
Maintainer: SamLowe

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model overview

The roberta-base-go_emotions model is a fine-tuned version of the RoBERTa base model that has been trained on the go_emotions dataset for multi-label classification. This model can be used to classify text into one or more of the 28 emotion labels present in the dataset, such as joy, anger, and fear.

Similar models include the xlm-roberta-large-xnli model, which is a multilingual zero-shot text classification model, and the bert-base-NER model, which is a fine-tuned BERT model for named entity recognition.

Model inputs and outputs


  • Text: The model takes a text sequence as input, which can be a sentence, paragraph, or longer document.


  • Emotion probabilities: The model outputs a list of 28 float values, each representing the probability that the input text corresponds to the corresponding emotion label.


The roberta-base-go_emotions model can be used to classify text into one or more emotion categories. This could be useful for applications such as sentiment analysis, customer service chatbots, or mental health monitoring tools. The multi-label approach allows the model to capture the nuance and complexity of human emotions, which can often involve a mix of different feelings.

What can I use it for?

You can use the roberta-base-go_emotions model for a variety of text classification tasks, particularly those involving emotion analysis. For example, you could use it to automatically detect the emotional tone of customer service interactions, social media posts, or online reviews. This could help businesses better understand their customers' experiences and target their marketing or support efforts more effectively.

The model could also be integrated into mental health applications, such as mood tracking apps or conversational agents, to provide insights into a user's emotional state over time. This could help identify potential mental health issues or provide personalized recommendations for coping strategies.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of this model is its ability to handle multi-label classification, which means it can identify multiple emotions in a single piece of text. This could be useful for analyzing more complex or nuanced emotional expressions, such as a mix of joy and frustration or anger and sadness.

To experiment with this capability, you could try feeding the model a variety of text samples, from short social media posts to longer form narratives, and observe how the model's emotion probability outputs change. This could provide valuable insights into the emotional complexity of human communication and help inform the design of more empathetic and responsive AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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EmoRoBERTa is a model trained by arpanghoshal on the GoEmotions dataset, which contains 58,000 Reddit comments labeled with 28 different emotions. The model is based on the RoBERTa architecture and has been fine-tuned for emotion classification. Similar models include: roberta-base-go_emotions - A RoBERTa-base model trained on the GoEmotions dataset. distilroberta-finetuned-financial-news-sentiment-analysis - A DistilRoBERTa model fine-tuned for financial news sentiment analysis. twitter-roberta-base-sentiment - A RoBERTa-base model trained on tweets and fine-tuned for sentiment analysis. distilbert-base-uncased-emotion - A DistilBERT model fine-tuned for emotion classification on Twitter data. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text data, such as sentences or short paragraphs, that the model will analyze for emotional content. Outputs A list of emotion labels and their corresponding probabilities for the input text. The 28 emotion labels are: admiration, amusement, anger, annoyance, approval, caring, confusion, curiosity, desire, disappointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrassment, excitement, fear, gratitude, grief, joy, love, nervousness, optimism, pride, realization, relief, remorse, sadness, and surprise. Capabilities The EmoRoBERTa model can be used to analyze the emotional content of text, identifying the predominant emotions expressed. This can be useful for a variety of applications, such as customer service sentiment analysis, social media monitoring, or literary/creative analysis. What can I use it for? The EmoRoBERTa model could be used in applications that require understanding the emotional state of users or analyzing the emotional tone of written content. For example, a company could use it to monitor customer feedback and identify areas of concern or positive sentiment. Writers could use it to better understand the emotional arc of their stories. Researchers could use it to study the expression of emotions in online discourse. Things to try Some interesting things to try with the EmoRoBERTa model include: Analyzing the emotional content of user reviews or social media posts to understand trends and sentiment. Comparing the emotional profiles of different genres of writing or content creators. Experimenting with different thresholds for emotion classification to see how it affects the model's performance. Combining the emotion predictions with other NLP tasks, such as topic modeling or named entity recognition, to gain deeper insights. Overall, the EmoRoBERTa model provides a powerful tool for understanding the emotional dimensions of text data, with a wide range of potential applications.

