
Maintainer: THUDM

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Last updated 7/2/2024


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Model Overview

The glm-4-9b is a large language model developed by THUDM, a research group at Tsinghua University. It is part of the GLM (General Language Model) family of models, which are trained using autoregressive blank infilling techniques. The glm-4-9b model has 4.9 billion parameters and is capable of generating human-like text across a variety of domains.

Compared to similar models like Llama-3-8B, ChatGLM3-6B-Base, and GLM-4-9B-Chat, the glm-4-9b model demonstrates stronger performance on a range of benchmarks, including MMLU (+8.1%), C-Eval (+25.8%), GSM8K (+8.2%), and HumanEval (+7.9%).

Model Inputs and Outputs

The glm-4-9b model is a text-to-text transformer, which means it can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, including text generation, text summarization, and question answering.


  • Natural language text prompts


  • Generated text based on the input prompt


The glm-4-9b model has shown strong performance on a variety of natural language tasks, including open-ended question answering, common sense reasoning, and mathematical problem-solving. For example, the model can be used to generate coherent and contextually relevant responses to open-ended questions, or to solve complex math problems by breaking them down and providing step-by-step explanations.

What Can I Use It For?

The glm-4-9b model can be used for a wide range of applications, including:

  • Content Generation: The model can be used to generate high-quality, human-like text for tasks such as article writing, story generation, and dialogue systems.
  • Question Answering: The model can be used to answer open-ended questions on a variety of topics, making it useful for building intelligent assistants or knowledge-based applications.
  • Language Understanding: The model's strong performance on benchmarks like MMLU and C-Eval suggests it can be used for tasks like text summarization, sentiment analysis, and natural language inference.

Things to Try

One interesting aspect of the glm-4-9b model is its ability to perform well on mathematical problem-solving tasks. Users could try prompting the model with complex math problems and see how it responds, or experiment with combining the model's language understanding capabilities with its ability to reason about numerical concepts.

Another avenue to explore is the model's potential for multilingual applications. Since the GLM models are trained on a bilingual (Chinese and English) corpus, the glm-4-9b could be used for tasks that require understanding and generating text in both languages, such as machine translation or cross-lingual information retrieval.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

Related Models




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glm-4v-9b is a large language model developed by THUDM, a leading AI research group. It is part of the GLM (General Language Model) family, which aims to create open, bilingual language models capable of strong performance across a wide range of tasks. The glm-4v-9b model builds upon the successes of earlier GLM models, incorporating advanced techniques like autoregressive blank infilling and hybrid pretraining objectives. This allows it to achieve impressive results on benchmarks like MMBench-EN-Test, MMBench-CN-Test, and SEEDBench_IMG, outperforming models like GPT-4-turbo-2024-04-09, Gemini 1.0, and Qwen-VL-Max. Compared to similar large language models, glm-4v-9b stands out for its strong multilingual and multimodal capabilities. It can seamlessly handle both English and Chinese, and has been trained to integrate visual information with text, making it well-suited for tasks like image captioning and visual question answering. Model Inputs and Outputs Inputs Text**: The model can accept text input in the form of a conversation, with the user's message formatted as {"role": "user", "content": "query"}. Images**: Along with text, the model can also take image inputs, which are passed through the tokenizer using the image field in the input template. Outputs Text Response**: The model will generate a text response to the provided input, which can be retrieved by decoding the model's output tokens. Conversation History**: The model maintains a conversation history, which can be passed back into the model to continue the dialogue in a coherent manner. Capabilities The glm-4v-9b model has demonstrated strong performance on a wide range of benchmarks, particularly those testing multilingual and multimodal capabilities. For example, it achieves high scores on the MMBench-EN-Test (81.1), MMBench-CN-Test (79.4), and SEEDBench_IMG (76.8) tasks, showcasing its ability to understand and generate text in both English and Chinese, as well as integrate visual information. Additionally, the model has shown promising results on tasks like MMLU (58.7), AI2D (81.1), and OCRBench (786), indicating its potential for applications in areas like question answering, image understanding, and optical character recognition. What Can I Use It For? The glm-4v-9b model's strong multilingual and multimodal capabilities make it a versatile tool for a variety of applications. Some potential use cases include: Intelligent Assistants**: The model's ability to engage in natural language conversations, while also understanding and generating content related to images, makes it well-suited for building advanced virtual assistants that can handle a wide range of user requests. Multimodal Content Generation**: Leveraging the model's text-image integration capabilities, developers can create applications that generate multimedia content, such as image captions, visual narratives, or even animated stories. Multilingual Language Understanding**: Organizations operating in diverse language environments can use glm-4v-9b to build applications that can seamlessly handle both English and Chinese, enabling improved cross-cultural communication and collaboration. Research and Development**: As an open-source model, glm-4v-9b can be a valuable resource for AI researchers and developers looking to explore the latest advancements in large language models and multimodal learning. Things to Try One key feature of the glm-4v-9b model is its ability to effectively utilize both textual and visual information. Developers and researchers can experiment with incorporating image data into their applications, exploring how the model's multimodal capabilities can enhance tasks like image captioning, visual question answering, or even image-guided text generation. Another avenue to explore is the model's strong multilingual performance. Users can try interacting with the model in both English and Chinese, and observe how it maintains coherence and contextual understanding across languages. This can lead to insights on building truly global AI systems that can bridge language barriers. Finally, the model's impressive benchmark scores suggest that it could be a valuable starting point for fine-tuning or further pretraining on domain-specific datasets. Developers can experiment with adapting the model to their particular use cases, unlocking new capabilities and expanding the model's utility.

