annotate and categorize clinical entities. This capability can support various downstream applications, such as clinical decision support, pharmacovigilance, and medical research. You could try experimenting with the model's entity recognition abilities on your own biomedical text data to see how it performs. Another interesting feature is the model's strong performance on biomedical question-answering tasks, such as PubMedQA. You could try prompting the model with a range of medical questions and see how it responds, paying attention to the level of detail and accuracy in the answers.

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BioGPT is a domain-specific generative Transformer language model pre-trained on large-scale biomedical literature. Developed by Microsoft, BioGPT aims to address the lack of generation ability in existing biomedical language models like BioBERT and PubMedBERT, which have primarily focused on discriminative tasks. Compared to similar models like BioGPT-Large-PubMedQA and BioMedGPT-LM-7B, BioGPT demonstrates strong performance on a variety of biomedical natural language processing tasks, including relation extraction and question answering. Its ability to generate fluent descriptions for biomedical terms also sets it apart. Model Inputs and Outputs Inputs Sequences of continuous biomedical text Outputs Predicted next tokens in a biomedical text sequence, generated in an autoregressive manner Capabilities BioGPT excels at generative tasks in the biomedical domain, such as summarizing research papers, generating new biomedical content, and answering questions about medical concepts. It has been shown to outperform previous models on relation extraction benchmarks like BC5CDR, KD-DTI, and DDI, as well as achieving state-of-the-art performance on the PubMedQA dataset. What Can I Use it For? BioGPT can be utilized in a variety of biomedical applications that require natural language understanding and generation, such as: Generating summaries of research papers or clinical notes Answering questions about medical conditions, treatments, or pharmaceuticals Assisting in the creation of new biomedical content, like educational materials or scientific hypotheses Powering conversational agents for patient support or clinician-patient interactions The model's strong performance on relation extraction tasks also makes it a valuable tool for tasks like drug discovery, disease diagnosis, and knowledge graph construction. Things to Try One interesting aspect of BioGPT is its ability to generate fluent descriptions for biomedical terms, which could be useful for educational or explanatory purposes. Researchers could experiment with prompting the model to generate definitions or explanations for complex medical concepts, and then evaluate the quality and usefulness of the generated text. Additionally, users could fine-tune BioGPT on domain-specific datasets to further improve its performance on specialized biomedical tasks, or explore ways to combine the model's language understanding capabilities with other modalities, such as structured biomedical data, to create more comprehensive AI solutions for the life sciences.

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The BioGPT-Large-PubMedQA model is a domain-specific generative Transformer language model developed by Microsoft and pre-trained on large-scale biomedical literature. This model was created to address the lack of generation ability in previous biomedical language models like BioBERT and PubMedBERT, which have achieved great success on discriminative downstream biomedical tasks but are constrained in their application scope. In contrast, BioGPT-Large-PubMedQA is a generative language model that can be used for a wider range of biomedical NLP tasks. The model outperforms previous models on most tasks, including achieving new state-of-the-art performance on the PubMedQA biomedical question answering task with 78.2% accuracy. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The model accepts arbitrary text as input, which it uses to generate additional text. Outputs Generated text**: The model outputs generated text that continues or expands upon the input text. The generated text aims to be fluent and coherent in the biomedical domain. Capabilities The BioGPT-Large-PubMedQA model can be used for a variety of biomedical text generation and mining tasks, such as summarizing research papers, answering questions about medical topics, and generating descriptions of biomedical concepts. For example, the model can be prompted to generate a fluent description of a medical term like "chromatography" or "cytotoxicity", demonstrating its ability to produce coherent biomedical text. What can I use it for? Researchers and developers working on biomedical NLP applications can use BioGPT-Large-PubMedQA to enhance their projects. The model's strong performance on tasks like biomedical question answering and its ability to generate high-quality biomedical text make it a valuable tool for building conversational agents, summarization systems, and other biomedical language processing solutions. Things to try One interesting aspect of BioGPT-Large-PubMedQA is its use of a custom tokenizer trained on the PubMed corpus. This allows the model to better represent common biomedical terms as single tokens, rather than splitting them into multiple subword units. Experimenting with the model's handling of domain-specific vocabulary could yield insights into how to effectively adapt language models for specialized tasks and corpora.

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