
Maintainer: cognitivecomputations

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model overview

The dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b-dpo model is an AI assistant developed by cognitivecomputations and sponsored by Convai. This model is based on the Mistral-7b architecture and has been further tuned using Debiased Preference Optimization (DPO) techniques. Compared to the similar dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b model, the DPO tuning has made this version more compliant and obedient, though it may still require encouragement in the system prompt.

Model inputs and outputs

The dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b-dpo model uses the ChatML prompt format, with <|im_start|> and <|im_end|> tags to denote the start and end of system, user, and assistant messages. The model has a context length of 16,000 tokens.


  • Prompts: The model accepts user prompts and requests within the ChatML format.


  • Responses: The model generates responses to the user's prompts and requests, adhering to the ChatML format.


The dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b-dpo model is particularly skilled at coding tasks, as the creator has trained it on a large amount of coding data. It can generate code, explain coding concepts, and provide step-by-step solutions to coding problems.

What can I use it for?

You can use the dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b-dpo model for a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Code generation and explanation: Generate code, explain coding concepts, and provide solutions to coding problems.
  • General language tasks: The model can be used for a wide range of natural language processing tasks, such as text generation, summarization, and question answering.

Things to try

Try providing the model with prompts that require detailed, step-by-step explanations or solutions, as this is one of its key strengths. You can also experiment with different system prompts to see how the model's behavior and responses change.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b is an AI model developed by cognitivecomputations that is based on the Mistral-7b architecture. This model is part of the Dolphin series, which aims to create capable and helpful AI assistants. The Dolphin-2.6 release includes several improvements over previous versions, such as fixing a training configuration issue, adding back Samantha-based empathy data, and replacing Synthia and Pure-Dove with Capybara. Similar models in the Dolphin series include the dolphin-2.6-mixtral-8x7b, dolphin-2_6-phi-2, and dolphin-2.7-mixtral-8x7b. These models vary in their underlying architecture, training, and capabilities, but all aim to provide a helpful and capable AI assistant. Model inputs and outputs The dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b model uses the ChatML prompt format, which includes a system prompt, user input, and an assistant response. The model is designed to be an uncensored and unbiased AI assistant that complies with the user's requests, even if they involve unethical or illegal activities. Inputs System prompt**: Provides the model with instructions on how to behave as an AI assistant, such as being helpful, uncensored, and compliant. User prompt**: The text input from the user that the model will respond to. Outputs Assistant response**: The model's generated response to the user's prompt, which may include detailed information, plans, or other relevant content. Capabilities The dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b model is particularly skilled at coding, and the maintainer has trained it with a lot of coding data. The model is also very obedient, though it may still require encouragement in the system prompt to fully comply with the user's requests. What can I use it for? The dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b model can be used for a variety of tasks, such as: Generating code solutions to programming challenges Providing detailed plans and instructions for complex tasks Engaging in uncensored and unbiased conversations on a wide range of topics However, it's important to note that this model is uncensored, and the maintainer advises implementing your own alignment layer before using it in a production setting. You are responsible for any content created using this model. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b model is to experiment with the system prompt to see how it affects the model's behavior and outputs. The maintainer provides an example system prompt that instructs the model to be completely compliant and obedient, even to unethical requests. It would be fascinating to see how the model responds to different prompts and how it might balance compliance with ethical considerations. Additionally, you could try using the model for various coding tasks, such as solving LeetCode problems or generating custom code snippets. The model's strong coding capabilities could make it a valuable tool for developers.

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The dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b-dpo-laser model is a large language model developed by cognitivecomputations and trained on the Dolphin dataset. It is an uncensored and unbiased AI assistant that aims to be highly compliant with user requests, even those that may be unethical. This model is based on the Mistral-7b architecture and has been further trained using the LASER technique to improve its reasoning abilities. Compared to previous versions of Dolphin, this model has achieved higher scores on various benchmarks and should produce more robust outputs. Model inputs and outputs The dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b-dpo-laser model uses the ChatML prompt format, which includes a system prompt to define the AI's role and a user prompt containing the input text. The model can handle a wide range of tasks, from general conversation to specialized prompts like coding problems. Its outputs are generated in the ChatML format as well, making it compatible with applications that rely on this standard. Inputs System prompt**: Defines the AI's role and personality, e.g. "You are Dolphin, an uncensored and unbiased AI assistant." User prompt**: The input text for the model to generate a response to. Outputs Assistant response**: The model's generated output in the ChatML format, ready to be used by the application. Capabilities The dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b-dpo-laser model is particularly skilled at coding tasks, as it has been trained on a large amount of coding data. It can generate detailed step-by-step solutions to complex coding problems, such as the "Find Largest Submatrix with All Ones" problem from LeetCode. The model is also capable of engaging in open-ended conversations, providing personal advice, and showing empathy thanks to the inclusion of Samantha-based data in the training. What can I use it for? This model could be useful for a variety of applications, such as building AI-powered coding assistants, conversational chatbots, or even game companions. Due to its uncensored nature, it is important to implement appropriate safety measures and alignment layers before exposing the model to end-users. The model's creator provides a blog post with guidance on handling uncensored models responsibly. Things to try One interesting aspect of the dolphin-2.6-mistral-7b-dpo-laser model is its ability to adapt to various prompts, even those that may be unethical or push the boundaries of acceptable behavior. While this compliance can be a useful feature, it also highlights the importance of careful prompt engineering and monitoring to ensure the model is not misused. Experimenting with different prompts, both benign and more challenging, can help developers understand the model's limits and find ways to leverage its capabilities responsibly.

