
Maintainer: lllyasviel

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model overview

ControlNet-v1-1 is a powerful AI model developed by Lvmin Zhang that enables conditional control over text-to-image diffusion models like Stable Diffusion. This model builds upon the original ControlNet by adding new capabilities and improving existing ones.

The key innovation of ControlNet is its ability to accept additional input conditions beyond just text prompts, such as edge maps, depth maps, segmentation, and more. This allows users to guide the image generation process in very specific ways, unlocking a wide range of creative possibilities. For example, the control_v11p_sd15_canny model is trained to generate images conditioned on canny edge detection, while the control_v11p_sd15_openpose model is trained on human pose estimation.

Model inputs and outputs


  • Condition Image: An auxiliary image that provides additional guidance for the text-to-image generation process. This could be an edge map, depth map, segmentation, or other type of conditioning image.
  • Text Prompt: A natural language description of the desired output image.


  • Generated Image: The final output image generated by the model based on the text prompt and condition image.


ControlNet-v1-1 is highly versatile, allowing users to leverage a wide range of conditioning inputs to guide the image generation process. This enables fine-grained control over the output, enabling everything from realistic scene generation to stylized and abstract art. The model has also been trained on a diverse dataset, allowing it to handle a broad range of subject matter and styles.

What can I use it for?

ControlNet-v1-1 opens up many creative possibilities for users. Artists and designers can use it to generate custom illustrations, concept art, and product visualizations by providing targeted conditioning inputs. Developers can integrate it into applications that require image generation, such as virtual world builders, game assets, and interactive experiences. Researchers may also find it useful for exploring new frontiers in conditional image synthesis.

Things to try

One interesting thing to try with ControlNet-v1-1 is experimenting with different types of conditioning inputs. For example, you could start with a simple line drawing and see how the model generates a detailed, realistic image. Or you could try providing a depth map or surface normal map to guide the model towards generating a 3D-like scene. The possibilities are endless, and the model's flexibility allows for a wide range of creative exploration.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

Related Models




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The ControlNet is an AI model designed for image-to-image tasks. While the platform did not provide a detailed description, we can compare it to similar models like ControlNet-v1-1_fp16_safetensors, Control_any3, and MiniGPT-4, which also focus on image manipulation and generation. Model inputs and outputs The ControlNet model takes in various types of image data as inputs and produces transformed or generated images as outputs. This allows for tasks like image editing, enhancement, and style transfer. Inputs Image data in various formats Outputs Transformed or generated image data Capabilities The ControlNet model is capable of performing a range of image-to-image tasks, such as image editing, enhancement, and style transfer. It can be used to manipulate and generate images in creative ways. What can I use it for? The ControlNet model can be used for various applications, such as visual effects, graphic design, and content creation. For example, you could use it to enhance photos, create artistic renderings, or generate custom graphics for a company's marketing materials. Things to try With the ControlNet model, you can experiment with different input images and settings to see how it transforms and generates new visuals. You could try mixing different image styles, exploring the limits of its capabilities, or integrating it into a larger project or workflow.

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controlnet_1-1 is the latest nightly release of the ControlNet model from maintainer rossjillian. ControlNet is an AI model that can be used to control the generation of Stable Diffusion images by providing additional information as input, such as edge maps, depth maps, or segmentation masks. This release includes improvements to the robustness and quality of the previous ControlNet 1.0 models, as well as the addition of several new models. The ControlNet 1.1 models are designed to be more flexible and work well with a variety of preprocessors and combinations of multiple ControlNets. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Image**: The input image to be used as a guide for the Stable Diffusion generation. Prompt**: The text prompt describing the desired output image. Structure**: The additional control information, such as edge maps, depth maps, or segmentation masks, to guide the image generation. Num Samples**: The number of output images to generate. Image Resolution**: The resolution of the output images. Additional parameters**: Various optional parameters to control the diffusion process, such as scale, steps, and noise. Outputs Output Images**: The generated images that match the provided prompt and control information. Capabilities The controlnet_1-1 model can be used to control the generation of Stable Diffusion images in a variety of ways. For example, the Depth, Normal, Canny, and MLSD models can be used to guide the generation of images with specific structural features, while the Segmentation, Openpose, and Lineart models can be used to control the semantic content of the generated images. The Scribble and Soft Edge models can be used to provide more abstract control over the image generation process. The Shuffle and Instruct Pix2Pix models in controlnet_1-1 introduce new capabilities for image stylization and transformation. The Tile model can be used to perform tiled diffusion, allowing for the generation of high-resolution images while maintaining local semantic control. What can I use it for? The controlnet_1-1 models can be used in a wide range of creative and generative applications, such as: Concept art and illustration**: Use the Depth, Normal, Canny, and MLSD models to generate images with specific structural features, or the Segmentation, Openpose, and Lineart models to control the semantic content. Architectural visualization**: Use the Depth and Normal models to generate images of buildings and interiors with realistic depth and surface properties. Character design**: Use the Openpose and Lineart models to generate images of characters with specific poses and visual styles. Image editing and enhancement**: Use the Soft Edge, Inpaint, and Tile models to improve the quality and coherence of generated images. Image stylization**: Use the Shuffle and Instruct Pix2Pix models to transform images into different artistic styles. Things to try One interesting capability of the controlnet_1-1 models is the ability to combine multiple control inputs, such as using both Canny and Depth information to guide the generation of an image. This can lead to more detailed and coherent outputs, as the different control signals reinforce and complement each other. Another interesting aspect of the Tile model is its ability to maintain local semantic control during high-resolution image generation. This can be useful for creating large-scale artworks or scenes where specific details need to be preserved. The Shuffle and Instruct Pix2Pix models also offer unique opportunities for creative experimentation, as they can be used to transform images in unexpected and surprising ways. By combining these models with the other ControlNet models, users can explore a wide range of image generation and manipulation possibilities.

