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Last updated 9/17/2024
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Model overview

The qwen2-7b-instruct is a 7 billion parameter language model from Alibaba Cloud, fine-tuned for chat completions. It is part of the Qwen2 series of large language models, which have demonstrated performance competitive with state-of-the-art open-source models across a range of benchmarks.

Compared to the previous Qwen1.5 models, Qwen2 has generally surpassed most open-source models and shown competitiveness against proprietary models in language understanding, generation, multilingual capability, coding, mathematics, and reasoning tasks. The Qwen2-7B-Instruct model in particular supports context lengths up to 131,072 tokens, enabling processing of extensive inputs.

Model inputs and outputs


  • seed: The seed for the random number generator
  • top_k: When decoding text, samples from the top k most likely tokens; lower to ignore less likely tokens
  • top_p: When decoding text, samples from the top p percentage of most likely tokens; lower to ignore less likely tokens
  • prompt: Input prompt
  • model_type: Choose from available 7B Qwen2 models
  • temperature: Adjusts randomness of outputs, greater than 1 is random and 0 is deterministic
  • system_prompt: System prompt
  • max_new_tokens: The maximum number of tokens to generate
  • repetition_penalty: Penalty for repeated words in generated text; 1 is no penalty, values greater than 1 discourage repetition, less than 1 encourage it


  • The model generates a sequence of tokens in response to the input prompt and context.


The qwen2-7b-instruct model has demonstrated strong performance on a variety of benchmarks, including English tasks like MMLU, coding tasks like HumanEval, and mathematics tasks like GSM8K. It has also shown impressive capabilities on Chinese evaluation datasets like C-Eval.

Compared to similar-sized instruction-tuned models like meta-llama-3-70b-instruct, the Qwen2-7B-Instruct model generally outperforms on these tasks. For example, it achieves 70.5% on MMLU versus 68.4% for LLaMA-3-8B-Instruct, and 79.9% on HumanEval versus 62.2% for LLaMA-3-8B-Instruct.

The model also supports long-context processing using techniques like NTK-aware interpolation and LogN attention scaling, which allow it to maintain strong performance on long text summarization datasets like VCSUM.

What can I use it for?

The qwen2-7b-instruct model can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, including open-ended chat, question answering, text generation, and code generation. Given its strong performance on benchmarks, it could be a good choice for applications that require language understanding, reasoning, and generation capabilities.

For example, you could use the model to build a virtual assistant that can engage in open-ended conversations, answer questions, and even assist with coding tasks. The long-context processing capabilities could also make it useful for summarization or analysis of lengthy documents.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of the Qwen2 models is their support for a large vocabulary of over 150,000 tokens. This makes them more friendly to multilingual usage, as users can enhance capabilities for specific languages without needing to expand the vocabulary.

You could experiment with using the qwen2-7b-instruct model for tasks in languages beyond English and Chinese, and see how it performs compared to models with smaller, more language-specific vocabularies. The ability to handle a diverse range of languages could be a valuable asset for certain applications.

Another area to explore is the model's capabilities around tool usage and task-oriented prompting, as demonstrated by its strong performance on the ReAct Prompting and HuggingFace Agent benchmarks. You could try integrating the model with external tools or APIs and see how it handles complex, multi-step workflows.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The gte-qwen2-7b-instruct is the latest model in the General Text Embedding (GTE) family from Alibaba NLP. It is a large language model based on the Qwen2-7B model, with an embedding dimension of 3584 and a maximum input length of 32,000 tokens. The model has been fine-tuned for improved performance on the Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB), ranking first in both English and Chinese evaluations. Compared to the previous gte-Qwen1.5-7B-instruct model, the gte-qwen2-7b-instruct utilizes the upgraded Qwen2-7B base model, which incorporates several key advancements like bidirectional attention mechanisms and comprehensive training across a vast, multilingual text corpus. This results in consistent performance enhancements over the previous model. The GTE model series from Alibaba NLP also includes other variants like GTE-large-zh, GTE-base-en-v1.5, and gte-Qwen1.5-7B-instruct, catering to different language requirements and model sizes. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: An array of strings representing the texts to be embedded. Outputs Output**: An array of numbers representing the embedding vector for the input text. Capabilities The gte-qwen2-7b-instruct model excels at general text embedding tasks, consistently ranking at the top of the MTEB and C-MTEB benchmarks. It demonstrates strong performance across a variety of languages and domains, making it a versatile choice for applications that require high-quality text representations. What can I use it for? The gte-qwen2-7b-instruct model can be leveraged for a wide range of applications that benefit from powerful text embeddings, such as: Information retrieval and search Text classification and clustering Semantic similarity detection Recommendation systems Data augmentation and generation The model's impressive performance on the MTEB and C-MTEB benchmarks suggests it could be particularly useful for tasks that require cross-lingual or multilingual text understanding. Things to try One interesting aspect of the gte-qwen2-7b-instruct model is its integration of bidirectional attention mechanisms, which can enhance its contextual understanding. Experimenting with different prompts or input formats to leverage this capability could yield interesting insights. Additionally, the model's large size and comprehensive training corpus make it well-suited for transfer learning or fine-tuning on domain-specific tasks. Exploring how the model's embeddings perform on various downstream applications could uncover new use cases and opportunities.