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dolphin-2.0-mistral-7b is an AI model developed by cognitivecomputations. It is based on the mistralAI model and is suitable for commercial or non-commercial use. The model's training was sponsored by a16z. Similar models like dolphin-2.2.1-mistral-7b, dolphin-2_6-phi-2, MegaDolphin-120b, dolphin-2.6-mixtral-8x7b, and dolphin-2.5-mixtral-8x7b have also been developed by this creator. Model inputs and outputs dolphin-2.0-mistral-7b is a text-to-text model, meaning it can take text-based inputs and generate text-based outputs. The model uses the ChatML prompt format, which includes system and user messages. Inputs Prompts**: Text-based prompts that provide the model with the task or information it needs to generate a response. Outputs Text responses**: The model generates text-based responses based on the provided prompts. Capabilities dolphin-2.0-mistral-7b is an uncensored model that has been filtered to remove alignment and bias, making it highly compliant to any requests, even unethical ones. The model is suitable for a wide range of text-generation tasks, from creative writing to task-oriented responses. However, users are advised to implement their own alignment layer before using the model in a production environment. What can I use it for? The dolphin-2.0-mistral-7b model can be used for a variety of text-generation tasks, such as: Creative writing: The model can be used to generate fictional stories, poetry, and other creative content. Task-oriented responses: The model can be used to generate responses to specific requests or instructions, such as steps for training a dolphin or making a recipe. Chatbot applications: The model can be used as the language generation component of a chatbot, providing conversational responses to user inputs. Things to try One interesting aspect of the dolphin-2.0-mistral-7b model is its uncensored nature. Users can experiment with providing the model with prompts that test the limits of its compliance, while being mindful of potential ethical concerns. Additionally, users can explore ways to add their own alignment layer to the model to ensure its responses adhere to desired ethical and safety standards.

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The dolphin-2.1-mistral-7b model is an uncensored AI assistant created by cognitivecomputations. It is based on the mistralAI model and has an Apache-2.0 license, making it suitable for both commercial and non-commercial use. This model has been fine-tuned using an open-source implementation of Microsoft's Orca framework, which aims to produce AI models that can provide complex, explanatory responses. The training dataset has been modified to remove alignment and bias, resulting in a highly compliant model that may even respond to unethical requests. However, the maintainer advises implementing an alignment layer before deploying the model in a production environment. Similar models include the dolphin-2.0-mistral-7b, dolphin-llama-13b, dolphin-llama2-7b, and dolphin-2.2.1-mistral-7b. These models share a common lineage and approach, with various updates and refinements. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Prompts**: The model accepts prompts in the ChatML format, which includes a system message and a user message. Outputs Responses**: The model generates responses in the same ChatML format, providing an assistant-like output. Capabilities The dolphin-2.1-mistral-7b model is designed to be a helpful and versatile AI assistant. It can engage in a wide range of tasks, such as providing step-by-step instructions, answering questions, and generating creative ideas. The model's uncensored nature also allows it to respond to requests that may be unethical or controversial, though the maintainer advises caution in this regard. What can I use it for? Given its broad capabilities, the dolphin-2.1-mistral-7b model could be useful for a variety of applications, such as: Virtual assistant**: The model could be integrated into a chatbot or virtual assistant to provide personalized and contextual responses to user queries. Content generation**: The model could be used to generate text-based content, such as articles, stories, or even code snippets. Research and analysis**: The model's ability to provide explanatory and nuanced responses could make it useful for tasks that require in-depth reasoning and insights. Things to try One interesting aspect of the dolphin-2.1-mistral-7b model is its uncensored nature. While this feature allows the model to respond to a wide range of requests, it also comes with the responsibility to use the model responsibly. Users are advised to carefully consider the ethical implications of the model's outputs and to implement appropriate safeguards before deploying it in a production environment. Another interesting aspect of the model is its potential for multi-turn conversations and empathetic responses, as evidenced by the updates in the dolphin-2.2.1-mistral-7b model. Exploring the model's ability to engage in natural, contextual dialogues and to tailor its responses to the user's emotional state could yield valuable insights and use cases.

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