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ControlNet is a neural network structure developed by Lvmin Zhang and Maneesh Agrawala to control diffusion models by adding extra conditions. It allows large diffusion models like Stable Diffusion to be augmented with various types of conditional inputs like edge maps, segmentation maps, keypoints, and more. This can enrich the methods to control large diffusion models and facilitate related applications. The maintainer, lllyasviel, has released 14 different ControlNet checkpoints, each trained on Stable Diffusion v1-5 with a different type of conditioning. These include models for canny edge detection, depth estimation, line art generation, pose estimation, and more. The checkpoints allow users to guide the generation process with these auxiliary inputs, resulting in images that adhere to the specified conditions. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Conditioning image**: An image that provides additional guidance to the model, such as edges, depth, segmentation, poses, etc. The type of conditioning image depends on the specific ControlNet checkpoint being used. Outputs Generated image**: The image generated by the diffusion model, guided by the provided conditioning image. Capabilities ControlNet enables fine-grained control over the output of large diffusion models like Stable Diffusion. By incorporating specific visual conditions, users can generate images that adhere to the desired constraints, such as having a particular edge structure, depth map, or pose arrangement. This can be useful for a variety of applications, from product design to creative art generation. What can I use it for? The ControlNet models can be used in a wide range of applications that require precise control over the generated imagery. Some potential use cases include: Product design**: Generating product renderings based on 3D models or sketches Architectural visualization**: Creating photorealistic architectural scenes from floor plans or massing models Creative art generation**: Producing unique artworks by combining diffusion with specific visual elements Illustration and comics**: Generating illustrations or comic panels with desired line art, poses, or color palettes Educational tools**: Creating custom training datasets or visualization aids for computer vision tasks Things to try One interesting aspect of ControlNet is the ability to combine multiple conditioning inputs to guide the generation process. For example, you could use a depth map and a segmentation map together to create a more detailed and coherent output. Additionally, experimenting with the conditioning scales and the balance between the text prompt and the visual input can lead to unique and unexpected results. Another area to explore is the potential of ControlNet to enable interactive, iterative image generation. By allowing users to gradually refine the conditioning images, the model can be guided towards a desired output in an incremental fashion, similar to how artists work.

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The controlnet model is a versatile AI system designed for controlling diffusion models. It was created by the Replicate AI developer rossjillian. The controlnet model can be used in conjunction with other diffusion models like stable-diffusion to enable fine-grained control over the generated outputs. This can be particularly useful for tasks like generating photorealistic images or applying specific visual effects. The controlnet model builds upon previous work like controlnet_1-1 and photorealistic-fx-controlnet, offering additional capabilities and refinements. Model inputs and outputs The controlnet model takes a variety of inputs to guide the generation process, including an input image, a prompt, a scale value, the number of steps, and more. These inputs allow users to precisely control aspects of the output, such as the overall style, the level of detail, and the presence of specific visual elements. The model outputs one or more generated images that reflect the specified inputs. Inputs Image**: The input image to condition on Prompt**: The text prompt describing the desired output Scale**: The scale for classifier-free guidance, controlling the balance between the prompt and the input image Steps**: The number of diffusion steps to perform Scheduler**: The scheduler algorithm to use for the diffusion process Structure**: The specific controlnet structure to condition on, such as canny edges or depth maps Num Outputs**: The number of images to generate Low/High Threshold**: Thresholds for canny edge detection Negative Prompt**: Text to avoid in the generated output Image Resolution**: The desired resolution of the output image Outputs One or more generated images reflecting the specified inputs Capabilities The controlnet model excels at generating photorealistic images with a high degree of control over the output. By leveraging the capabilities of diffusion models like stable-diffusion and combining them with precise control over visual elements, the controlnet model can produce stunning and visually compelling results. This makes it a powerful tool for a wide range of applications, from art and design to visual effects and product visualization. What can I use it for? The controlnet model can be used in a variety of creative and professional applications. For artists and designers, it can be a valuable tool for generating concept art, illustrations, and even finished artworks. Developers working on visual effects or product visualization can leverage the model's capabilities to create photorealistic imagery with a high degree of customization. Marketers and advertisers may find the controlnet model useful for generating compelling product images or promotional visuals. Things to try One interesting aspect of the controlnet model is its ability to generate images based on different types of control inputs, such as canny edge maps, depth maps, or segmentation masks. Experimenting with these different control structures can lead to unique and unexpected results, allowing users to explore a wide range of visual styles and effects. Additionally, by adjusting the scale, steps, and other parameters, users can fine-tune the balance between the input image and the text prompt, leading to a diverse range of output possibilities.

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