
Maintainer: sarvamai

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model overview

OpenHathi-7B-Hi-v0.1-Base is a large language model developed by Sarvam AI that is based on Llama2 and trained on Hindi, English, and Hinglish data. It is a 7 billion parameter model, making it a mid-sized model compared to similar offerings like the alpaca-30b and PMC_LLAMA_7B models. This base model is designed to be fine-tuned on specific tasks, rather than used directly.

Model inputs and outputs

OpenHathi-7B-Hi-v0.1-Base is a text-to-text model, meaning it takes in text and generates new text in response. The model can handle a variety of language inputs, including Hindi, English, and code.


  • Text prompts in Hindi, English, or Hinglish


  • Generated text in response to the input prompt


OpenHathi-7B-Hi-v0.1-Base has broad capabilities in language generation, from open-ended conversation to task-oriented outputs. The model can be used for tasks like text summarization, question answering, and creative writing. It also has the potential to be fine-tuned for more specialized use cases, such as code generation or domain-specific language modeling.

What can I use it for?

The OpenHathi-7B-Hi-v0.1-Base model could be useful for a variety of applications that require language understanding and generation in Hindi, English, or a mix of the two. Some potential use cases include:

  • Building virtual assistants or chatbots that can communicate in Hindi and English
  • Generating content like news articles, product descriptions, or creative writing in multiple languages
  • Translating between Hindi and English
  • Providing language support for applications targeting Indian users

Things to try

One interesting thing to try with OpenHathi-7B-Hi-v0.1-Base would be to fine-tune it on a specific domain or task, such as customer service, technical writing, or programming. This could help the model learn the nuances and specialized vocabulary of that area, allowing it to generate more relevant and useful text. Additionally, exploring the model's performance on code-switching between Hindi and English could yield insights into its language understanding capabilities.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The sarvam-2b-v0.5 is an early checkpoint of the sarvam-2b language model, a small yet powerful model pre-trained from scratch on 2 trillion tokens. It is trained to be good at 10 Indic languages (Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, and Telugu) plus English. The final checkpoint of sarvam-2b will be released soon, and it will be trained on a data mixture of 4 trillion tokens, containing equal parts English (2T) and Indic (2T) tokens. This early checkpoint has not undergone any post-training, but you can see its current capabilities in this video. The model was trained with the NVIDIA NeMo Framework on the Yotta Shakti Cloud using HGX H100 systems. Similar models include the OpenHathi-7B-Hi-v0.1-Base and the orca_mini_3b, both of which are based on the LLaMA-2 architecture. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text prompts**: The model accepts text prompts as input, which can be in any of the 11 supported languages (10 Indic languages plus English). Outputs Text completions**: The model generates text completions based on the input prompt, continuing the sequence of text. Capabilities The sarvam-2b-v0.5 model has demonstrated strong performance on a variety of Indic language tasks, including text generation, translation, and understanding. Its tokenizer is designed to be efficient for Indic languages, with an average fertility score that is significantly lower than other popular models like LLaMA-3.1, Gemma-2, and GPT-4. This allows the model to handle Indic languages more effectively than some of its counterparts. What can I use it for? The sarvam-2b-v0.5 model can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks in the Indic language domain, such as: Text generation**: The model can be used to generate coherent and fluent text in any of the 10 Indic languages or English. Translation**: The model can be fine-tuned for translation tasks between Indic languages and English. Question answering**: The model can be fine-tuned on question-answering datasets to provide accurate answers in Indic languages. To get started with using the model, you can check out this notebook on Google Colab. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the sarvam-2b-v0.5 model is to explore its multilingual capabilities. Since it is trained on a mix of Indic languages and English, you could experiment with prompts that combine multiple languages, or try generating text that seamlessly transitions between different languages. This could be useful for applications that need to handle code-switching or multilingual content. Another area to explore is the model's performance on different Indic language tasks, such as translation, summarization, or dialogue generation. By fine-tuning the model on task-specific datasets, you could unlock its full potential for real-world applications in the Indic language domain.

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alpaca-30b is a large language model instruction-tuned on the Tatsu Labs Alpaca dataset by Baseten. It is based on the LLaMA-30B model and was fine-tuned for 3 epochs using the Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) technique. The model is capable of understanding and generating human-like text in response to a wide range of instructions and prompts. Similar models include alpaca-lora-7b and alpaca-lora-30b, which are also LLaMA-based models fine-tuned on the Alpaca dataset. The llama-30b-instruct-2048 model from Upstage is another similar large language model, though it was trained on a different set of datasets. Model inputs and outputs The alpaca-30b model is designed to take in natural language instructions and generate relevant and coherent responses. The input can be a standalone instruction, or an instruction paired with additional context information. Inputs Instruction**: A natural language description of a task or query that the model should respond to. Input context (optional)**: Additional information or context that can help the model generate a more relevant response. Outputs Response**: The model's generated text response that attempts to appropriately complete the requested task or answer the given query. Capabilities The alpaca-30b model is capable of understanding and responding to a wide variety of instructions, from simple questions to more complex tasks. It can engage in open-ended conversation, provide summaries and explanations, offer suggestions and recommendations, and even tackle creative writing prompts. The model's strong language understanding and generation abilities make it a versatile tool for applications like virtual assistants, chatbots, and content generation. What can I use it for? The alpaca-30b model could be used for various applications that involve natural language processing and generation, such as: Virtual Assistants**: Integrate the model into a virtual assistant to handle user queries, provide information and recommendations, and complete task-oriented instructions. Chatbots**: Deploy the model as the conversational engine for a chatbot, allowing it to engage in open-ended dialogue and assist users with a range of inquiries. Content Generation**: Leverage the model's text generation capabilities to create original content, such as articles, stories, or even marketing copy. Research and Development**: Use the model as a starting point for further fine-tuning or as a benchmark to evaluate the performance of other language models. Things to try One interesting aspect of the alpaca-30b model is its ability to handle long-form inputs and outputs. Unlike some smaller language models, this 30B parameter model can process and generate text up to 2048 tokens in length, allowing for more detailed and nuanced responses. Experiment with providing the model with longer, more complex instructions or prompts to see how it handles more sophisticated tasks. Another intriguing feature is the model's compatibility with the LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) fine-tuning technique. This approach enables efficient updating of the model's parameters, making it potentially easier and more cost-effective to further fine-tune the model on custom datasets or use cases. Explore the possibilities of LoRA-based fine-tuning to adapt the alpaca-30b model to your specific needs.

