
Maintainer: dangvantuan

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model overview

Sentence-CamemBERT-Large is an embedding model for French developed by La Javaness. It is a state-of-the-art sentence embedding model that can represent the meaning and semantics of French sentences in a mathematical vector. This allows it to capture the overall sense of text beyond individual words, making it useful for tasks like semantic search.

The model was fine-tuned from the pre-trained facebook/camembert-large model using the Siamese BERT-Networks approach. It was trained on a large dataset of French sentence pairs from sources like Reddit comments, scientific abstracts, and question-answer pairs.

This contrasts with other French sentence embedding models like camembert-ner, which is focused on named entity recognition, or multilingual models like all-mpnet-base-v2 and paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2, which cover multiple languages but may not specialize as much on French.

Model inputs and outputs


  • French text sentences or paragraphs


  • 768-dimensional vector representations capturing the semantic meaning of the input text


The Sentence-CamemBERT-Large model can be used to map French text into dense vector representations that capture the overall meaning and context, going beyond just the individual words. This makes it useful for tasks like semantic search, where you can find documents relevant to a French query by comparing their vector representations.

For example, you could use the model to find similar job postings to a given French job description, or to cluster French news articles by topic based on their vector representations.

What can I use it for?

Sentence-CamemBERT-Large is well-suited for any French natural language processing task that requires understanding the overall meaning and semantics of text, rather than just individual words. Some potential use cases include:

  • Semantic search: Find the most relevant French documents, web pages, or other content for a given French query by comparing vector representations.
  • Text clustering: Group French documents or paragraphs into meaningful clusters based on their semantic similarity.
  • Recommendation systems: Suggest related French content (e.g. articles, products, services) based on the semantic similarity of their vector representations.
  • Question answering: Match French questions to the most relevant answers by comparing their vector representations.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of Sentence-CamemBERT-Large is that it can capture nuanced semantic relationships between French text beyond just lexical similarity. For example, you could use the model to find French sentences that convey similar meanings but use very different wording.

To experiment with this, try feeding the model a few example French sentences and then using the vector representations to find other sentences that are semantically close but lexically distinct. This can help uncover synonymous phrasings or extract the core meaning from complex French text.

Another idea is to use the model's vector representations as features in a downstream French NLP model, such as a classifier or regression task. The semantic information encoded in the vectors may help improve performance compared to using just the raw text.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The camembert-ner model is a French Named Entity Recognition (NER) model fine-tuned from the camemBERT model. It was trained on the wikiner-fr dataset, which contains around 170,634 sentences. Compared to other models, the camembert-ner model performs particularly well on entities that do not start with an uppercase letter, such as in email or chat data. This model was created by Jean-Baptiste, whose profile can be found at Similar models include the roberta-large-ner-english model, which is a fine-tuned RoBERTa-large model for English NER, and the bert-base-NER and bert-large-NER models, which are fine-tuned BERT models for English NER. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The camembert-ner model takes in French text as input and predicts named entities within that text. Outputs Named entities**: The model outputs a list of named entities found in the input text, along with their start and end positions, entity types (e.g. Person, Organization, Location), and confidence scores. Capabilities The camembert-ner model is capable of accurately detecting a variety of named entities in French text, including person names, organizations, locations, and more. It performs particularly well on entities that do not start with an uppercase letter, making it a valuable tool for processing informal text such as emails or chat messages. What can I use it for? The camembert-ner model could be useful for a variety of French NLP applications, such as: Extracting named entities from text for search, recommendation, or knowledge base construction Anonymizing sensitive information in documents by detecting and removing personal names, organizations, etc. Enriching existing French language datasets with named entity annotations Developing chatbots or virtual assistants that can understand and respond to French conversations Things to try One interesting thing to try with the camembert-ner model is to compare its performance on formal and informal French text. The model's strength in handling lowercase entities could make it particularly useful for processing real-world conversational data, such as customer support logs or social media posts. Researchers and developers could experiment with the model on a variety of French language tasks and datasets to further explore its capabilities and potential use cases.

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