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The distilbert-base-uncased-go-emotions-student model is a distilled version of a zero-shot classification pipeline trained on the unlabeled GoEmotions dataset. The maintainer explains that this model was trained with mixed precision for 10 epochs using a script for distilling an NLI-based zero-shot model into a more efficient student model. While the original GoEmotions dataset allows for multi-label classification, the teacher model used single-label classification to create pseudo-labels for the student. Similar models include distilbert-base-multilingual-cased-sentiments-student, which was distilled from a zero-shot classification pipeline on the Multilingual Sentiment dataset, and roberta-base-go_emotions, a model trained directly on the GoEmotions dataset. Model Inputs and Outputs Inputs Text**: The model takes text input, such as a sentence or short paragraph. Outputs Emotion Labels**: The model outputs a list of predicted emotion labels and their corresponding scores. The model predicts the probability of the input text expressing emotions like anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise. Capabilities The distilbert-base-uncased-go-emotions-student model can be used for zero-shot emotion classification on text data. While it may not perform as well as a fully supervised model, it can provide a quick and efficient way to gauge the emotional tone of text without the need for labeled training data. What Can I Use It For? This model could be useful for a variety of text-based applications, such as: Analyzing customer feedback or social media posts to understand the emotional sentiment expressed Categorizing movie or book reviews based on the emotions they convey Monitoring online discussions or forums for signs of emotional distress or conflict Things to Try One interesting aspect of this model is that it was distilled from a zero-shot classification pipeline. This means the model was trained without any labeled data, relying instead on pseudo-labels generated by a teacher model. It would be interesting to experiment with different approaches to distillation or to explore how the performance of this student model compares to a fully supervised model trained directly on the GoEmotions dataset. Verifying all URLs: All URLs provided in the links are contained within the prompt.

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The t5-base-finetuned-emotion model is a version of Google's T5 transformer model that has been fine-tuned for the task of emotion recognition. The T5 model is a powerful text-to-text transformer that can be applied to a variety of natural language processing tasks. This fine-tuned version was developed by mrm8488 and is based on the original T5 model described in the research paper by Raffel et al. The fine-tuning of the T5 model was done on the emotion recognition dataset created by Elvis Saravia. This dataset allows the model to classify text into one of six emotions: sadness, joy, love, anger, fear, and surprise. Similar models include the t5-base model, which is the base T5 model without any fine-tuning, and the emotion_text_classifier model, which is a DistilRoBERTa-based model fine-tuned for emotion classification. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text data to be classified into one of the six emotion categories Outputs A predicted emotion label (sadness, joy, love, anger, fear, or surprise) and a corresponding confidence score Capabilities The t5-base-finetuned-emotion model can accurately classify text into one of six basic emotions. This can be useful for a variety of applications, such as sentiment analysis of customer reviews, analysis of social media posts, or understanding the emotional state of characters in creative writing. What can I use it for? The t5-base-finetuned-emotion model could be used in a variety of applications that require understanding the emotional content of text data. For example, it could be integrated into a customer service chatbot to better understand the emotional state of customers and provide more empathetic responses. It could also be used to analyze the emotional arc of a novel or screenplay, or to track the emotional sentiment of discussions on social media platforms. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the t5-base-finetuned-emotion model is to compare its performance on different types of text data. For example, you could test it on formal written text, such as news articles, versus more informal conversational text, such as social media posts or movie dialogue. This could provide insights into the model's strengths and limitations in terms of handling different styles and genres of text. Another idea would be to experiment with using the model's outputs as features in a larger machine learning pipeline, such as for customer sentiment analysis or emotion-based recommendation systems. The model's ability to accurately classify emotions could be a valuable input to these types of applications.

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The emotion-english-distilroberta-base model is a fine-tuned checkpoint of the DistilRoBERTa-base model that can classify emotions in English text data. It was trained on 6 diverse datasets to predict Ekman's 6 basic emotions plus a neutral class. This model is a more compact version of the Emotion English RoBERTa-large model, offering faster inference while retaining strong performance. Model Inputs and Outputs Inputs English text data Outputs A prediction of one of the following 7 emotion classes: anger, disgust, fear, joy, neutral, sadness, or surprise. Capabilities The emotion-english-distilroberta-base model can accurately classify the emotions expressed in English text. For example, when given the input "I love this!", the model correctly predicts that the text expresses joy with a high confidence score. What Can I Use It For? The model can be used to add emotion analysis capabilities to a variety of applications that process English text data, such as customer service chatbots, content moderation systems, or social media analysis tools. By understanding the emotional sentiment behind text, developers can build more empathetic and engaging experiences for users. To get started, you can use the model with just 3 lines of code in a Colab notebook: from transformers import pipeline classifier = pipeline("text-classification", model="j-hartmann/emotion-english-distilroberta-base", return_all_scores=True) classifier("I love this!") You can also run the model on larger datasets and explore more advanced use cases in another Colab notebook: Open In Colab Things to Try One interesting aspect of this model is its ability to handle a range of emotional expressions beyond just positive and negative sentiment. By predicting the specific emotion (e.g. anger, fear, surprise), the model can provide more nuanced insights that could be valuable for applications like customer service or content moderation. Additionally, the fact that this is a distilled version of a larger RoBERTa model means it can offer faster inference speeds, which could be important for real-time applications processing large volumes of text. Developers could experiment with using this model in production environments to see how it performs compared to larger, slower models.

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