
Maintainer: kcaverly

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Last updated 9/19/2024
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Model overview

The openchat-3.5-1210-gguf model, created by kcaverly, is described as the "Overall Best Performing Open Source 7B Model" for tasks like Coding and Mathematical Reasoning. This model is part of a collection of cog models available on Replicate, which include similar large language models like kcaverly/dolphin-2.5-mixtral-8x7b-gguf and kcaverly/nous-hermes-2-yi-34b-gguf.

Model inputs and outputs

The openchat-3.5-1210-gguf model takes a text prompt as input, along with optional parameters to control the model's behavior, such as temperature, maximum new tokens, and repeat penalty. The model then generates a text output, which can be a continuation or response to the input prompt.


  • Prompt: The instruction or text that the model should use as a starting point for generation.
  • Temperature: A parameter that controls the "warmth" or randomness of the model's responses, with higher values resulting in more diverse and creative outputs.
  • Max New Tokens: The maximum number of new tokens the model should generate in response to the prompt.
  • Repeat Penalty: A parameter that discourages the model from repeating itself too often, encouraging it to explore new ideas and topics.
  • Prompt Template: An optional template to use when passing multi-turn instructions to the model.


  • Text: The model's generated response to the input prompt, which can be a continuation, completion, or a new piece of text.


The openchat-3.5-1210-gguf model is capable of a wide range of language tasks, from creative writing to task completion. Based on the maintainer's description, this model performs particularly well on coding and mathematical reasoning tasks, making it a useful tool for developers and researchers working in those domains.

What can I use it for?

The openchat-3.5-1210-gguf model could be used for a variety of applications, such as:

  • Generating code snippets or programming solutions
  • Solving mathematical problems and explaining the reasoning
  • Engaging in open-ended conversations and ideation
  • Producing creative writing, such as stories or poems
  • Summarizing or analyzing text
  • Providing language assistance and translations

Things to try

Some interesting things to try with the openchat-3.5-1210-gguf model might include:

  • Experimenting with different prompts and parameter settings to see how the model's outputs change
  • Asking the model to solve complex coding challenges or mathematical problems, and then analyzing its step-by-step reasoning
  • Exploring the model's ability to engage in open-ended conversations on a wide range of topics
  • Combining the model's capabilities with other tools or datasets to create novel applications or workflows.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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openchat_3.5-awq is an innovative open-source language model developed by Replicate's nateraw. It is part of the OpenChat library, which includes a series of high-performing models fine-tuned using a strategy called C-RLFT (Contextual Reinforcement Learning from Feedback). This approach allows the models to learn from mixed-quality data without explicit preference labels, delivering exceptional performance on par with ChatGPT despite being a relatively compact 7B model. The OpenChat models outperform other open-source alternatives like OpenHermes 2.5, OpenOrca Mistral, and Zephyr-β on various benchmarks, including reasoning, coding, and mathematical tasks. The latest version, openchat_3.5-0106, even surpasses the capabilities of ChatGPT (March) and Grok-1 on several key metrics. Model Inputs and Outputs Inputs prompt**: The input text prompt for the model to generate a response. max_new_tokens**: The maximum number of tokens the model should generate as output. temperature**: The value used to modulate the next token probabilities. top_p**: A probability threshold for generating the output. If = top_p (nucleus filtering). top_k**: The number of highest probability tokens to consider for generating the output. If > 0, only keep the top k tokens with highest probability (top-k filtering). prompt_template**: The template used to format the prompt. The input prompt is inserted into the template using the {prompt} placeholder. presence_penalty**: The penalty applied to tokens based on their presence in the generated text. frequency_penalty**: The penalty applied to tokens based on their frequency in the generated text. Outputs The model generates a sequence of tokens as output, which can be concatenated to form the model's response. Capabilities openchat_3.5-awq demonstrates strong performance in a variety of tasks, including: Reasoning and Coding**: The model outperforms ChatGPT (March) and other open-source alternatives on coding and reasoning benchmarks like HumanEval, BBH MC, and AGIEval. Mathematical Reasoning**: The model achieves state-of-the-art results on mathematical reasoning tasks like GSM8K, showcasing its ability to tackle complex numerical problems. General Language Understanding**: The model performs well on MMLU, a broad benchmark for general language understanding, indicating its versatility in handling diverse language tasks. What Can I Use It For? The openchat_3.5-awq model can be leveraged for a wide range of applications, such as: Conversational AI**: The model can be deployed as a conversational agent, engaging users in natural language interactions and providing helpful responses. Content Generation**: The model can be used to generate high-quality text, such as articles, stories, or creative writing, by fine-tuning on specific domains or datasets. Task-oriented Dialogue**: The model can be fine-tuned for task-oriented dialogues, such as customer service, technical support, or virtual assistance. Code Generation**: The model's strong performance on coding tasks makes it a valuable tool for automating code generation, programming assistance, or code synthesis. Things to Try Here are some ideas for what you can try with openchat_3.5-awq: Explore the model's capabilities**: Test the model on a variety of tasks, such as open-ended conversations, coding challenges, or mathematical problems, to understand its strengths and limitations. Fine-tune the model**: Leverage the model's strong foundation by fine-tuning it on your specific dataset or domain to create a customized language model for your applications. Combine with other technologies**: Integrate the model with other AI or automation tools, such as voice interfaces or robotic systems, to create more comprehensive and intelligent solutions. Contribute to the open-source ecosystem**: As an open-source model, you can explore ways to improve or extend the OpenChat library, such as by contributing to the codebase, providing feedback, or collaborating on research and development.

