
Maintainer: Qwen

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model overview

Qwen-VL-Chat is a large vision language model proposed by Alibaba Cloud. It is the visual multimodal version of the Qwen (Tongyi Qianwen) large model series. Qwen-VL-Chat accepts image, text, and bounding box as inputs, and outputs text and bounding box. It is a more capable version of the base Qwen-VL model.

Qwen-VL-Chat is pretrained on large-scale data and can be used for a variety of vision-language tasks such as image captioning, visual question answering, and referring expression comprehension. Compared to the base Qwen-VL model, Qwen-VL-Chat has enhanced capabilities for interactive visual dialogue.

Model inputs and outputs


  • Image: An image in the form of a tensor
  • Text: A textual prompt or dialogue history
  • Bounding box: Locations of objects or regions of interest in the image


  • Text: The model's generated response text
  • Bounding box: Locations of objects or regions referred to in the output text


Qwen-VL-Chat can perform a wide range of vision-language tasks, including:

  • Image captioning: Generating descriptions for images
  • Visual question answering: Answering questions about the content of images
  • Referring expression comprehension: Localizing objects or regions in images based on textual referring expressions
  • Visual dialogue: Engaging in back-and-forth conversations about images, by understanding the visual context and generating relevant responses

The model leverages both visual and textual information to produce more accurate and contextually appropriate outputs compared to models that only use text or vision alone.

What can I use it for?

Qwen-VL-Chat can be used in a variety of applications that involve understanding and reasoning about visual information, such as:

  • Intelligent image search and retrieval: Allowing users to search for and retrieve relevant images using natural language queries.
  • Automated image captioning and description generation: Generating descriptive captions for images to aid accessibility or summarize visual content.
  • Visual question answering: Building AI assistants that can answer questions about the contents of images.
  • Interactive visual dialogue systems: Creating chatbots that can engage in back-and-forth conversations about images, answering follow-up questions and providing additional information.
  • Multimodal content creation and editing: Assisting users in creating and manipulating visual content by understanding both the image and textual context.

These capabilities can be leveraged in a wide range of industries, such as e-commerce, education, entertainment, and more.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of Qwen-VL-Chat is its ability to ground language in visual context and generate responses that are tailored to the specific image being discussed. For example, you could try providing the model with an image and a question about the contents of the image, and see how it leverages the visual information to provide a detailed and relevant answer.

Another interesting area to explore is the model's capacity for interactive visual dialogue. You could try engaging the model in a back-and-forth conversation about an image, asking follow-up questions or providing additional context, and observe how it updates its understanding and generates appropriate responses.

Additionally, you could experiment with using Qwen-VL-Chat for tasks like image captioning or referring expression comprehension, and compare its performance to other vision-language models. This could help you better understand the model's strengths and limitations in different applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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Qwen-VL-Chat-Int4 is an AI model developed by Qwen, a large vision language model (LVLM) that accepts image, text, and bounding box as inputs, and outputs text and bounding box. It is an INT4 quantized version of the Qwen-VL-Chat model, which aims to achieve nearly lossless model effects with improved performance on both memory costs and inference speed compared to the original. Qwen-VL-Chat is the large language model-based AI assistant developed by Alibaba Cloud, which is built upon the Qwen-VL pretrained model. Qwen-VL is the visual multimodal version of the large Qwen model series, capable of handling a variety of text-image related tasks. The Qwen-VL-Chat model is a fine-tuned version of Qwen-VL focused on open-ended chat interactions. Model Inputs and Outputs Inputs Image**: An image provided as input, either as a URL or direct image data. Text**: Optional text prompt to accompany the image input. Bounding box**: Optional bounding box information to localize a region of the input image. Outputs Text**: The model's generated text response. Bounding box**: The model's predicted bounding box, if relevant to the task. Capabilities Qwen-VL-Chat-Int4 inherits the capabilities of the Qwen-VL and Qwen-VL-Chat models, enabling it to engage in open-ended dialog, answer questions, and complete a variety of text-image related tasks. It demonstrates strong performance on benchmarks like zero-shot image captioning, general visual question answering, and text-based visual question answering compared to other large language models. The INT4 quantization of the model allows for more efficient inference with reduced memory usage, while maintaining high task performance. This makes Qwen-VL-Chat-Int4 well-suited for deployment on resource-constrained devices or for applications that require fast inference speeds. What Can I Use It For? Qwen-VL-Chat-Int4 can be used for a wide range of applications that involve natural language processing and computer vision, such as: Virtual assistants**: The model can be used to power conversational AI assistants that can understand and respond to multimodal inputs, such as image-based questions or instructions. Content generation**: The model can be used to generate image captions, product descriptions, or other text outputs based on visual inputs. Multimodal search and retrieval**: The model can be used to retrieve relevant information or content based on a combination of text and visual queries. Accessibility tools**: The model's ability to understand and describe images can be leveraged to create tools that assist visually impaired users. Things to Try One interesting aspect of Qwen-VL-Chat-Int4 is its strong performance on text-based visual question answering tasks, where it outperforms many larger models. This suggests the model has developed a deep understanding of the relationship between text and visual information, which could be useful for applications like visual reasoning or multimodal query understanding. Another area to explore is the model's ability to handle long-form text and extend its context understanding, as demonstrated by the improved performance on the VCSUM long-text summarization benchmark when using techniques like NTK-aware interpolation and LogN attention scaling. Overall, Qwen-VL-Chat-Int4 represents an exciting advancement in multimodal AI, combining powerful vision and language capabilities with efficient inference. Researchers and developers should consider experimenting with this model to unlock new possibilities in text-image understanding and generation.