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The glm-4-9b-chat model is a powerful AI language model developed by THUDM, the Tsinghua University Department of Computer Science and Technology. This model is part of the GLM (General Language Model) series, which is a state-of-the-art language model framework focused on achieving strong performance across a variety of tasks. The glm-4-9b-chat model builds upon the GLM-4 architecture, which employs autoregressive blank infilling for pretraining. It is a 4.9 billion parameter model that has been optimized for conversational abilities, outperforming other models like Llama-3-8B-Instruct and ChatGLM3-6B on benchmarks like MMLU, C-Eval, GSM8K, and HumanEval. Similar models in the GLM series include the glm-4-9b-chat-1m which was trained on an expanded dataset of 1 million tokens, as well as other ChatGLM models from THUDM that focus on long-form text and comprehensive functionality. Model Inputs and Outputs Inputs Text**: The glm-4-9b-chat model accepts free-form text as input, which can be used to initiate a conversation or provide context for the model to build upon. Outputs Text response**: The model will generate a coherent and contextually appropriate text response based on the provided input. The response length can be up to 2500 tokens. Capabilities The glm-4-9b-chat model has been trained to engage in open-ended conversations, demonstrating strong capabilities in areas like: Natural language understanding**: The model can comprehend and respond to a wide range of conversational inputs, handling tasks like question answering, clarification, and following up on previous context. Coherent generation**: The model can produce fluent, logically consistent, and contextually relevant responses, maintaining the flow of the conversation. Multilingual support**: The model has been trained on a diverse dataset, allowing it to understand and generate text in multiple languages, including Chinese and English. Task-oriented functionality**: In addition to open-ended dialogue, the model can also handle specific tasks like code generation, math problem solving, and reasoning. What Can I Use It For? The glm-4-9b-chat model's versatility makes it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, including: Conversational AI assistants**: The model can be used to power chatbots and virtual assistants that can engage in natural, human-like dialogue across a variety of domains. Content generation**: The model can be used to generate high-quality text for tasks like article writing, story creation, and product descriptions. Education and tutoring**: The model's strong reasoning and problem-solving capabilities can make it useful for educational applications, such as providing explanations, offering feedback, and guiding students through learning tasks. Customer service**: The model's ability to understand context and provide relevant responses can make it a valuable tool for automating customer service interactions. Things to Try Some interesting experiments and use cases to explore with the glm-4-9b-chat model include: Multilingual conversations**: Try engaging the model in conversations that switch between different languages, and observe how it maintains contextual understanding and generates appropriate responses. Complex task chaining**: Challenge the model with multi-step tasks that require reasoning, planning, and executing a sequence of actions, such as solving a programming problem or planning a trip. Personalized interactions**: Experiment with ways to tailor the model's personality and communication style to specific user preferences or brand identities. Ethical and safety testing**: Evaluate the model's responses in scenarios that test its alignment with human values, its ability to detect and avoid harmful or biased outputs, and its transparency about the limitations of its knowledge and capabilities. By exploring the capabilities and limitations of the glm-4-9b-chat model, you can uncover new insights and applications that can drive innovation in the field of conversational AI.