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neuralbeagle14-7b-gguf is a 7B language model created by kcaverly, available on Replicate. It is part of a collection of models shared by the maintainer, including similar large language models like Dolphin 2.5 Mixtral 8x7B GGUF and Nous Hermes 2 YI 34B GGUF. These models aim to provide powerful and flexible language capabilities for a variety of tasks. Model inputs and outputs neuralbeagle14-7b-gguf is a large language model that can generate human-like text based on provided prompts. The model takes in a text prompt as input and generates new text as output. Some key input and output details: Inputs Prompt**: The initial text that the model uses to generate new content. Temperature**: A parameter that controls the "creativity" of the model's output, with higher values leading to more diverse and unpredictable text. System Prompt**: A prompt that helps guide the model's behavior and persona. Max New Tokens**: The maximum number of new tokens (words/subwords) the model will generate. Repeat Penalty**: A parameter that discourages the model from repeating itself too often, encouraging more varied output. Outputs Generated Text**: The model's response, which can be used for a variety of language tasks such as writing, summarization, or dialogue. Capabilities neuralbeagle14-7b-gguf is a capable language model that can engage in open-ended conversation, answer questions, summarize text, and generate original content on a wide range of topics. It demonstrates strong natural language understanding and generation abilities, allowing it to produce coherent and contextually-appropriate text. What can I use it for? neuralbeagle14-7b-gguf can be used for a variety of language-based applications, such as: Content Generation**: Generating news articles, blog posts, product descriptions, or other forms of written content. Language Modeling**: Providing a foundation for building chatbots, virtual assistants, and other conversational AI systems. Text Summarization**: Condensing long-form text into concise summaries. Question Answering**: Answering questions on a wide range of topics based on its extensive knowledge. Things to try Some interesting things to explore with neuralbeagle14-7b-gguf include: Experimenting with different temperature and repeat penalty settings to see how they affect the model's creativity and coherence. Providing the model with prompts that require it to engage in multi-turn dialogue, and observing how it maintains context and continuity in its responses. Giving the model prompts that involve logical reasoning or task-completion, and evaluating its ability to follow instructions and provide helpful solutions.

