
Maintainer: Qwen

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Last updated 5/30/2024

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Model overview

Qwen1.5-110B is the beta version of Qwen2, a transformer-based decoder-only language model pretrained on a large amount of data. In comparison with the previous released Qwen, the improvements include 9 model sizes ranging from 0.5B to 110B parameters, significant performance improvement in chat models, multilingual support, and stable support of 32K context length. The Qwen1.5-0.5B, Qwen1.5-110B-Chat, Qwen1.5-32B, Qwen1.5-72B, and Qwen1.5-0.5B-Chat models are some of the other variants in the Qwen1.5 series.

Model inputs and outputs

Qwen1.5-110B is a language model that takes text as input and generates text as output. The model is based on the Transformer architecture with improvements such as SwiGLU activation, attention QKV bias, group query attention, and a mixture of sliding window attention and full attention. It also has an improved tokenizer adaptive to multiple natural languages and codes.


  • Text sequences
  • Prompts for generating text


  • Continuation of the input text
  • Novel text generated based on the input prompt


Qwen1.5-110B demonstrates strong performance in open-ended text generation tasks, such as writing stories, generating responses in dialogues, and summarizing information. The model's large size and multilingual capabilities enable it to handle a wide range of language understanding and generation tasks across multiple languages.

What can I use it for?

Qwen1.5-110B can be used for various NLP applications, such as content creation, language translation, question answering, and task-oriented dialogue systems. The model's flexible size options and post-training capabilities allow users to fine-tune or adapt it to specific use cases. For example, users can apply techniques like supervised finetuning, reinforcement learning from human feedback, or continued pretraining to further improve the model's performance on their target tasks.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of Qwen1.5-110B is its ability to handle code-switching and multilingual content. Users can experiment with providing prompts that mix multiple languages or include programming code to see how the model responds. Additionally, the model's large context length support enables applications that require long-form text generation or summarization.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

Related Models




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Qwen1.5-32B is the beta version of Qwen2, a transformer-based decoder-only language model pretrained on a large amount of data. Compared to the previous Qwen model, this release includes 8 model sizes ranging from 0.5B to 72B parameters, significant performance improvements in chat models, multilingual support, and stable support for 32K context length. The model is based on the Transformer architecture with various enhancements like SwiGLU activation, attention QKV bias, group query attention, and a mixture of sliding window attention and full attention. Additionally, it has an improved tokenizer adaptive to multiple natural languages and codes. The Qwen1.5 model series also includes other similar models like Qwen1.5-32B-Chat, Qwen1.5-14B-Chat, Qwen1.5-7B-Chat, Qwen1.5-72B-Chat, and CodeQwen1.5-7B-Chat, each with its own unique capabilities and use cases. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text prompts**: The model takes text prompts as input, which can be in the form of natural language or code. Outputs Generated text**: The model generates relevant and coherent text based on the input prompt. This can include natural language responses, code, or a combination of both. Capabilities The Qwen1.5-32B model has strong language understanding and generation capabilities across a wide range of domains, including natural language, code, and multi-lingual content. It can be used for tasks such as text generation, language translation, code generation, and question answering. What can I use it for? Qwen1.5-32B and its similar models can be used for a variety of applications, such as: Content generation**: Generate high-quality text, including articles, stories, and dialogue, for use in various media and applications. Language translation**: Translate text between multiple languages with high accuracy. Code generation**: Generate code in a variety of programming languages based on natural language prompts or requirements. Question answering**: Answer questions and provide information on a wide range of topics. Things to try When using the Qwen1.5-32B model, you can try experimenting with different input prompts and generation parameters to see how the model responds. You can also explore the model's capabilities in tasks like text summarization, sentiment analysis, and open-ended conversation. Additionally, you can try fine-tuning the model on your own data to adapt it to specific use cases or domains.

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Qwen1.5-0.5B is a transformer-based decoder-only language model, part of the Qwen1.5 model series. Compared to the previous Qwen models, Qwen1.5 includes several improvements such as 8 different model sizes, significant performance gains in chat models, multilingual support, and stable 32K context length. The model is based on the Transformer architecture with techniques like SwiGLU activation, attention QKV bias, and group query attention. The Qwen1.5 series includes other similar models like Qwen1.5-32B, Qwen1.5-72B, Qwen1.5-7B-Chat, Qwen1.5-14B-Chat, and Qwen1.5-32B-Chat, all created by the same maintainer Qwen. Model Inputs and Outputs The Qwen1.5-0.5B model is a language model that takes in text as input and generates text as output. It can handle a wide range of natural language tasks like language generation, translation, and summarization. Inputs Natural language text Outputs Generated natural language text Capabilities The Qwen1.5-0.5B model has strong text generation capabilities, able to produce fluent and coherent text on a variety of topics. It can be used for tasks like creative writing, dialogue generation, and Q&A. The model also has multilingual support, allowing it to understand and generate text in multiple languages. What Can I Use It For? The Qwen1.5-0.5B model can be a powerful tool for a variety of natural language processing applications. Some potential use cases include: Content Generation**: Use the model to generate text for blog posts, product descriptions, or creative fiction. Conversational AI**: Fine-tune the model for chatbots and virtual assistants to engage in natural conversations. Language Translation**: Leverage the model's multilingual capabilities to perform high-quality machine translation. Text Summarization**: Condense long-form text into concise summaries. Things to Try One interesting aspect of the Qwen1.5-0.5B model is its ability to maintain context over long sequences of text. This makes it well-suited for tasks that require coherence and continuity, like interactive storytelling or task-oriented dialogue. Experiment with providing the model with longer prompts and see how it can extend and build upon the initial context. Additionally, the model's strong performance on chat tasks suggests it could be a good starting point for developing more engaging and natural conversational AI systems. Try fine-tuning the model on specialized datasets or incorporating techniques like reinforcement learning to further improve its interactive capabilities.

