
Maintainer: sensenova

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model Overview

The piccolo-large-zh is a general text embedding model for Chinese, powered by the General Model Group from SenseTime Research. Inspired by E5 and GTE, piccolo is trained using a two-stage pipeline. First, the model is trained on 400 million weakly supervised Chinese text pairs collected from the internet, using a pair (text and text pos) softmax contrastive loss. In the second stage, the model is fine-tuned on 20 million human-labeled Chinese text pairs, using a triplet (text, text_pos, text_neg) contrastive loss. This approach enables piccolo-large-zh to capture rich semantic information and perform well on a variety of downstream tasks.

The piccolo-large-zh model has 1024 embedding dimensions and can handle input sequences up to 512 tokens long. It outperforms other Chinese embedding models like bge-large-zh and piccolo-base-zh on the C-MTEB benchmark, achieving an average score of 64.11 across 35 datasets.

Model Inputs and Outputs


  • Text sequences up to 512 tokens long


  • 1024-dimensional text embeddings that capture the semantic meaning of the input text


The piccolo-large-zh model is highly capable at encoding Chinese text into semantic representations. These embeddings can be used for a variety of downstream tasks, such as:

  • Information retrieval: The embeddings can be used to find relevant documents or passages given a query.
  • Semantic search: The model can be used to find similar documents or passages based on their semantic content.
  • Text classification: The embeddings can be used as features for training text classification models.
  • Paraphrase detection: The model can be used to identify paraphrases of a given input text.

What Can I Use It For?

The piccolo-large-zh model can be used in a wide range of applications that involve working with Chinese text. Some potential use cases include:

  • Search and Recommendation: Use the embeddings to build semantic search engines or recommendation systems for Chinese content.
  • Content Clustering and Organization: Group related Chinese documents or passages based on their semantic similarity.
  • Text Analytics and Insights: Extract meaningful insights from Chinese text data by leveraging the model's ability to capture semantic meaning.
  • Multilingual Applications: Combine piccolo-large-zh with other language models to build cross-lingual applications.

Things to Try

One interesting aspect of the piccolo-large-zh model is its ability to handle long input sequences, up to 512 tokens. This makes it well-suited for tasks involving long-form Chinese text, such as document retrieval or question answering. You could try experimenting with the model's performance on such tasks and see how it compares to other Chinese language models.

Another interesting avenue to explore would be to fine-tune the piccolo-large-zh model on domain-specific data, such as scientific literature or legal documents, to see if it can capture specialized semantic knowledge in those areas. This could lead to improved performance on tasks like technical search or legal document classification.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The piccolo-large-zh-v2 model is a Chinese text embedding model developed by the General Model Group from SenseTime Research. This upgraded version of the original Piccolo model aims to improve upon general downstream fine-tuning methods. Piccolo2 primarily leverages an efficient multi-task hybrid loss training approach, effectively harnessing textual data and labels from diverse downstream tasks. Additionally, Piccolo2 scales up the embedding dimension and uses MRL training to support more flexible vector dimensions. Compared to similar models like the piccolo-large-zh and Baichuan2-7B-Base, the piccolo-large-zh-v2 model utilizes a multi-task hybrid loss training approach and larger embedding dimensions to enhance its performance on downstream tasks. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The piccolo-large-zh-v2 model takes text inputs and generates text embeddings. Outputs Text embeddings**: The model outputs fixed-size vector representations of the input text, which can be used for a variety of downstream NLP tasks such as text classification, retrieval, and similarity matching. Capabilities The piccolo-large-zh-v2 model has demonstrated strong performance on the C-MTEB benchmark, outperforming previous BERT models by around 1.9 points. The model's key capabilities include: Effective text representation learning through a multi-task hybrid loss training approach Support for flexible vector dimensions through MRL training Robust performance on a wide range of NLP tasks, including text retrieval, classification, and similarity matching What can I use it for? The piccolo-large-zh-v2 model can be used for a variety of NLP applications that require high-quality text embeddings, such as: Semantic search and information retrieval Text classification and clustering Recommendation systems Question-answering and dialog systems The model's strong performance and efficient architecture make it a suitable choice for a wide range of applications that require high-quality text representations. Things to try One interesting aspect of the piccolo-large-zh-v2 model is its use of a multi-task hybrid loss training approach. This allows the model to effectively leverage diverse datasets and task labels, leading to improved performance on downstream tasks. Researchers and developers could experiment with applying this training strategy to other NLP models or datasets to see if similar performance gains can be achieved. Additionally, the model's support for flexible vector dimensions through MRL training opens up possibilities for exploring more efficient and scalable text representation learning. Users could experiment with adjusting the vector dimensions to find the optimal balance between model size, inference speed, and task-specific performance.

