
Maintainer: kohya-ss

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Last updated 5/28/2024

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Model overview

The controlnet-lllite model is an experimental pre-trained AI model developed by the maintainer kohya-ss. It is designed to work with the Stable Diffusion image generation model, providing additional control over the generated outputs through various conditioning methods. This model builds upon the ControlNet architecture, which has demonstrated the ability to guide Stable Diffusion's outputs using different types of conditioning inputs.

The controlnet-lllite model comes in several variants, trained on different conditioning methods such as blur, canny edge detection, depth, and more. These variants can be used with the sd-webui-controlnet extension for AUTOMATIC1111's Stable Diffusion web UI, as well as the ControlNet-LLLite-ComfyUI inference tool.

Similar models include the qinglong_controlnet-lllite and the sdxl-controlnet models, which also provide ControlNet functionality for Stable Diffusion. The broader ControlNet project by lllyasviel serves as the foundation for these types of models.

Model inputs and outputs


  • Conditioning image: The controlnet-lllite model takes a conditioning image as input, which can be a representation of the desired output image using various preprocessing methods like blur, canny edge detection, depth, etc. These conditioning images guide the Stable Diffusion model to generate an output image that aligns with the provided visual information.


  • Generated image: The model outputs a generated image that incorporates the guidance provided by the conditioning input. The quality and fidelity of the output image will depend on the specific variant of the controlnet-lllite model used, as well as the quality and appropriateness of the conditioning input.


The controlnet-lllite model demonstrates the ability to guide Stable Diffusion's image generation process using various types of conditioning inputs. This allows users to have more fine-grained control over the generated outputs, enabling them to create images that align with specific visual references or styles.

For example, using the blur variant of the controlnet-lllite model, users can provide a blurred version of the desired image as the conditioning input, and the model will generate an output that maintains the overall composition and structure while adding more detail and clarity. Similarly, the canny edge detection and depth variants can be used to guide the generation process based on the edges or depth information of the desired image.

What can I use it for?

The controlnet-lllite model can be particularly useful for tasks that require more control over the generated outputs, such as:

  • Image editing and manipulation: By providing conditioning inputs that represent the desired changes or modifications, users can generate new images that align with their vision, making it easier to edit or refine existing images.
  • Concept art and sketching: The model's ability to work with various conditioning inputs, such as sketches or line drawings, can be leveraged to generate more detailed and polished concept art or illustrations.
  • Product visualizations: The model's capabilities can be used to create realistic product visualizations by providing conditioning inputs that represent the desired product design or features.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of the controlnet-lllite model is its versatility in handling different types of conditioning inputs. Users can experiment with various preprocessing techniques on their reference images, such as applying different levels of blur, edge detection, or depth estimation, and observe how the generated outputs vary based on these changes.

Additionally, users can explore combining the controlnet-lllite model with other LoRA (Learned Residual Adapters) or fine-tuning techniques to further enhance the model's performance or adapt it to specific use cases or styles. By leveraging the model's flexibility and incorporating additional customization, users can unlock new creative possibilities and tailor the generated outputs to their specific needs.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

Related Models




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The qinglong_controlnet-lllite model is a pre-trained AI model developed by the maintainer bdsqlsz that focuses on image-to-image tasks. It is based on the ControlNet architecture, which allows for additional conditional control over text-to-image diffusion models like Stable Diffusion. This particular model was trained on anime-style data and can be used to generate, enhance, or modify images with an anime aesthetic. Similar models include the TTPLanet_SDXL_Controlnet_Tile_Realistic model, which is a Controlnet-based model trained for realistic image enhancement, and the control_v11f1e_sd15_tile model, which is a Controlnet v1.1 checkpoint trained for image tiling. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Image**: The model takes an input image, which can be used to guide the generation or enhancement process. Outputs Image**: The model outputs a new image, either generated from scratch or enhanced based on the input image. Capabilities The qinglong_controlnet-lllite model is capable of generating, enhancing, or modifying images with an anime-style aesthetic. It can be used to create new anime-style artwork, refine existing anime images, or integrate anime elements into other types of images. What can I use it for? The qinglong_controlnet-lllite model can be useful for a variety of applications, such as: Anime art generation**: Create new anime-style artwork from scratch or by using an input image as a starting point. Anime image enhancement**: Refine and improve the quality of existing anime images, such as by adding more detail or correcting flaws. Anime-style image integration**: Incorporate anime-style elements, like characters or backgrounds, into non-anime images to create a fusion of styles. Things to try Some interesting things to explore with the qinglong_controlnet-lllite model include: Experimenting with different input images to see how the model responds and how the output can be modified. Trying the model with a variety of prompts, both specific and open-ended, to see the range of anime-style outputs it can generate. Combining the model's outputs with other image editing or processing techniques to create unique and compelling visual effects.