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deepseek-coder-33b-instruct is a 33B parameter model from Deepseek that has been initialized from the deepseek-coder-33b-base model and fine-tuned on 2B tokens of instruction data. It is part of the Deepseek Coder series of code language models, each trained from scratch on 2 trillion tokens with 87% code and 13% natural language data in English and Chinese. The Deepseek Coder models come in a range of sizes from 1B to 33B parameters, allowing users to choose the most suitable setup for their needs. The models demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on various code-related benchmarks, leveraging a large training corpus and techniques like a 16K window size and fill-in-the-blank tasks to support project-level code completion and infilling. Model inputs and outputs The deepseek-coder-33b-instruct model takes a prompt as input and generates text as output. The prompt can be a natural language instruction or a mix of code and text. The model is designed to assist with a variety of coding-related tasks, from generating code snippets to completing and enhancing existing code. Inputs Prompt**: The text prompt provided to the model, which can include natural language instructions, code fragments, or a combination of both. Temperature**: A parameter that controls the "warmth" or randomness of the model's output. Higher values lead to more creative and diverse responses, while lower values result in more conservative and coherent output. Repeat Penalty**: A parameter that discourages the model from repeating itself too often, helping to generate more varied and dynamic responses. Max New Tokens**: The maximum number of new tokens the model should generate in response to the input prompt. System Prompt**: An optional prompt that can be used to set the overall behavior and role of the model, guiding it to respond in a specific way (e.g., as a programming assistant). Outputs Generated Text**: The text generated by the model in response to the input prompt, which can include code snippets, explanations, or a mix of both. Capabilities The deepseek-coder-33b-instruct model is capable of a wide range of coding-related tasks, such as: Code Generation**: Given a natural language prompt or a partial code snippet, the model can generate complete code solutions in a variety of programming languages. Code Completion**: The model can autocomplete and extend existing code fragments, suggesting the most relevant and appropriate next steps. Code Explanation**: The model can provide explanations and insights about code, helping users understand the logic and syntax. Code Refactoring**: The model can suggest improvements and optimizations to existing code, making it more efficient, readable, and maintainable. Code Translation**: The model can translate code between different programming languages, enabling cross-platform development and compatibility. What can I use it for? The deepseek-coder-33b-instruct model can be a valuable tool for a wide range of software development and engineering tasks. Developers can use it to speed up their coding workflows, generate prototype solutions, and explore new ideas more efficiently. Educators can leverage the model to help students learn programming concepts and techniques. Researchers can utilize the model's capabilities to automate certain aspects of their work, such as code generation and analysis. Some specific use cases for the deepseek-coder-33b-instruct model include: Rapid Prototyping**: Quickly generate working code samples and prototypes to explore new ideas or prove concepts. Code Assistance**: Enhance developer productivity by providing intelligent code completion, suggestions, and explanations. Educational Tools**: Create interactive coding exercises, tutorials, and learning resources to help students learn programming. Automated Code Generation**: Generate boilerplate code or entire solutions for specific use cases, reducing manual effort. Code Refactoring and Optimization**: Identify opportunities to improve the quality, efficiency, and maintainability of existing codebases. Things to try One interesting aspect of the deepseek-coder-33b-instruct model is its ability to generate code that can be directly integrated into larger projects. By fine-tuning the model on a specific codebase or domain, users can create a highly specialized assistant that can seamlessly contribute to their ongoing development efforts. Another interesting use case is to leverage the model's natural language understanding capabilities to create interactive coding environments, where users can communicate with the model in plain English to explain their requirements, and the model can respond with the appropriate code solutions. Lastly, the model's versatility extends beyond just code generation - users can also explore its potential for tasks like code refactoring, optimization, and even translation between programming languages. This opens up new possibilities for improving the quality and maintainability of software systems.

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The openchat-3.5-1210 model is a 7B parameter AI model developed by the openchat team. It is the "Overall Best Performing Open Source 7B Model" according to the maintainers, outperforming ChatGPT (March) and Grok-1 on several benchmarks. The model is capable of both coding and general language tasks, with a 15-point improvement in Coding over the previous OpenChat-3.5 model. The openchat-3.5-0106 and openchat_3.5 are similar high-performing open-source models from the same team, with the openchat_3.5-awq and openchat-3.5-1210-gguf variants also available. All these models leverage the team's C-RLFT (Constrained Reinforcement Learning from Trajectories) fine-tuning approach to achieve exceptional results from limited training data. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text prompts**: The model can take in text prompts from users, which can include instructions, questions, or open-ended requests. Conversation history**: The model is designed to maintain context across multiple turns of a conversation, allowing users to build upon previous exchanges. Conditional inputs**: The model supports setting a "condition" (e.g. "Code", "Math Correct") to adjust its behavior for specialized tasks. Outputs Generated text**: The primary output of the model is coherent, contextually relevant text generated in response to the input prompts. Code generation**: The model can generate code snippets when provided with appropriate programming prompts. Numeric outputs**: The model can perform basic mathematical reasoning and provide numeric outputs for problems. Capabilities The openchat-3.5-1210 model has demonstrated strong performance across a variety of benchmarks, including MT-Bench, HumanEval, and GSM8K. It outperforms both ChatGPT (March) and the proprietary Grok-1 model on several tasks, showcasing its capabilities in areas like coding, mathematical reasoning, and general language understanding. The model also supports specialized "Coding" and "Mathematical Reasoning" modes, which can be accessed by providing the appropriate conditional input. These modes allow the model to focus on more technical tasks and further enhance its capabilities in those domains. What can I use it for? The openchat-3.5-1210 model can be a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, from chatbots and virtual assistants to content generation and code development. Its strong performance on benchmarks suggests it could be useful for tasks like: Chatbots and virtual assistants**: The model's ability to maintain conversation context and generate coherent responses makes it suitable for building interactive chatbots and virtual assistants. Content generation**: The model can be used to generate creative writing, articles, and other types of text content. Code development**: The model's coding capabilities can be leveraged to assist with tasks like code generation, explanation, and debugging. Educational applications**: The model's mathematical reasoning abilities could be employed in educational tools and tutoring systems. Things to try One interesting aspect of the openchat-3.5-1210 model is its ability to adjust its behavior based on the provided "condition" input. For example, you could try prompting the model with a simple math problem and observe how it responds in the "Mathematical Reasoning" mode, compared to its more general language understanding capabilities. Additionally, the model's strong performance on coding tasks suggests it could be a valuable tool for developers. You could try providing the model with various coding challenges or prompts and see how it handles them, exploring its capabilities in areas like algorithm design, syntax generation, and code explanation.

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