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The PMC_LLAMA_7B model is a 7-billion parameter language model fine-tuned on the PubMed Central (PMC) dataset by the maintainer chaoyi-wu. This model is similar to other LLaMA-based models like alpaca-lora-7b, Llama3-8B-Chinese-Chat, and llama-7b-hf, which also build upon the original LLaMA foundation model. The key difference is that the PMC_LLAMA_7B model has been specifically fine-tuned on biomedical literature from the PMC dataset, which could make it more suitable for tasks related to scientific and medical domains compared to the more general-purpose LLaMA models. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Natural language text**: The model takes natural language text as input, similar to other large language models. Outputs Generated natural language text**: The model outputs generated natural language text, with the ability to continue or expand upon the provided input. Capabilities The PMC_LLAMA_7B model can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, such as: Question answering**: The model can be prompted to answer questions related to scientific and medical topics, leveraging its specialized knowledge from the PMC dataset. Text generation**: The model can generate relevant and coherent text around biomedical and scientific themes, potentially useful for tasks like scientific article writing assistance. Summarization**: The model could be used to summarize key points from longer biomedical or scientific texts. The model's fine-tuning on the PMC dataset is likely to make it more capable at these types of tasks compared to more general-purpose language models. What can I use it for? The PMC_LLAMA_7B model could be useful for researchers, scientists, and healthcare professionals who need to work with biomedical and scientific literature. Some potential use cases include: Scientific literature assistance**: The model could be used to help researchers find relevant information, answer questions, or summarize key points from scientific papers and reports. Medical chatbots**: The model's biomedical knowledge could be leveraged to build more capable virtual assistants for healthcare-related inquiries. Biomedical text generation**: The model could be used to generate relevant text for tasks like grant writing, report generation, or scientific article drafting. However, as with any large language model, it's important to carefully evaluate the model's outputs and ensure they are accurate and appropriate for the intended use case. Things to try One interesting aspect of the PMC_LLAMA_7B model is its potential to serve as a foundation for further fine-tuning on more specialized biomedical or scientific datasets. Researchers could explore using this model as a starting point to build even more capable domain-specific language models for their particular needs. Additionally, it would be worth experimenting with prompting techniques to see how the model's responses vary compared to more general-purpose language models when tasked with scientific or medical questions and text generation. This could help uncover the model's unique strengths and limitations. Overall, the PMC_LLAMA_7B model provides an interesting option for those working in biomedical and scientific domains, with the potential to unlock new capabilities when compared to generic language models.

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The CodeLlama-7b-hf is a 7 billion parameter generative text model developed by codellama and released through the Hugging Face Transformers library. It is part of the broader Code Llama collection of language models ranging in size from 7 billion to 70 billion parameters. The base CodeLlama-7b-hf model is designed for general code synthesis and understanding tasks. It is available alongside specialized variants like the CodeLlama-7b-Python-hf for Python-focused applications, and the CodeLlama-7b-Instruct-hf for safer, more controlled use cases. Model inputs and outputs The CodeLlama-7b-hf is an auto-regressive language model that takes in text as input and generates new text as output. It can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks beyond just code generation, including: Inputs Text:** The model accepts arbitrary text as input, which it then uses to generate additional text. Outputs Text:** The model outputs new text, which can be used for tasks like code completion, text infilling, and language modeling. Capabilities The CodeLlama-7b-hf model is capable of a range of text generation and understanding tasks. It excels at code completion, where it can generate relevant code snippets to extend a given codebase. The model can also be used for code infilling, generating text to fill in gaps within existing code. Additionally, it has strong language understanding capabilities, allowing it to follow instructions and engage in open-ended dialogue. What can I use it for? The CodeLlama-7b-hf model is well-suited for a variety of software development and programming-related applications. Developers can use it to build intelligent code assistants that provide real-time code completion and generation. Data scientists and machine learning engineers could leverage the model's capabilities to automate the generation of boilerplate code or experiment with novel model architectures. Researchers in natural language processing may find the model useful for benchmarking and advancing the state-of-the-art in areas like program synthesis and code understanding. Things to try One interesting aspect of the CodeLlama-7b-hf model is its ability to handle long-range dependencies in code. Try providing it with a partially completed function or class definition and observe how it can generate coherent and relevant code to fill in the missing parts. You can also experiment with prompting the model to explain or refactor existing code snippets, as its language understanding capabilities may allow it to provide insightful commentary and suggestions.

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