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The Qwen-VL is a large vision language model (LVLM) proposed by Alibaba Cloud. It is the visual multimodal version of the Qwen large model series, which can accept image, text, and bounding box as inputs, and output text and bounding box. Qwen-VL-Chat is a chat model version of Qwen-VL, and Qwen-VL-Chat-Int4 is an int4 quantized version of Qwen-VL-Chat that achieves nearly lossless performance with improved speed and memory usage. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Image**: The model can take an image as input, represented as a URL or embedded within the text. Text**: The model can take text as input, which is used for tasks like image captioning or visual question answering. Bounding box**: The model can take bounding box coordinates as input, which is used for tasks like referring expression comprehension. Outputs Text**: The model can generate text, such as captions for images or answers to visual questions. Bounding box**: The model can output bounding box coordinates, such as locating the target object described in a referring expression. Capabilities Qwen-VL outperforms current SOTA generalist models on multiple vision-language tasks, including zero-shot image captioning, general visual question answering, text-oriented VQA, and referring expression comprehension. It also achieves strong performance on the TouchStone benchmark, which evaluates the model's overall text-image dialogue capability and alignment with humans. What can I use it for? The Qwen-VL model can be applied to a wide range of vision-language tasks, such as image captioning, visual question answering, text-based VQA, and referring expression comprehension. Companies could potentially use it for applications like visual search, product recommendations, or automated image analysis and reporting. The quantized Qwen-VL-Chat-Int4 model is particularly well-suited for deployment on resource-constrained devices due to its improved speed and memory efficiency. Things to try You can try using Qwen-VL for zero-shot image captioning on unseen datasets, or test its abilities on text-based VQA tasks that require recognizing text in images. The model's strong performance on referring expression comprehension suggests it could be useful for applications that involve locating and interacting with specific objects in images.