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AI model preview image



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The sdxl-controlnet model is a powerful AI tool developed by lucataco that combines the capabilities of SDXL, a text-to-image generative model, with the ControlNet framework. This allows for fine-tuned control over the generated images, enabling users to create highly detailed and realistic scenes. The model is particularly adept at generating aerial views of futuristic research complexes in bright, foggy jungle environments with hard lighting. Model inputs and outputs The sdxl-controlnet model takes several inputs, including an input image, a text prompt, a negative prompt, the number of inference steps, and a condition scale for the ControlNet conditioning. The output is a new image that reflects the input prompt and image. Inputs Image**: The input image, which can be used for img2img or inpainting modes. Prompt**: The text prompt describing the desired image, such as "aerial view, a futuristic research complex in a bright foggy jungle, hard lighting". Negative Prompt**: Text to avoid in the generated image, such as "low quality, bad quality, sketches". Num Inference Steps**: The number of denoising steps to perform, up to 500. Condition Scale**: The ControlNet conditioning scale for generalization, between 0 and 1. Outputs Output Image**: The generated image that reflects the input prompt and image. Capabilities The sdxl-controlnet model is capable of generating highly detailed and realistic images based on text prompts, with the added benefit of ControlNet conditioning for fine-tuned control over the output. This makes it a powerful tool for tasks such as architectural visualization, landscape design, and even science fiction concept art. What can I use it for? The sdxl-controlnet model can be used for a variety of creative and professional applications. For example, architects and designers could use it to visualize their concepts for futuristic research complexes or other built environments. Artists and illustrators could leverage it to create stunning science fiction landscapes and scenes. Marketers and advertisers could also use the model to generate eye-catching visuals for their campaigns. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the sdxl-controlnet model is to experiment with the condition scale parameter. By adjusting this value, you can control the degree of influence the input image has on the final output, allowing you to strike a balance between the prompt-based generation and the input image. This can lead to some fascinating and unexpected results, especially when working with more abstract or conceptual input images.

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The controlnet-openpose-sdxl-1.0 model is a powerful ControlNet model developed by xinsir that can generate high-resolution images visually comparable to Midjourney. The model was trained on a large dataset of over 10 million carefully filtered and annotated images. It uses useful data augmentation techniques and multi-resolution training to enhance the model's performance. The similar controlnet-canny-sdxl-1.0 and controlnet-scribble-sdxl-1.0 models also show impressive results, with the scribble model being more general and better at generating visually appealing images, while the canny model is stronger at controlling local regions of the generated image. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Image**: The model takes a image as input, which is used as a conditioning signal to guide the image generation process. Prompt**: The model accepts a text prompt that describes the desired output image. Outputs Generated image**: The model outputs a high-resolution image that is visually comparable to Midjourney, based on the provided prompt and conditioning image. Capabilities The controlnet-openpose-sdxl-1.0 model can generate a wide variety of images, from detailed and realistic scenes to fantastical and imaginative concepts. The examples provided show the model's ability to generate images of people, animals, objects, and scenes with a high level of detail and visual appeal. What can I use it for? The controlnet-openpose-sdxl-1.0 model can be used for a variety of creative and practical applications, such as: Art and design**: The model can be used to generate concept art, illustrations, and other visually striking images for use in various media, such as books, games, and films. Product visualization**: The model can be used to create realistic and visually appealing product images for e-commerce, marketing, and other business applications. Educational and scientific visualizations**: The model can be used to generate images that help explain complex concepts or visualize data in an engaging and intuitive way. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the controlnet-openpose-sdxl-1.0 model is to experiment with different types of conditioning images, such as human pose estimation, line art, or even simple scribbles. The model's ability to adapt to a wide range of conditioning signals can lead to unexpected and creative results, allowing users to explore new artistic possibilities. Additionally, users can try combining the controlnet-openpose-sdxl-1.0 model with other AI-powered tools, such as text-to-image generation or image editing software, to create even more sophisticated and compelling visual content.

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ControlNet is a neural network structure developed by Lvmin Zhang and Maneesh Agrawala to control diffusion models by adding extra conditions. It allows large diffusion models like Stable Diffusion to be augmented with various types of conditional inputs like edge maps, segmentation maps, keypoints, and more. This can enrich the methods to control large diffusion models and facilitate related applications. The maintainer, lllyasviel, has released 14 different ControlNet checkpoints, each trained on Stable Diffusion v1-5 with a different type of conditioning. These include models for canny edge detection, depth estimation, line art generation, pose estimation, and more. The checkpoints allow users to guide the generation process with these auxiliary inputs, resulting in images that adhere to the specified conditions. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Conditioning image**: An image that provides additional guidance to the model, such as edges, depth, segmentation, poses, etc. The type of conditioning image depends on the specific ControlNet checkpoint being used. Outputs Generated image**: The image generated by the diffusion model, guided by the provided conditioning image. Capabilities ControlNet enables fine-grained control over the output of large diffusion models like Stable Diffusion. By incorporating specific visual conditions, users can generate images that adhere to the desired constraints, such as having a particular edge structure, depth map, or pose arrangement. This can be useful for a variety of applications, from product design to creative art generation. What can I use it for? The ControlNet models can be used in a wide range of applications that require precise control over the generated imagery. Some potential use cases include: Product design**: Generating product renderings based on 3D models or sketches Architectural visualization**: Creating photorealistic architectural scenes from floor plans or massing models Creative art generation**: Producing unique artworks by combining diffusion with specific visual elements Illustration and comics**: Generating illustrations or comic panels with desired line art, poses, or color palettes Educational tools**: Creating custom training datasets or visualization aids for computer vision tasks Things to try One interesting aspect of ControlNet is the ability to combine multiple conditioning inputs to guide the generation process. For example, you could use a depth map and a segmentation map together to create a more detailed and coherent output. Additionally, experimenting with the conditioning scales and the balance between the text prompt and the visual input can lead to unique and unexpected results. Another area to explore is the potential of ControlNet to enable interactive, iterative image generation. By allowing users to gradually refine the conditioning images, the model can be guided towards a desired output in an incremental fashion, similar to how artists work.

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