
Maintainer: sentence-transformers

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Last updated 5/27/2024

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Model overview

The clip-ViT-B-32 model is an AI model developed by the sentence-transformers team. It uses the CLIP architecture, which maps text and images to a shared vector space, allowing for applications like image search and zero-shot image classification. This model is a version of CLIP that uses a ViT-B/32 Transformer architecture as the image encoder, paired with a masked self-attention Transformer as the text encoder.

Similar models include the clip-ViT-B-16, clip-ViT-L-14, and the multilingual clip-ViT-B-32-multilingual-v1 model, all of which are based on the CLIP architecture but with different model sizes and capabilities.

Model inputs and outputs


  • Images: The model can take in images, which it will encode into a vector representation.
  • Text: The model can also take in text descriptions, which it will also encode into a vector representation.


  • Similarity scores: The model outputs similarity scores between the image and text embeddings, indicating how well the image matches the text.


The clip-ViT-B-32 model is capable of performing zero-shot image classification, where it can classify images into arbitrary categories defined by text, without requiring explicit training on those categories. This makes it a powerful tool for tasks like image search, where users can search for images using natural language queries.

What can I use it for?

The clip-ViT-B-32 model has a variety of potential applications, such as:

  • Image search: Users can search through large image collections using natural language queries, and the model will retrieve the most relevant images.
  • Zero-shot image classification: The model can classify images into any category defined by text, without requiring explicit training on those categories.
  • Image deduplication: The model can be used to identify duplicate or near-duplicate images in a collection.
  • Image clustering: The model can be used to group similar images together based on their vector representations.

Things to try

One interesting thing to try with the clip-ViT-B-32 model is to experiment with different types of text queries and see how the model responds. For example, you could try searching for images using very specific, detailed queries, or more abstract, conceptual queries, and see how the model's performance varies. This could help you understand the model's strengths and limitations, and how to best leverage it for your specific use case.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The clip-ViT-L-14 is an AI model developed by the sentence-transformers team. It is a version of the CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) model, which maps text and images to a shared vector space. This allows the model to perform tasks like image search, zero-shot image classification, and image clustering. The clip-ViT-L-14 model uses a ViT-L/14 Transformer architecture as the image encoder, and a masked self-attention Transformer as the text encoder. Compared to other CLIP models, the clip-ViT-L-14 has the highest zero-shot ImageNet validation set accuracy at 75.4%. This makes it a more capable model for tasks that require generalization to a wide range of image classes. The clip-ViT-B-32 and clip-ViT-B-16 models have lower accuracies of 63.3% and 68.1%, respectively. For multilingual use cases, the clip-ViT-B-32-multilingual-v1 model can map text in over 50 languages to the same vector space as the images. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Images**: The model can take individual images as input, which it will encode into a vector representation. Text**: The model can also take text descriptions as input, which it will encode into a vector representation. Outputs Image embeddings**: The model outputs a vector representation of the input image. Text embeddings**: The model outputs a vector representation of the input text. Similarity scores**: The model can compute the cosine similarity between image and text embeddings, indicating how well they match. Capabilities The clip-ViT-L-14 model excels at zero-shot image classification, where it can classify images into a wide range of categories without any fine-tuning. This makes it useful for applications like image search, where you can search for images based on text queries. The model is also capable of image clustering and deduplication, as the vector representations it produces can be used to group similar images together. What can I use it for? The clip-ViT-L-14 model can be a powerful tool for a variety of computer vision and multimodal machine learning applications. For example, you could use it to build an image search engine, where users can search for images based on text descriptions. The high zero-shot accuracy of the model makes it well-suited for this task, as it can retrieve relevant images even for novel queries. Another potential application is zero-shot image classification, where you can classify images into a large number of categories without having to fine-tune the model on labeled data for each category. This could be useful for creating intelligent photo organization or cataloging tools. The model's ability to encode both images and text into a shared vector space also enables interesting multimodal applications, such as generating image captions or retrieving images based on textual descriptions. Things to try One interesting aspect of the clip-ViT-L-14 model is its performance on different types of images and text. You could experiment with feeding the model a variety of images, from simple objects to complex scenes, and see how it performs in terms of retrieving relevant text descriptions. Similarly, you could try different styles of text queries, from specific to open-ended, and observe how the model's similarity scores and retrieved images vary. Another area to explore is the model's robustness to distributional shift. Since the model was trained on a diverse dataset of internet images and text, it may be able to generalize well to new domains and environments. You could test this by evaluating the model's performance on specialized datasets or real-world applications, and see how it compares to other computer vision models.

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The clip-ViT-B-32-multilingual-v1 model is a multi-lingual version of the OpenAI CLIP-ViT-B32 model, developed by the sentence-transformers team. This model can map text in over 50 languages and images to a shared dense vector space, allowing for tasks like image search and multi-lingual zero-shot image classification. It is similar to other CLIP-based models like clip-vit-base-patch32 that also aim to learn a joint text-image representation. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The model can take text inputs in over 50 languages. Images**: The model can also take image inputs, which it encodes using the original CLIP-ViT-B-32 image encoder. Outputs Embeddings**: The model outputs dense vector embeddings for both the text and images, which can be used for tasks like semantic search and zero-shot classification. Capabilities The clip-ViT-B-32-multilingual-v1 model is capable of mapping text and images from diverse sources into a shared semantic vector space. This allows it to perform tasks like finding relevant images for a given text query, or classifying images into categories defined by text labels, even for languages the model wasn't explicitly trained on. What can I use it for? The primary use cases for this model are image search and multi-lingual zero-shot image classification. For example, you could use it to search through a large database of images to find the ones most relevant to a text query, or to classify new images into categories defined by text labels, all while supporting multiple languages. Things to try One interesting thing to try with this model is to experiment with the multilingual capabilities. Since it can map text and images from over 50 languages into a shared space, you could explore how well it performs on tasks that involve mixing languages, such as searching for images using queries in a different language than the image captions. This could reveal interesting insights about the model's cross-lingual generalization abilities.

