
Maintainer: lmsys

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Last updated 9/6/2024


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Model overview

longchat-7b-16k is an open-source chatbot model developed by the LongChat team. It was created by fine-tuning the LLAMA-7B model on a dataset of 80K conversations collected from ShareGPT.com. The model uses the condensing rotary embedding technique, which is described in the LongChat blog post. Similar models include the longchat-13b-16k and the fastchat-t5-3b-v1.0, all of which were developed by the LongChat team.

Model inputs and outputs

The longchat-7b-16k model is a text-to-text model, meaning it takes text as input and generates text as output. The input can be a prompt or question, and the output is the model's response.


  • Text prompts or questions


  • Generated text responses


The longchat-7b-16k model is capable of engaging in open-ended conversations on a variety of topics. It can understand context and provide relevant and coherent responses based on the input. The model has been evaluated using the LongEval benchmark, which measures the model's ability to maintain context and provide informative responses.

What can I use it for?

The primary use case for longchat-7b-16k is research in natural language processing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Researchers in these fields may use the model to explore language understanding, generation, and dialogue systems. The model may also be useful for applications such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and text generation.

Things to try

Researchers can fine-tune the longchat-7b-16k model on their own datasets to adapt it for specific tasks or domains. The model can also be used in conjunction with other language models or components to create more sophisticated conversational systems. Developers may find the model useful for building chatbots or other interactive applications that require natural language understanding and generation.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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longchat-13b-16k is an open-source chatbot model developed by the LongChat team at LMSYS. It is based on the LLaMA-13B model, which was fine-tuned on 18K conversations collected from ShareGPT.com using a technique called "condensing rotary embedding." This process allows the model to engage in more coherent and contextual conversations compared to the original LLaMA-13B. Similar models from LMSYS include the FastChat-T5 and longchat-7b-v1.5-32k models, which also leverage ShareGPT data to improve conversational abilities. Model inputs and outputs longchat-13b-16k is an autoregressive language model, meaning it generates text one token at a time based on the previous tokens. The model takes in a prompt or conversation history as input and generates a response as output. Inputs A prompt or sequence of conversational messages as input Outputs A generated text response, which can be used as a continuation of the conversation Capabilities longchat-13b-16k has been fine-tuned to engage in more natural and coherent conversations compared to the original LLaMA-13B model. It can understand context, maintain conversation flow, and provide relevant and informative responses. The model has also been shown to perform well on benchmarks evaluating language understanding and generation. What can I use it for? The primary intended use of longchat-13b-16k is for research purposes in the field of natural language processing and conversational AI. Researchers and developers can use the model to study and improve upon conversational abilities, language understanding, and other aspects of large language models. The model can also be used as a starting point for building commercial chatbots or other applications that require natural language interaction. Things to try One interesting aspect of longchat-13b-16k is its use of the "condensing rotary embedding" technique, which helps the model maintain context and coherence in longer conversations. Developers and researchers can experiment with this technique and explore how it affects the model's performance on various conversational tasks. Additionally, the model's strong performance on benchmarks suggests it could be a useful starting point for further fine-tuning and customization for specific applications or domains.

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The longchat-7b-v1.5-32k is a large language model developed by the LMSYS team. This model is designed for text-to-text tasks, similar to other models like Llama-2-13B-Chat-fp16, jais-13b-chat, medllama2_7b, llama-2-7b-chat-hf, and LLaMA-7B. The model was created by the LMSYS team, as indicated on their creator profile. Model inputs and outputs The longchat-7b-v1.5-32k model is a text-to-text model, meaning it takes text as input and generates text as output. The model can handle a wide range of text-based tasks, such as language generation, question answering, and text summarization. Inputs Text prompts Outputs Generated text Responses to questions Summaries of input text Capabilities The longchat-7b-v1.5-32k model is capable of generating high-quality, contextual text across a variety of domains. It can be used for tasks such as creative writing, content generation, and language translation. The model has also demonstrated strong performance on question-answering and text-summarization tasks. What can I use it for? The longchat-7b-v1.5-32k model can be used for a wide range of applications, such as: Content creation: Generating blog posts, articles, or other types of written content Language translation: Translating text between different languages Chatbots and virtual assistants: Powering conversational interfaces Summarization: Generating concise summaries of longer text passages Things to try With the longchat-7b-v1.5-32k model, you can experiment with different prompting techniques to see how the model responds. Try providing the model with open-ended prompts, or give it more specific tasks like generating product descriptions or answering trivia questions. The model's versatility allows for a wide range of creative and practical applications.