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qwen1.5-72b is the beta version of Qwen2, a transformer-based decoder-only language model pretrained on a large amount of data. It was created by lucataco. Similar models include the qwen1.5-110b, whisperspeech-small, phi-3-mini-4k-instruct, moondream2, and deepseek-vl-7b-base, all of which were also developed by lucataco. Model inputs and outputs qwen1.5-72b is a language model that generates text based on a given prompt. The model takes several inputs, including the prompt, system prompt, temperature, top-k and top-p sampling parameters, repetition penalty, max new tokens, and a random seed. Inputs Prompt**: The input text that the model will use to generate additional text. System Prompt**: An optional prompt to set the overall behavior and personality of the model. Temperature**: Controls the randomness of the generated text, with higher values leading to more diverse and unpredictable outputs. Top K**: The number of most likely tokens to consider during sampling. Top P**: The cumulative probability threshold to use for nucleus sampling, which focuses the sampling on the most likely tokens. Repetition Penalty**: A penalty applied to tokens that have already been generated, to discourage repetition. Max New Tokens**: The maximum number of new tokens to generate. Seed**: A random seed value to ensure reproducible results. Outputs The model outputs an array of generated text, which can be concatenated to form a coherent response. Capabilities qwen1.5-72b is a powerful language model capable of generating human-like text on a wide range of topics. It can be used for tasks such as text completion, language generation, and dialogue systems. The model's performance can be tuned by adjusting the input parameters, allowing users to generate outputs that are more or less creative, coherent, and diverse. What can I use it for? qwen1.5-72b can be used in a variety of applications, such as: Chatbots and virtual assistants Content generation for websites, blogs, and social media Creative writing and story generation Language translation and summarization Educational and research applications The model's lightweight and efficient design also makes it suitable for deployment on edge devices, enabling on-device language processing capabilities. Things to try One interesting aspect of qwen1.5-72b is its ability to generate diverse and creative outputs by adjusting the temperature parameter. By experimenting with different temperature values, users can explore the model's range of capabilities, from more logical and coherent responses to more imaginative and unpredictable outputs. Additionally, the model's system prompt feature allows users to tailor the model's personality and behavior to suit their specific needs, opening up a wide range of potential applications.

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meta-llama-3-70b-instruct is a 70 billion parameter language model from Meta that has been fine-tuned for chat completions. It is part of Meta's Llama series of language models, which also includes the meta-llama-3-8b-instruct, codellama-70b-instruct, meta-llama-3-70b, codellama-13b-instruct, and codellama-7b-instruct models. Model inputs and outputs meta-llama-3-70b-instruct is a text-based model, taking in a prompt as input and generating text as output. The model has been specifically fine-tuned for chat completions, meaning it is well-suited for engaging in open-ended dialogue and responding to prompts in a conversational manner. Inputs Prompt**: The text that is provided as input to the model, which it will use to generate a response. Outputs Generated text**: The text that the model outputs in response to the input prompt. Capabilities meta-llama-3-70b-instruct can engage in a wide range of conversational tasks, from open-ended discussion to task-oriented dialog. It has been trained on a vast amount of text data, allowing it to draw upon a deep knowledge base to provide informative and coherent responses. The model can also generate creative and imaginative text, making it well-suited for applications such as story writing and idea generation. What can I use it for? With its strong conversational abilities, meta-llama-3-70b-instruct can be used for a variety of applications, such as building chatbots, virtual assistants, and interactive educational tools. Businesses could leverage the model to provide customer service, while writers and content creators could use it to generate new ideas and narrative content. Researchers may also find the model useful for exploring topics in natural language processing and exploring the capabilities of large language models. Things to try One interesting aspect of meta-llama-3-70b-instruct is its ability to engage in multi-turn dialogues and maintain context over the course of a conversation. You could try prompting the model with an initial query and then continuing the dialog, observing how it builds upon the previous context. Another interesting experiment would be to provide the model with prompts that require reasoning or problem-solving, and see how it responds.

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meta-llama-3-8b-instruct is an 8 billion parameter language model from Meta that has been fine-tuned for chat completions. This model is part of the Llama 3 series, which also includes the base meta-llama-3-8b and the larger meta-llama-3-70b models. Compared to the base Llama 3 models, the meta-llama-3-8b-instruct version has been further trained on dialogue and instruction-following tasks, giving it enhanced capabilities for open-ended conversations and task completion. Model inputs and outputs The meta-llama-3-8b-instruct model takes a prompt as input and generates text as output. The prompt can be a statement, question, or instruction that the model uses to continue the conversation or complete the task. The output is a completion of the prompt, generated based on the model's understanding of the context and its training on dialogue and instruction-following. Inputs Prompt**: The starting text that the model should use to generate a completion. Outputs Text completion**: The model's generated continuation or completion of the input prompt. Capabilities The meta-llama-3-8b-instruct model is capable of engaging in open-ended dialogue, answering questions, and following instructions. It can be used for a variety of tasks such as language modeling, text generation, question answering, and task completion. The model's fine-tuning on dialogue and instruction-following allows it to generate more coherent and relevant responses compared to the base Llama 3 models. What can I use it for? The meta-llama-3-8b-instruct model can be used for a wide range of applications, such as building chatbots, virtual assistants, and content generation tools. Its ability to understand and respond to instructions makes it well-suited for automating various tasks, from customer service to content creation. Developers and businesses can leverage this model to enhance their products and services, while researchers can use it to further explore the capabilities of large language models. Things to try One interesting aspect of the meta-llama-3-8b-instruct model is its ability to follow complex instructions and generate coherent responses. You can try prompting the model with multi-step tasks or open-ended questions and observe how it handles the complexity. Additionally, you can experiment with different temperature and top-k/top-p settings to see how they affect the model's output in terms of creativity, coherence, and safety.

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