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The clip-vit-base-patch32 model is a powerful text-to-image AI model developed by OpenAI. It uses a Vision Transformer (ViT) architecture as an image encoder and a masked self-attention Transformer as a text encoder. The model is trained to maximize the similarity between image-text pairs, enabling it to perform zero-shot, arbitrary image classification tasks. Similar models include the Vision Transformer (base-sized model), the BLIP image captioning model, and the OWLViT object detection model. These models all leverage transformer architectures to tackle various vision-language tasks. Model inputs and outputs The clip-vit-base-patch32 model takes two main inputs: images and text. The image is passed through the ViT image encoder, while the text is passed through the Transformer text encoder. The model then outputs a similarity score between the image and text, indicating how well they match. Inputs Images**: The model accepts images of various sizes and formats, which are then processed and resized to a fixed resolution. Text**: The model can handle a wide range of text inputs, from single-word prompts to full sentences or paragraphs. Outputs Similarity scores**: The primary output of the model is a similarity score between the input image and text, indicating how well they match. This score can be used for tasks like zero-shot image classification or image-text retrieval. Capabilities The clip-vit-base-patch32 model is particularly adept at zero-shot image classification, where it can classify images into a wide range of categories without any fine-tuning. This makes the model highly versatile and applicable to a variety of tasks, such as identifying objects, scenes, or activities in images. Additionally, the model's ability to understand the relationship between images and text can be leveraged for tasks like image-text retrieval, where the model can find relevant images for a given text prompt, or vice versa. What can I use it for? The clip-vit-base-patch32 model is primarily intended for use by AI researchers and developers. Some potential applications include: Zero-shot image classification**: Leveraging the model's ability to classify images into a wide range of categories without fine-tuning. Image-text retrieval**: Finding relevant images for a given text prompt, or vice versa, using the model's understanding of image-text relationships. Multimodal learning**: Exploring the potential of combining vision and language models for tasks like visual question answering or image captioning. Probing model biases and limitations**: Studying the model's performance and behavior on a variety of tasks and datasets to better understand its strengths and weaknesses. Things to try One interesting aspect of the clip-vit-base-patch32 model is its ability to perform zero-shot image classification. You could try providing the model with a diverse set of images and text prompts, and see how well it can match the images to the appropriate categories. Another interesting experiment could be to explore the model's performance on more complex, compositional tasks, such as generating images that combine multiple objects or scenes. This could help uncover any limitations in the model's understanding of visual relationships and scene composition. Finally, you could investigate how the model's performance varies across different datasets and domains, to better understand its generalization capabilities and potential biases.

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The clip-vit-base-patch16 model is a CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) model developed by researchers at OpenAI. CLIP is a multi-modal model that learns to align image and text representations by maximizing the similarity of matching pairs during training. The clip-vit-base-patch16 variant uses a Vision Transformer (ViT) architecture as the image encoder, with a patch size of 16x16 pixels. Similar models include the clip-vit-base-patch32 model, which has a larger patch size of 32x32, as well as the owlvit-base-patch32 model, which extends CLIP for zero-shot object detection tasks. The fashion-clip model is a version of CLIP that has been fine-tuned on a large fashion dataset to improve performance on fashion-related tasks. Model inputs and outputs The clip-vit-base-patch16 model takes two types of inputs: images and text. Images can be provided as PIL Image objects or numpy arrays, and text can be provided as a list of strings. The model outputs image-text similarity scores, which represent how well the given text matches the given image. Inputs Images**: PIL Image objects or numpy arrays representing the input images Text**: List of strings representing the text captions to be matched to the images Outputs Logits**: A tensor of image-text similarity scores, where higher values indicate a better match between the image and text Capabilities The clip-vit-base-patch16 model is capable of performing zero-shot image classification, where it can classify images into a large number of categories without requiring any fine-tuning or training on labeled data. It achieves this by leveraging the learned alignment between image and text representations, allowing it to match images to relevant text captions. What can I use it for? The clip-vit-base-patch16 model is well-suited for a variety of computer vision tasks that require understanding the semantic content of images, such as image search, visual question answering, and image-based retrieval. For example, you could use the model to build an image search engine that allows users to search for images by describing what they are looking for in natural language. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the clip-vit-base-patch16 model is to explore its zero-shot capabilities on a diverse set of image classification tasks. By providing the model with text descriptions of the classes you want to classify, you can see how well it performs without any fine-tuning or task-specific training. This can help you understand the model's strengths and limitations, and identify areas where it may need further improvement. Another interesting direction is to investigate the model's robustness to different types of image transformations and perturbations, such as changes in lighting, orientation, or occlusion. Understanding the model's sensitivity to these factors can inform how it might be applied in real-world scenarios.

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