
Maintainer: Qwen

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model overview

CodeQwen1.5-7B-Chat is a transformer-based language model developed by Qwen. It is a code-specific version of the larger Qwen1.5 model series, which includes language models of various sizes. CodeQwen1.5-7B-Chat is trained on a large amount of code data and excels at tasks like text-to-SQL, bug fixing, and more. Compared to the original Qwen1.5 model, CodeQwen1.5-7B-Chat has strong code generation capabilities and can handle long contexts of up to 64K tokens across 92 coding languages.

Model inputs and outputs


  • Text: CodeQwen1.5-7B-Chat can accept text inputs for various code-related tasks, such as prompts for code generation, text-to-SQL, and bug fixes.


  • Text: The model generates text outputs, which can include code, SQL queries, or natural language responses related to the input.


CodeQwen1.5-7B-Chat demonstrates impressive performance across a range of benchmarks, including text-to-SQL, bug fixing, and more. It can generate high-quality code and maintain coherence over long contexts of up to 64K tokens.

What can I use it for?

CodeQwen1.5-7B-Chat can be a valuable tool for developers and data analysts who need assistance with code-related tasks. It can be used to generate code snippets, fix bugs, translate natural language to SQL queries, and more. The model's strong performance and ability to handle long contexts make it well-suited for complex, multi-step coding and data analysis projects.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of CodeQwen1.5-7B-Chat is its support for a wide range of coding languages, which allows users to directly enhance the model's capabilities in specific languages without the need to expand the vocabulary. This can be particularly useful for developers working in less common programming languages or those who need multilingual support for their projects.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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CodeQwen1.5-7B is a transformer-based decoder-only language model developed by Qwen. It is a code-specific version of the Qwen1.5 model, trained on a large corpus of code data to develop strong code generation capabilities. The model supports understanding and generating code in 92 programming languages, and has demonstrated competitive performance on benchmarks like text-to-SQL and bug fixing. Model inputs and outputs CodeQwen1.5-7B is a language model designed for code-related tasks. It can take in long-form context of up to 64,000 tokens and generate relevant code or text output. The model supports a wide range of code-related tasks, from code generation to text-to-SQL translation. Inputs Long-form code or text context of up to 64,000 tokens Outputs Generated code or text output relevant to the input Capabilities CodeQwen1.5-7B has strong code generation capabilities, allowing it to produce high-quality code in a variety of programming languages. The model also excels at tasks like text-to-SQL translation and bug fixing, demonstrating its versatility in code-related applications. What can I use it for? You can use CodeQwen1.5-7B for a variety of code-related projects, such as: Generating code from natural language prompts Translating text to SQL queries Fixing bugs in existing code Assisting with code refactoring and optimization Things to try One interesting aspect of CodeQwen1.5-7B is its ability to understand and generate code in a wide range of programming languages. This makes it a valuable tool for developers working on cross-language projects or who need to interact with code in multiple languages.

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The Qwen1.5-7B-Chat is a 7 billion parameter transformer-based decoder-only language model pretrained by Qwen, a large language model series proposed by Alibaba Cloud. It is the beta version of the upcoming Qwen2 model and includes several key improvements over the previous Qwen model, such as 8 different model sizes, significantly better performance on chat tasks, multilingual support, and stable support for up to 32k context length. The model is built using the transformer architecture with various techniques like SwiGLU activation, attention QKV bias, group query attention, and a mixture of sliding window attention and full attention. It also uses an improved tokenizer that is adaptive to multiple natural languages and codes. Overall, the Qwen1.5-7B-Chat model aims to provide a large, high-performing language model with enhanced conversational and multilingual capabilities. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Prompt**: Natural language text that the model will use as the initial input to generate a response. Chat history (optional)**: A list of previous messages in a multi-turn conversation that the model can use as context. Outputs Generated text**: The model's response, which continues the conversation or provides information based on the input prompt. Capabilities The Qwen1.5-7B-Chat model has demonstrated strong performance on a variety of benchmarks, including C-Eval for Chinese language understanding, MMLU for English language understanding, and HumanEval for coding tasks. It outperforms similarly sized open-source models in these evaluations, showcasing its capabilities in areas like commonsense reasoning, mathematical problem-solving, and code generation. What can I use it for? The Qwen1.5-7B-Chat model can be used for a wide variety of natural language processing tasks, such as: Conversational AI**: The model's strong performance on chat tasks makes it well-suited for building conversational AI assistants that can engage in natural, contextual dialogues. Content generation**: The model can be used to generate high-quality text on a variety of topics, from creative writing to technical documentation. Multilingual applications**: The model's support for multiple languages allows it to be used in global applications that need to serve users from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Things to try One interesting aspect of the Qwen1.5-7B-Chat model is its ability to handle long-context inputs and outputs. By incorporating techniques like NTK-aware interpolation and LogN attention scaling, the model can maintain performance even when working with text sequences up to 32,000 tokens long. This makes it well-suited for tasks like long-form document summarization or multi-turn, contextual conversations. Another notable feature is the model's support for ReAct Prompting, which allows it to interact with external tools and APIs during the generation process. This can be useful for building AI agents that can flexibly combine language understanding with information retrieval, data analysis, and other capabilities. Overall, the Qwen1.5-7B-Chat model represents a powerful and versatile language model that can be applied to a wide range of natural language processing tasks, with particular strengths in areas like conversational AI, multilingual applications, and long-context understanding.