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Qwen1.5-72B is a series of large language models developed by Qwen, ranging in size from 0.5B to 72B parameters. Compared to the previous version of Qwen, key improvements include significant performance gains in chat models, multilingual support, and stable support for 32K context length. The models are based on the Transformer architecture with techniques like SwiGLU activation, attention QKV bias, and a mixture of sliding window and full attention. Qwen1.5-32B, Qwen1.5-72B-Chat, Qwen1.5-7B-Chat, and Qwen1.5-14B-Chat are examples of similar models in this series. Model inputs and outputs The Qwen1.5-72B model is a decoder-only language model that generates text based on input prompts. It has an improved tokenizer that can handle multiple natural languages and code. The model does not support direct text generation, and is instead intended for further post-training approaches like supervised finetuning, reinforcement learning from human feedback, or continued pretraining. Inputs Text prompts for the model to continue or generate content Outputs Continuation of the input text, generating novel text Responses to prompts or queries Capabilities The Qwen1.5-72B model demonstrates strong language understanding and generation capabilities, with significant performance improvements over previous versions in tasks like open-ended dialog. It can be used to generate coherent, contextually relevant text across a wide range of domains. The model also has stable support for long-form content with context lengths up to 32K tokens. What can I use it for? The Qwen1.5-72B model and its variants can be used as a foundation for building various language-based AI applications, such as: Conversational AI assistants Content generation tools for articles, stories, or creative writing Multilingual language models for translation or multilingual applications Finetuning on specialized datasets for domain-specific language tasks Things to try Some interesting things to explore with the Qwen1.5-72B model include: Applying post-training techniques like supervised finetuning, RLHF, or continued pretraining to adapt the model to specific use cases Experimenting with the model's ability to handle long-form content and maintain coherence over extended context Evaluating the model's performance on multilingual tasks and code-switching scenarios Exploring ways to integrate the model's capabilities into real-world applications and services

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Qwen1.5-110B-Chat is a large language model developed by Qwen. It is the beta version of Qwen2, a transformer-based decoder-only language model pretrained on a large amount of data. Compared to previous versions of Qwen, Qwen1.5-110B-Chat offers several improvements, including 9 model sizes ranging from 0.5B to 110B parameters, significant performance gains in human preference for chat models, multilingual support, and stable support for 32K context length. The model is based on the Transformer architecture, utilizing components like SwiGLU activation, attention QKV bias, group query attention, and a mixture of sliding window attention and full attention. It also features an improved tokenizer that is adaptive to multiple natural languages and codes. Similar models released by Qwen include the Qwen1.5-14B-Chat, Qwen1.5-7B-Chat, Qwen1.5-32B-Chat, and Qwen1.5-72B-Chat models, which vary in size and capabilities. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Conversational prompts**: The model takes conversational prompts as input, which can include system instructions and user messages. Outputs Conversational responses**: The model generates coherent and contextually appropriate responses to the input prompts. Capabilities Qwen1.5-110B-Chat is a powerful language model capable of engaging in open-ended conversations on a wide range of topics. It can assist with tasks like question answering, summarization, content generation, and more. The model's large size and advanced architectural components allow it to generate high-quality, human-like responses while maintaining coherence and context awareness. What can I use it for? Qwen1.5-110B-Chat can be a valuable tool for a variety of applications, such as: Chatbots and virtual assistants**: The model can be used to power conversational interfaces that can engage users in natural language interactions. Content generation**: The model can be fine-tuned or prompted to generate articles, stories, scripts, and other creative content. Question answering and research assistance**: The model can be used to answer questions and provide information on a wide range of topics. Educational and tutoring applications**: The model can be used to provide personalized learning experiences and answer questions on academic subjects. Things to try When using Qwen1.5-110B-Chat, you can experiment with different prompting strategies and generation settings to explore the model's capabilities. Try providing the model with prompts that require reasoning, empathy, or creativity to see how it responds. You can also fine-tune the model on domain-specific data to adapt it for specialized use cases. Additionally, you can explore the quantized versions of the model, such as Qwen1.5-110B-Chat-GPTQ-Int4 and Qwen1.5-110B-Chat-GPTQ-Int8, to balance performance and model size.

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