
Maintainer: alirezamsh

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Last updated 8/23/2024


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Model overview

small100 is a compact and fast massively multilingual machine translation model covering more than 10K language pairs, introduced in this paper. It achieves competitive results with the larger M2M-100 model while being much smaller and faster. The model architecture and config are the same as M2M-100, but the tokenizer is modified to adjust language codes.

Similar models include the M2M-100 418M and M2M-100 1.2B models, which are also multilingual encoder-decoder models trained for Many-to-Many translation. The YaLM 100B and Multilingual-MiniLM-L12-H384 models are also large-scale multilingual language models, but are not focused specifically on translation.

Model inputs and outputs

small100 is a seq-to-seq model for the translation task. The input to the model is source:[tgt_lang_code] + src_tokens + [EOS] and the target is tgt_tokens + [EOS]. This allows the model to translate between any of the over 10,000 supported language pairs.


  • Source text: The text to be translated, with the target language code prepended.
  • Target text: The expected translation, used for supervised training.


  • Translated text: The model's translation of the input text into the target language.


small100 can directly translate between over 10,000 language pairs, covering a wide range of languages including major world languages as well as many low-resource languages. It achieves strong translation quality while being significantly smaller and faster than the larger M2M-100 models.

What can I use it for?

small100 can be used for a variety of multilingual translation tasks, such as:

  • Translating content between any of the supported language pairs, such as translating a web page or document from one language to another.
  • Enabling cross-lingual communication and collaboration, by allowing users to seamlessly communicate in their preferred languages.
  • Localizing and internationalizing software, websites, or other digital content for global audiences.
  • Aiding language learning by providing translations between languages.

The small size and fast inference speed of small100 also make it suitable for deployment in resource-constrained environments, such as edge devices or mobile applications.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of small100 is its ability to translate between a wide range of language pairs, including many low-resource languages. You could experiment with translating between less common language pairs to see the model's capabilities. Additionally, you could fine-tune the model on domain-specific data to improve its performance for particular use cases, such as legal, medical, or technical translation.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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m2m100_418M is a multilingual encoder-decoder (seq-to-seq) model developed by Facebook AI that can directly translate between 9,900 directions of 100 languages. It was introduced in this paper and first released in this repository. The model is capable of translating between a wide range of languages, from Afrikaans to Zulu, covering over 100 languages in total. In comparison, the similar m2m100_1.2B model has a larger parameter size of 1.2 billion, while the mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt and mbart-large-50-many-to-one-mmt models focus on a subset of 50 languages. Model inputs and outputs The m2m100_418M model takes text input in one of the 100 supported languages and generates translated text in a target language. To specify the target language, the model requires the target language ID to be passed as the first generated token. Inputs Text in any of the 100 supported languages Outputs Translated text in the target language, specified by passing the target language ID as the first generated token Capabilities The m2m100_418M model can be used for a wide range of multilingual translation tasks, such as translating web content, social media posts, or business documents between any of the 100 supported languages. It can also be fine-tuned on domain-specific data to improve performance for specialized use cases. What can I use it for? The m2m100_418M model can be integrated into various applications that require multilingual translation capabilities, such as: Content localization**: Translating website content, product descriptions, or marketing materials into multiple languages to reach a global audience. Customer support**: Providing multilingual customer support by translating conversations between customers and support agents. Research and academia**: Translating research papers, conference proceedings, or educational materials between different languages. Things to try One interesting aspect of the m2m100_418M model is its ability to translate between a wide range of language pairs, including low-resource and distant language pairs. You could try experimenting with translating between languages that are not commonly paired, such as Afrikaans to Zulu or Kannada to Mongolian, to see how the model performs. Another idea is to fine-tune the model on domain-specific data, such as legal or medical text, to improve its performance on specialized terminology and jargon. This can help expand the model's capabilities beyond general-purpose translation.

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m2m100_1.2B is a multilingual encoder-decoder (seq-to-seq) model trained for Many-to-Many multilingual translation. Developed by Facebook, it can directly translate between 9,900 directions of 100 languages. The model was introduced in a research paper and first released in this repository. Similar models include SeamlessM4T v2, a multilingual and multimodal machine translation model, and mBART-50, a multilingual sequence-to-sequence model pre-trained using a denoising objective. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The source text to be translated, in any of the 100 supported languages. Outputs Text**: The translated text in the target language. Capabilities The m2m100_1.2B model can directly translate between 100 languages, covering a wide range of language families and scripts. This makes it a powerful tool for multilingual communication and content generation. It can be used for translation tasks, such as translating web pages, documents, or social media posts, as well as for multilingual chatbots or virtual assistants. What can I use it for? The m2m100_1.2B model can be used for a variety of multilingual translation tasks. For example, you could use it to translate product descriptions, technical documentation, or customer support content into multiple languages. This would allow you to reach a global audience and improve the accessibility of your content. You could also integrate the model into a chatbot or virtual assistant to enable seamless communication across languages. This could be particularly useful for customer service, e-commerce, or educational applications. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the m2m100_1.2B model is to explore the model's ability to translate between language pairs that are not closely related. For example, you could try translating between English and a less commonly studied language, such as Swahili or Mongolian, and see how well the model performs. Another idea is to fine-tune the model on a specific domain or task, such as legal or medical translation, to see if you can improve its performance in those specialized areas.