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Qwen-14B-Chat is the 14B-parameter version of the large language model series, Qwen (abbr. Tongyi Qianwen), proposed by Alibaba Cloud. Qwen-14B-Chat is a Transformer-based large language model that has been pretrained on a large volume of data, including web texts, books, and code. It has been further trained using alignment techniques to create an AI assistant with strong language understanding and generation capabilities. Compared to the Qwen-7B-Chat model, Qwen-14B-Chat has double the parameter count and can thus handle more complex tasks and generate more coherent and relevant responses. It outperforms other similarly-sized models on a variety of benchmarks such as C-Eval, MMLU, and GSM8K. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Free-form text prompts, which can include instructions, questions, or open-ended statements. The model supports multi-turn dialogues, where the input can include the conversation history. Outputs Coherent, contextually relevant text responses generated by the model. The model can generate responses of varying length, from short single-sentence replies to longer multi-paragraph outputs. Capabilities Qwen-14B-Chat has demonstrated strong performance on a wide range of tasks, including language understanding, reasoning, code generation, and tool usage. It achieves state-of-the-art results on benchmarks like C-Eval and MMLU, outperforming other large language models of similar size. The model also supports ReAct prompting, allowing it to call external APIs and plugins to assist with tasks that require accessing external information or functionality. This enables the model to handle more complex and open-ended prompts that require accessing external tools or data. What can I use it for? Given its impressive capabilities, Qwen-14B-Chat can be a valuable tool for a variety of applications. Some potential use cases include: Content generation**: The model can be used to generate high-quality text content such as articles, stories, or creative writing. Its strong language understanding and generation abilities make it well-suited for tasks like writing assistance, ideation, and summarization. Conversational AI**: Qwen-14B-Chat's ability to engage in coherent, multi-turn dialogues makes it a promising candidate for building advanced chatbots and virtual assistants. Its ReAct prompting support also allows it to be integrated with other tools and services. Task automation**: By leveraging the model's capabilities in areas like code generation, mathematical reasoning, and tool usage, it can be used to automate a variety of tasks that require language-based intelligence. Research and experimentation**: As an open-source model, Qwen-14B-Chat provides a powerful platform for researchers and developers to explore the capabilities of large language models and experiment with new techniques and applications. Things to try One interesting aspect of Qwen-14B-Chat is its strong performance on long-context tasks, thanks to the inclusion of techniques like NTK-aware interpolation and LogN attention scaling. Researchers and developers can experiment with using the model for tasks that require understanding and generating text with extended context, such as document summarization, long-form question answering, or multi-turn task-oriented dialogues. Another intriguing area to explore is the model's ReAct prompting capabilities, which allow it to interact with external APIs and plugins. Users can try integrating Qwen-14B-Chat with a variety of tools and services to see how it can be leveraged for more complex, real-world applications that go beyond simple language generation.

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Qwen-14B-Chat-Int4 is the 14B-parameter version of the large language model series, Qwen (abbr. Tongyi Qianwen), proposed by Alibaba Cloud. Qwen-14B is a Transformer-based large language model pretrained on a large volume of data, including web texts, books, and code. Qwen-14B-Chat is an AI assistant model based on the pretrained Qwen-14B, trained with alignment techniques. This Qwen-14B-Chat-Int4 model is an Int4 quantized version of Qwen-14B-Chat, which achieves nearly lossless model effects with improved performance on both memory costs and inference speed compared to the previous solution. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The model accepts text input for generating responses in a conversational dialogue. Outputs Text**: The model generates relevant and coherent text responses based on the input. Capabilities The Qwen-14B-Chat-Int4 model demonstrates strong performance across a variety of benchmarks, including Chinese-focused evaluations like C-Eval as well as multilingual tasks like MMLU. Compared to other large language models of similar size, Qwen-14B-Chat performs well in accuracy on commonsense reasoning, language understanding, and code generation tasks. Additionally, the model supports long-context understanding through techniques like NTK-aware interpolation and LogN attention scaling, allowing it to maintain high performance on long-text summarization datasets like VCSUM. What can I use it for? You can use Qwen-14B-Chat-Int4 for a wide range of natural language processing tasks, such as open-ended conversation, question answering, text generation, and task-oriented dialogue. The model's strong performance on Chinese and multilingual benchmarks make it a good choice for applications targeting global audiences. The Int4 quantization of this model also makes it well-suited for deployment on resource-constrained devices or environments, as it can achieve significant improvements in memory usage and inference speed compared to the full-precision version. Things to try One interesting aspect of Qwen-14B-Chat-Int4 is its ability to handle long-context understanding through techniques like NTK-aware interpolation and LogN attention scaling. You can experiment with these features by setting the corresponding flags in the configuration and observing how the model performs on tasks that require comprehending and summarizing longer input texts. Additionally, the model's strong performance on benchmarks like C-Eval, MMLU, and HumanEval suggests it may be a good starting point for fine-tuning on domain-specific tasks or datasets, potentially unlocking even higher capabilities for your particular use case.

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