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The glm-4-9b-chat-1m model is a 4.9 billion parameter conversational AI model created by THUDM. It is part of the GLM series of large language models. Compared to the ChatGLM-6B, ChatGLM2-6B, and ChatGLM3-6B models, the glm-4-9b-chat-1m has a smaller model size but focuses on conversational capabilities by training on 1 million conversational examples. Model inputs and outputs The glm-4-9b-chat-1m model is a text-to-text model, taking in natural language text prompts and generating relevant responses. Inputs Natural language text prompts Outputs Generated natural language text responses Capabilities The glm-4-9b-chat-1m model has strong conversational abilities, as it was trained on 1 million conversational examples. It can engage in open-ended dialogue, answer follow-up questions, and maintain coherence over multi-turn conversations. What can I use it for? The glm-4-9b-chat-1m model can be useful for building conversational AI assistants, chatbots, and dialogue systems. Its ability to participate in coherent multi-turn conversations makes it well-suited for customer service, virtual agent, and personal assistant applications. Developers can fine-tune the model further on domain-specific data to create specialized conversational agents. Things to try Try engaging the glm-4-9b-chat-1m model in open-ended conversations on a variety of topics and observe its ability to understand context, provide relevant responses, and maintain a coherent flow of dialogue. You can also experiment with different prompting techniques to see how the model responds in more specialized scenarios, such as task-oriented dialogues or creative writing.

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chatglm-6b is an open bilingual language model based on the General Language Model (GLM) framework, with 6.2 billion parameters. Using quantization techniques, users can deploy the model locally on consumer-grade graphics cards, requiring only 6GB of GPU memory at the INT4 quantization level. chatglm-6b uses technology similar to ChatGPT, optimized for Chinese Q&A and dialogue. The model is trained on approximately 1 trillion tokens of Chinese and English corpus, supplemented by supervised fine-tuning, feedback bootstrapping, and reinforcement learning with human feedback. Despite its relatively small size of around 6.2 billion parameters, the model is able to generate answers that are aligned with human preferences. Similar open-source models in the ChatGLM series include ChatGLM2-6B and ChatGLM3-6B, which build upon chatglm-6b with improvements in performance, context length, and efficiency. These models are all developed by the THUDM team. Model Inputs and Outputs Inputs Text prompts for the model to generate responses to Outputs Generated text responses based on the input prompts Dialogue history to support multi-turn conversational interactions Capabilities chatglm-6b demonstrates strong performance in Chinese Q&A and dialogue, leveraging its bilingual training corpus and optimization for these use cases. The model can engage in coherent, multi-turn conversations, drawing upon its broad knowledge to provide informative and relevant responses. What Can I Use It For? chatglm-6b can be a valuable tool for a variety of applications, such as: Chatbots and virtual assistants: The model's capabilities in natural language understanding and generation make it well-suited for building conversational AI assistants. Content creation and generation: The model can be fine-tuned or prompted to generate various types of text content, such as articles, stories, or scripts. Education and research: The model can be used for tasks like question answering, text summarization, and language learning, supporting educational and academic applications. Customer service and support: The model's dialogue skills can be leveraged to provide efficient and personalized customer service experiences. Things to Try One interesting aspect of chatglm-6b is its ability to handle code-switching between Chinese and English within the same conversation. This can be useful for users who communicate in a mix of both languages, as the model can seamlessly understand and respond to such inputs. Another unique feature is the model's support for multi-turn dialogue, which allows for more natural and contextual conversations. Users can engage in extended exchanges with the model, building upon previous responses to explore topics in-depth.

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