
Maintainer: OpenAssistant

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model Overview

The oasst-sft-7-llama-30b-xor model is an open-source language model developed by OpenAssistant. It is a fine-tuned version of Meta AI's LLaMA 30B model, with the original LLaMA weights converted to an XOR format due to licensing restrictions. This process enables the distribution of LLaMA-based models while respecting the original model's licensing terms.

Similar models include the oasst-sft-6-llama-30b-xor and llama2-70b-oasst-sft-v10 models, which are also fine-tuned versions of LLaMA-based models by OpenAssistant.

Model Inputs and Outputs

The oasst-sft-7-llama-30b-xor model is a causal language model, which means it generates text one token at a time, conditioning on the previous tokens. The model takes as input a sequence of text tokens and generates a continuation of that sequence.


  • A sequence of text tokens


  • A continuation of the input text, generated one token at a time


The oasst-sft-7-llama-30b-xor model can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, such as text generation, language understanding, and language translation. It has been trained on a diverse dataset, enabling it to generate coherent and contextually relevant text on a wide range of topics.

What Can I Use it For?

The oasst-sft-7-llama-30b-xor model can be used in a variety of applications, such as:

  • Content generation: The model can be used to generate text for blogs, articles, stories, or other creative content.
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants: The model can be fine-tuned or used as a base for building conversational AI systems.
  • Language translation: The model can be fine-tuned for language translation tasks, leveraging its understanding of multiple languages.
  • Text summarization: The model can be used to generate concise summaries of longer text.

Things to Try

Some interesting things to try with the oasst-sft-7-llama-30b-xor model include:

  • Exploring the model's capabilities in different domains: Try prompting the model with topics or tasks outside of its training distribution, such as coding, math, or scientific writing, to see how it performs.
  • Experimenting with prompt engineering: Craft different types of prompts, such as open-ended questions, instructions, or dialogue, to see how the model responds.
  • Evaluating the model's safety and ethical considerations: Carefully test the model's outputs for potential biases, hallucinations, or other undesirable behaviors, and think about ways to mitigate these issues.

Overall, the oasst-sft-7-llama-30b-xor model is a powerful and flexible language model that can be leveraged for a wide range of natural language processing tasks. By exploring its capabilities and limitations, you can gain valuable insights and potentially develop innovative applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The oasst-sft-6-llama-30b-xor model is an AI model created by OpenAssistant, a collective of AI researchers and developers. It is a 30 billion parameter language model based on the LLaMA architecture developed by Meta AI. Due to licensing restrictions, OpenAssistant provides the model weights in an XOR-encoded format rather than distributing the original LLaMA weights directly. Similar models include the oasst-sft-7-llama-30b-xor model, which uses the same process to create a 30 billion parameter LLaMA-based model, as well as the Llama-2-7b-hf and Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct models from Meta which are based on their own LLaMA architecture. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The model accepts text as input and generates additional text in response. Outputs Text**: The model outputs generated text, which can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks. Capabilities The oasst-sft-6-llama-30b-xor model is a powerful text generation model capable of producing human-like responses on a wide range of topics. It can be used for tasks such as chatbots, content generation, language translation, and more. The large 30 billion parameter size allows the model to capture a significant amount of knowledge and generate coherent, context-aware text. What can I use it for? The oasst-sft-6-llama-30b-xor model can be used for a variety of natural language processing projects. Some potential use cases include: Chatbots and Conversational AI**: The model can be fine-tuned to engage in helpful, open-ended conversations on a wide range of topics. Content Generation**: The model can be used to generate articles, stories, poems, and other types of text content. Language Translation**: The model's strong understanding of language can be leveraged for translation tasks between supported languages. Question Answering**: The model can be used to answer questions by generating relevant, informative responses. Things to try One interesting aspect of the oasst-sft-6-llama-30b-xor model is its ability to handle long-form text generation. Unlike some smaller language models, this 30 billion parameter model can maintain context and coherence over extended passages of generated text. Try prompting the model with open-ended questions or creative writing prompts and see how it builds out a complete, multi-paragraph response. Another area to explore is the model's performance on specialized tasks like code generation or mathematical problem-solving. While the model was not explicitly trained for these domains, its broad knowledge and language understanding capabilities may allow it to tackle such challenges with some fine-tuning or prompt engineering.