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Qwen1.5-14B-Chat is the 14 billion parameter version of the Qwen series of large language models developed by Qwen. Qwen1.5 is an improved version of the previous Qwen models, with increased model sizes ranging from 0.5B to 72B parameters, as well as enhanced performance in human preference for chat models, multilingual support, and longer context lengths. The Qwen1.5-14B-Chat model is a decoder-only transformer-based language model that has been trained on a large volume of data, including web texts, books, code, and more. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Textual prompts**: Qwen1.5-14B-Chat takes in text-based prompts as input, which can include natural language, code, or a mix of the two. System messages**: The model also supports the use of system messages to provide context or set the behavior and personality of the model. Outputs Textual responses**: Based on the input prompt, Qwen1.5-14B-Chat generates relevant and coherent textual responses. The model can output a wide range of content, from natural language to code. Capabilities The Qwen1.5-14B-Chat model has shown strong performance across a variety of benchmarks, including C-Eval, MMLU, HumanEval, and GSM8K. It demonstrates capabilities in areas such as commonsense reasoning, language understanding, code generation, and math problem-solving. The model's large size and diverse training data allow it to handle long-form text and long-context understanding tasks effectively. What can I use it for? Qwen1.5-14B-Chat can be used for a wide range of natural language processing and generation tasks. Some potential use cases include: Conversational AI**: The model can be used to build chatbots and virtual assistants that engage in natural, multi-turn conversations. Content generation**: Qwen1.5-14B-Chat can be used to generate high-quality text, such as articles, stories, or creative writing. Code generation**: The model's capabilities in code understanding and generation make it suitable for tasks like automated programming, code completion, and code refactoring. Question-answering**: The model can be used to build question-answering systems that provide informative and relevant responses to user queries. Things to try One key aspect of Qwen1.5-14B-Chat is its ability to handle long-form text and long-context understanding tasks. Developers can experiment with using the model for tasks that require reasoning over extended passages of text, such as summarization, question-answering, or dialogue systems. Additionally, the model's diverse training data and multilingual support make it a valuable tool for building applications that need to work across multiple languages and domains.

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The Qwen1.5-32B-Chat is a powerful language model developed by the team at Qwen. This model is part of the Qwen1.5 series, which includes different model sizes ranging from 0.5B to 72B parameters. The Qwen1.5-32B-Chat is the 32B-parameter version, which has been designed for exceptional chat and conversational capabilities. Compared to previous versions of Qwen, the Qwen1.5 series includes several key improvements, such as: Support for 8 different model sizes, from 0.5B to 72B parameters Significant performance gains in human preference evaluations for chat models Multilingual support for both base and chat models Stable 32K context length support for all model sizes No requirement for trust_remote_code The Qwen1.5-14B-Chat, Qwen1.5-7B-Chat, and Qwen1.5-72B-Chat models are similar in architecture and capabilities to the Qwen1.5-32B-Chat. Model inputs and outputs Inputs The Qwen1.5-32B-Chat model takes natural language text as input, often in the form of conversational messages or prompts. The model supports long-form input, with a stable context length of up to 32,000 tokens. Outputs The model generates natural language text as output, continuing the conversation or providing a response to the input prompt. The output can range from short, concise responses to longer, more elaborated text, depending on the input and the intended use case. Capabilities The Qwen1.5-32B-Chat model has been designed with exceptional chat and conversational capabilities. It can engage in multi-turn dialogues, understand context, and generate coherent and relevant responses. The model has been trained on a large and diverse dataset, allowing it to handle a wide range of topics and use cases. What can I use it for? The Qwen1.5-32B-Chat model can be used for a variety of applications that require natural language processing and generation, such as: Building conversational AI assistants or chatbots Generating personalized and engaging content for marketing, customer service, or education Assisting with writing tasks, such as content creation, brainstorming, or ideation Enhancing user interactions and experiences in various applications and services Things to try One interesting aspect of the Qwen1.5-32B-Chat model is its ability to handle long-form input and maintain coherent context over multiple turns of conversation. You could try providing the model with a lengthy prompt or scenario and see how it responds and continues the discussion, demonstrating its understanding and reasoning capabilities. Additionally, the model's multilingual support enables you to explore its performance across different languages, potentially unlocking new use cases or applications in diverse global markets.

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