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text2vec-base-chinese is a CoSENT (Cosine Sentence) model developed by shibing624. It maps sentences to a 768-dimensional dense vector space and can be used for tasks like sentence embeddings, text matching, or semantic search. The model is based on the hfl/chinese-macbert-base pre-trained language model. Similar models include text2vec-base-chinese-sentence and text2vec-base-chinese-paraphrase, which are also CoSENT models developed by shibing624 with different training datasets and performance characteristics. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text input, up to 256 word pieces Outputs A 768-dimensional dense vector representation of the input text Capabilities The text2vec-base-chinese model can generate high-quality sentence embeddings that capture the semantic meaning of the input text. These embeddings can be useful for a variety of natural language processing tasks, such as: Text matching and retrieval: Finding similar texts based on their vector representations Semantic search: Retrieving relevant documents or passages based on query embeddings Text clustering: Grouping similar texts together based on their vector representations The model has shown strong performance on various Chinese text matching benchmarks, including the ATEC, BQ, LCQMC, PAWSX, STS-B, SOHU-dd, and SOHU-dc datasets. What can I use it for? The text2vec-base-chinese model can be used in a wide range of applications that require understanding the semantic meaning of Chinese text, such as: Chatbots and virtual assistants: Using the model to understand user queries and provide relevant responses Recommendation systems: Improving product or content recommendations by leveraging the semantic similarity between items Question answering systems: Matching user questions to the most relevant passages or answers Document retrieval and search: Enhancing search capabilities by understanding the meaning of queries and documents By using the model's pretrained weights, you can easily fine-tune it on your specific task or dataset to achieve better performance. Things to try One interesting aspect of the text2vec-base-chinese model is its ability to capture paraphrases and semantic similarities between sentences. You could try using the model to identify duplicate or similar questions in a question-answering system, or to cluster related documents in a search engine. Another interesting use case could be to leverage the model's sentence embeddings for cross-lingual tasks, such as finding translations or parallel sentences between Chinese and other languages. The model's performance on the PAWSX cross-lingual sentence similarity task suggests it could be useful for these types of applications. Overall, the text2vec-base-chinese model provides a strong foundation for working with Chinese text data and can be a valuable tool in a wide range of natural language processing projects.

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The text2vec-base-chinese-paraphrase model is a CoSENT (Cosine Sentence) model developed by shibing624. It maps Chinese sentences to a 768-dimensional dense vector space, which can be used for tasks like sentence embeddings, text matching, or semantic search. The model is based on the nghuyong/ernie-3.0-base-zh pre-trained model and was fine-tuned on a dataset of over 1 million Chinese sentence pairs. This allows the model to capture semantic similarities between sentences, making it useful for applications like paraphrase detection or document retrieval. Compared to similar models like paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2 and sbert-base-chinese-nli, the text2vec-base-chinese-paraphrase model has shown strong performance on a variety of Chinese language tasks, outperforming them on metrics like average score across multiple benchmarks. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Sentences**: The model takes Chinese sentences as input, with a maximum sequence length of 256 tokens. Outputs Sentence embeddings**: The model outputs 768-dimensional dense vector representations of the input sentences, which can be used for downstream tasks like semantic similarity calculation, text clustering, or information retrieval. Capabilities The text2vec-base-chinese-paraphrase model is particularly well-suited for tasks that involve understanding the semantic similarity between Chinese text, such as: Paraphrase detection**: Identifying when two sentences convey the same meaning using the cosine similarity of their embeddings. Semantic search**: Retrieving relevant documents from a corpus based on the similarity of their embeddings to a query sentence. Text clustering**: Grouping similar sentences or documents together based on the distances between their embeddings. The model's strong performance on Chinese language benchmarks suggests it can be a valuable tool for a variety of Chinese NLP applications. What can I use it for? The text2vec-base-chinese-paraphrase model can be used in a wide range of Chinese language processing projects, such as: Intelligent chatbots**: Use the model's sentence embedding capabilities to match user queries to relevant responses, enabling more natural conversations. Content recommendation systems**: Leverage the model to identify semantically similar content and suggest relevant articles, products, or services to users. Academic research**: Utilize the model's sentence embeddings for tasks like document retrieval, text summarization, or text categorization in Chinese language research. Things to try One interesting aspect of the text2vec-base-chinese-paraphrase model is its ability to capture nuanced semantic relationships between Chinese sentences. For example, you could try using the model to identify paraphrases or synonyms in a Chinese text corpus, or to cluster related documents based on their content. Another potential application is to use the model's sentence embeddings as features in a downstream machine learning model, such as a classifier or regression task. The rich semantic information captured by the model could help improve the performance of these models on Chinese language problems. Overall, the text2vec-base-chinese-paraphrase model is a powerful tool for working with Chinese text data, and there are many interesting ways it could be applied in practice.

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text2vec-large-chinese is a CoSENT model derived from the text2vec-base-chinese model, which replaces the base MacBERT model with the LERT model while keeping other training conditions unchanged. It was created by GanymedeNil, a Hugging Face contributor. The CoSENT model maps sentences to a 768-dimensional dense vector space, enabling tasks like sentence embeddings, text matching, and semantic search. This large version builds on the base Chinese model by incorporating the LERT transformer, which may provide enhanced performance compared to the original MacBERT. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The model takes in text, either individual sentences or short paragraphs, as input. Outputs Sentence Embeddings**: The model outputs a 768-dimensional dense vector representation capturing the semantic meaning of the input text. Capabilities The text2vec-large-chinese model is capable of generating high-quality sentence embeddings that can be useful for a variety of NLP tasks. The embeddings capture the semantic similarity between text, allowing for applications like information retrieval, text clustering, and sentence-level semantic search. What can I use it for? The sentence embeddings produced by text2vec-large-chinese can be leveraged in numerous ways. They can power semantic search systems, where users can find relevant content by querying with natural language. The embeddings can also enable text clustering and classification, as the vector representations capture the underlying meaning of the text. Additionally, the model's outputs can be used as features in downstream machine learning models for tasks like intent detection or text summarization. Things to try One interesting aspect of the text2vec-large-chinese model is its ability to handle longer input text, up to 256 word pieces. This makes it well-suited for working with short paragraphs or even longer documents, in contrast to models that may be limited to single-sentence inputs. Experimenting with different types of text, from queries to product descriptions to news articles, can help uncover the model's strengths and how it can be applied to real-world problems.

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