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SmolLM-135M is a small language model developed by HuggingFace as part of their SmolLM series. This 135M parameter model is built on the Cosmo-Corpus dataset, which includes high-quality synthetic textbooks, educational Python samples, and web content. Compared to other models in its size category, SmolLM-135M has demonstrated strong performance on common sense reasoning and world knowledge benchmarks. It is available in three sizes - 135M, 360M, and 1.7B parameters - allowing users to choose the model that best fits their needs and resource constraints. Model Inputs and Outputs SmolLM-135M is a causal language model, taking in text prompts and generating continuations. The model accepts text input and returns generated text output. Inputs Text prompt to be continued or built upon Outputs Generated text continuation of the input prompt Capabilities SmolLM-135M can be used for a variety of text generation tasks, such as story writing, question answering, and code generation. The model has been shown to excel at tasks requiring common sense reasoning and world knowledge, making it a useful tool for applications that need to generate coherent and contextually-appropriate text. What Can I Use It For? SmolLM-135M can be fine-tuned or used in prompt engineering for a range of NLP applications, such as: Content Generation**: Generating coherent and contextually-relevant text for things like creative writing, product descriptions, or educational content. Question Answering**: Using the model to generate answers to factual questions based on its broad knowledge base. Code Generation**: Leveraging the model's understanding of programming concepts to generate sample code snippets or complete functions. Things to Try One interesting thing to try with SmolLM-135M is exploring its ability to generate text that exhibits common sense reasoning and an understanding of the world. For example, you could provide the model with a prompt about a specific scenario and see how it continues the story in a logical and plausible way. Alternatively, you could test the model's knowledge by asking it questions about various topics and analyzing the quality of its responses. Another avenue to explore is the model's performance on tasks that require both language understanding and generation, such as summarization or translation. By fine-tuning SmolLM-135M on appropriate datasets, you may be able to create useful and efficient models for these applications.

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The SmolLM-1.7B is a state-of-the-art small language model developed by HuggingFaceTB. It is part of the SmolLM series, which includes models with 135M, 360M, and 1.7B parameters. These models were trained on the Cosmo-Corpus, a curated dataset that includes synthetic textbooks, educational Python samples, and web-based educational content. The SmolLM-1.7B model has shown promising results on common sense reasoning and world knowledge benchmarks, performing well compared to other models in its size category. It can be used for a variety of text-to-text generation tasks, leveraging its strong foundation in educational and general knowledge domains. Similar models include the cosmo-1b and the btlm-3b-8k-base models, which also utilize large-scale training datasets to achieve state-of-the-art performance in their respective parameter ranges. Model Inputs and Outputs Inputs The SmolLM-1.7B model accepts text prompts as input, which can be used to generate corresponding text outputs. Outputs The model generates coherent, knowledgeable text continuations based on the provided input prompts. Output lengths can be controlled through various generation parameters, such as maximum length, temperature, and top-k sampling. Capabilities The SmolLM-1.7B model excels at tasks that require strong background knowledge and reasoning abilities, such as answering questions, generating explanations, and producing educational content. It can be used to create engaging educational materials, summarize complex topics, and assist with research and analysis tasks. What Can I Use It For? The SmolLM-1.7B model can be leveraged for a wide range of text-generation use cases, particularly in the education and knowledge-sharing domains. Some potential applications include: Generating educational content, such as explanatory articles, practice questions, and example code snippets Assisting with research and analysis by summarizing key points, generating outlines, and expanding on ideas Enhancing customer service and support by providing knowledgeable responses to inquiries Aiding in the creation of interactive learning materials, virtual tutors, and language-learning tools Things to Try One interesting aspect of the SmolLM-1.7B model is its strong grounding in educational and scientific domains, which enables it to provide detailed and nuanced responses on topics like math, computer science, and natural sciences. Try prompting the model with questions or topics from these areas and see how it leverages its broad knowledge to generate informative and engaging outputs. Additionally, you can experiment with different generation parameters, such as adjusting the temperature or top-k sampling, to explore the model's ability to produce a diverse range of responses while maintaining coherence and relevance.

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