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The llama2-70b-oasst-sft-v10 model is a fine-tuned version of Meta's Llama2 70B LLM developed by the Open-Assistant team. It was first fine-tuned on a mix of synthetic instructions and coding tasks, and then further refined on the best human demonstrations collected through the open-assistant.io platform up to July 23, 2023. This model aims to provide an engaging and helpful AI assistant. Similar models include the codellama-13b-oasst-sft-v10 which is a fine-tuning of Meta's CodeLlama 13B LLM, the llama2-13b-orca-8k-3319 which is a fine-tuning of the Llama2 13B model for long-form dialogue, and the stablelm-7b-sft-v7-epoch-3 which is a supervised fine-tuning of the StableLM 7B model. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text prompts**: The model takes in text prompts that can include multiple turns of conversation between a user and an assistant, formatted using the OpenAI chatml standard. Outputs Continued conversation**: The model generates continued responses to the provided prompts, in the style of an engaging and helpful AI assistant. Capabilities The llama2-70b-oasst-sft-v10 model has been fine-tuned to engage in open-ended dialogue, answering questions, and assisting with a variety of tasks. It demonstrates strong performance on benchmarks for commonsense reasoning, world knowledge, and reading comprehension compared to other large language models. The model also exhibits improved safety and truthfulness compared to earlier versions, making it suitable for use cases requiring reliable and trustworthy responses. What can I use it for? The llama2-70b-oasst-sft-v10 model can be used to build engaging AI assistants for a variety of applications, such as customer support, task planning, research assistance, and creative ideation. Its broad knowledge and language understanding capabilities make it well-suited for open-ended conversations and complex question-answering. Developers can fine-tune or adapt the model further for specific use cases, leveraging the Hugging Face Transformers library and the Open-Assistant resources to integrate the model into their applications. Things to try One interesting aspect of the llama2-70b-oasst-sft-v10 model is its ability to engage in multi-turn conversations, maintaining context and continuity throughout the dialogue. Developers can experiment with prompting the model with longer conversation threads, observing how it maintains the flow of the discussion and provides relevant and coherent responses. Another aspect to explore is the model's safety and truthfulness features, which have been improved through the fine-tuning process. Developers can assess the model's outputs for potential biases, hallucinations, or unsafe content, and further fine-tune or prompt the model to ensure it behaves in an ethical and trustworthy manner for their specific use cases.

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The codellama-13b-oasst-sft-v10 model is an Open-Assistant fine-tuning of Meta's CodeLlama 13B large language model (LLM). It was developed by the OpenAssistant team. This model is a continuation of the OpenAssistant project, which aims to create an open-sourced, safe, and useful AI assistant. Similar models from the OpenAssistant project include the StableLM-7B SFT-7 and LLAMA-30B SFT-6 models, which have also been fine-tuned on human-generated conversations to improve their performance on dialogue tasks. Model inputs and outputs Inputs The model takes text as input, which can include multiple turns of a conversation between a user and an assistant. Outputs The model generates text as output, continuing the conversation from the user's prompt. Capabilities The codellama-13b-oasst-sft-v10 model is capable of engaging in open-ended dialogue, answering questions, and generating informative and coherent text. It has been trained to provide helpful and safe responses, and can be used for a variety of language generation tasks. What can I use it for? The codellama-13b-oasst-sft-v10 model can be used to build conversational AI applications, such as virtual assistants, chatbots, and question-answering systems. It could also be fine-tuned further for specialized tasks, such as code generation, summarization, or creative writing, by training on domain-specific data. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the codellama-13b-oasst-sft-v10 model is to engage it in multi-turn conversations, where the model can demonstrate its ability to maintain context and provide consistent, coherent responses over the course of an exchange. Additionally, you could prompt the model with open-ended questions or tasks to see the breadth of its capabilities.

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open_llama_3b is an open-source reproduction of Meta AI's LLaMA large language model. It is part of a series of 3B, 7B, and 13B models released by the openlm-research team. These models were trained on open datasets like RedPajama, Falcon refined-web, and StarCoder, and are licensed permissively under Apache 2.0. The models exhibit comparable or better performance than the original LLaMA and GPT-J across a range of tasks. Model inputs and outputs The open_llama_3b model takes text prompts as input and generates continuation text as output. It can be used for a variety of natural language tasks such as language generation, question answering, and text summarization. Inputs Text prompts for the model to continue or respond to Outputs Generated text that continues or responds to the input prompt Capabilities The open_llama_3b model demonstrates strong performance on a diverse set of language understanding and generation tasks, including question answering, common sense reasoning, and text summarization. For example, the model is able to generate coherent and informative responses to open-ended prompts, and can answer factual questions with a high degree of accuracy. What can I use it for? The open_llama_3b model can be used as a general-purpose language model for a wide range of natural language processing applications. Some potential use cases include: Content generation**: Generating coherent and contextually-appropriate text for things like articles, stories, or dialogue Question answering**: Answering open-ended questions by drawing upon the model's broad knowledge base Dialogue systems**: Building conversational agents that can engage in natural back-and-forth exchanges Text summarization**: Distilling key points and insights from longer passages of text The permissive licensing of the model also makes it suitable for commercial applications, where developers can build upon the model's capabilities without costly licensing fees or restrictions. Things to try One interesting aspect of the open_llama_3b model is its ability to handle open-ended prompts and engage in freeform dialogue. Try providing the model with a diverse range of prompts, from factual questions to creative writing exercises, and see how it responds. You can also experiment with fine-tuning the model on domain-specific datasets to enhance its capabilities for particular applications.

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