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The fastchat-t5-3b-v1.0 is an open-source chatbot model developed by the lmsys team. It is based on the Flan-T5-XL model, which is a version of the T5 language model fine-tuned on a large set of instruction-following tasks. Compared to the original T5 model, the FLAN-T5 models have been further trained on over 1,000 additional tasks, giving them stronger few-shot and zero-shot performance. The fastchat-t5-3b-v1.0 model was trained by fine-tuning the Flan-T5-XL checkpoint on user-shared conversations from ShareGPT. This allows the model to engage in more open-ended and contextual dialogue, compared to the more task-oriented FLAN-T5 models. Similar models include the longchat-7b-v1.5-32k and the t5-small and t5-base checkpoints from the original T5 model. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The fastchat-t5-3b-v1.0 model takes natural language text as input, such as questions, statements, or instructions. Outputs Text**: The model outputs generated text, which can be responses to the input, continuations of the input, or answers to questions. Capabilities The fastchat-t5-3b-v1.0 model is capable of engaging in open-ended dialogue and responding to a wide variety of prompts. It can understand context and generate coherent and relevant responses. The model has been fine-tuned on a large dataset of real conversations, allowing it to produce more natural and contextual language compared to the more task-oriented FLAN-T5 models. What can I use it for? The primary intended use of the fastchat-t5-3b-v1.0 model is for commercial chatbot and virtual assistant applications. The model's strong conversational abilities make it well-suited for customer service, virtual agents, and other interactive AI applications. Researchers in natural language processing and machine learning may also find the model useful for exploring the capabilities and limitations of large language models. Things to try One interesting aspect of the fastchat-t5-3b-v1.0 model is its ability to engage in multi-turn dialogues and maintain context over the course of a conversation. You could try providing the model with a series of related prompts and see how it responds, building upon the previous context. Additionally, you could experiment with giving the model open-ended instructions or tasks and observe how it interprets and carries them out.

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LWM-Text-1M-Chat is an open-source auto-regressive language model developed by LargeWorldModel. It is based on the LLaMA-2 model and trained on a subset of the Books3 dataset. The model is designed for text generation and chat-like dialogue tasks. Compared to similar models like Llama-2-13b-chat and Llama-2-7b-chat-hf, LWM-Text-1M-Chat was trained on a smaller dataset of 800 Books3 documents with 1M tokens. This may result in more specialized capabilities compared to the larger Llama-2 models, which were trained on 2 trillion tokens of data. Model inputs and outputs Inputs The LWM-Text-1M-Chat model takes text as input for text generation and chat-like tasks. Outputs The model generates text as output, producing coherent and contextually-appropriate responses. Capabilities The LWM-Text-1M-Chat model can be used for a variety of text generation tasks, including chat-based dialogue, content creation, and language understanding. Due to its specialized training on a subset of Books3, the model may excel at tasks like story writing, poetry generation, and answering questions about literature and humanities topics. What can I use it for? Developers and researchers can use LWM-Text-1M-Chat for projects involving text-based AI assistants, creative writing tools, and language understanding applications. The model's training on a literary dataset also makes it suitable for use cases in education, academic research, and creative industries. Things to try Given the model's specialized training on a literary dataset, users could experiment with prompts related to fiction, poetry, and analysis of literary works. Additionally, the model's chat-like capabilities lend themselves well to conversational AI applications where a more personalized, engaging style of interaction is desired.

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