
Maintainer: nvidia

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model overview

The speakerverification_en_titanet_large model is a speaker embedding extraction model developed by NVIDIA. It is a "large" version of the TitaNet model, with around 23 million parameters. The model can be used as the backbone for speaker verification and diarization tasks, extracting speaker embeddings from audio input.

The model is available for use in the NVIDIA NeMo toolkit, and can be used as a pre-trained checkpoint for inference or fine-tuning. Similar models include the parakeet-rnnt-1.1b and parakeet-tdt-1.1b models, which are large ASR models developed by NVIDIA and Suno.ai.

Model inputs and outputs


  • 16000 kHz Mono-channel Audio (wav files)


  • Speaker embeddings for an audio file


The speakerverification_en_titanet_large model can extract speaker embeddings from audio input, which are useful for speaker verification and diarization tasks. For example, the model can be used to verify if two audio files are from the same speaker or not.

What can I use it for?

The speaker embeddings produced by the speakerverification_en_titanet_large model can be used in a variety of applications, such as speaker identification, speaker diarization, and voice biometrics. These embeddings can be used as input to downstream models for tasks like speaker verification, where the goal is to determine if two audio samples are from the same speaker.

Things to try

One interesting thing to try with the speakerverification_en_titanet_large model is to use it for large-scale speaker diarization. By extracting speaker embeddings for each audio segment and clustering them, you can automatically identify the different speakers in a multi-speaker audio recording. This could be useful for applications like meeting transcription or content moderation.

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The parakeet-rnnt-1.1b is an ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) model developed jointly by the NVIDIA NeMo and Suno.ai teams. It uses the FastConformer Transducer architecture, which is an optimized version of the Conformer model with 8x depthwise-separable convolutional downsampling. This XXL model has around 1.1 billion parameters and can transcribe speech in lower case English alphabet with high accuracy. The model is similar to other high-performing ASR models like Canary-1B, which also uses the FastConformer architecture but supports multiple languages. In contrast, the parakeet-rnnt-1.1b is focused solely on English speech transcription. Model Inputs and Outputs Inputs 16000 Hz mono-channel audio (WAV files) Outputs Transcribed speech as a string for a given audio sample Capabilities The parakeet-rnnt-1.1b model demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on English speech recognition tasks. It was trained on a large, diverse dataset of 85,000 hours of speech data from various public and private sources, including LibriSpeech, Fisher Corpus, Switchboard, and more. What Can I Use It For? The parakeet-rnnt-1.1b model is well-suited for a variety of speech-to-text applications, such as voice transcription, dictation, and audio captioning. It could be particularly useful in scenarios where high-accuracy English speech recognition is required, such as in media production, customer service, or educational applications. Things to Try One interesting aspect of the parakeet-rnnt-1.1b model is its ability to handle a wide range of audio inputs, from clear studio recordings to noisier real-world audio. You could experiment with feeding it different types of audio samples and observe how it performs in terms of transcription accuracy and robustness. Additionally, since the model was trained on a large and diverse dataset, you could try fine-tuning it on a more specialized domain or genre of audio to see if you can further improve its performance for your specific use case.

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The parler-tts-large-v1 is a 2.2B-parameter text-to-speech (TTS) model from the Parler-TTS project. It can generate high-quality, natural-sounding speech with features that can be controlled using a simple text prompt, such as gender, background noise, speaking rate, pitch, and reverberation. This model is the second release from the Parler-TTS project, which also includes the Parler-TTS Mini v1 model. The project aims to provide the community with TTS training resources and dataset pre-processing code. Model inputs and outputs The parler-tts-large-v1 model takes a text description as input and generates high-quality speech audio as output. The text description can include details about the desired voice characteristics, such as gender, speaking rate, and emotion. Inputs Text Description**: A text prompt that describes the desired voice characteristics, such as gender, speaking rate, emotion, and background noise. Outputs Audio**: The generated speech audio that matches the provided text description. Capabilities The parler-tts-large-v1 model can generate highly natural-sounding speech with a high degree of control over the output. By including specific details in the text prompt, users can generate speech with a desired gender, speaking rate, emotion, and background characteristics. This allows for the creation of diverse and expressive speech outputs. What can I use it for? The parler-tts-large-v1 model can be used to generate high-quality speech for a variety of applications, such as audiobook narration, voice assistants, and multimedia content. The ability to control the voice characteristics makes it particularly useful for creating personalized or customized speech outputs. For example, you could use the model to generate speech in different languages, emotions, or voices for characters in a video game or animated film. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the parler-tts-large-v1 model is to experiment with different text prompts to see how the generated speech changes. For example, you could try generating speech with different emotional tones, such as happy, sad, or angry, or vary the speaking rate and pitch to create different styles of delivery. You could also try generating speech in different languages or with specific accents by including those details in the prompt. Another thing to explore is the model's ability to generate speech with background noise or other environmental effects. By including terms like "very noisy audio" or "high-quality audio" in the prompt, you can see how the model adjusts the output to match the desired audio characteristics. Overall, the parler-tts-large-v1 model provides a high degree of control and flexibility in generating natural-sounding speech, making it a powerful tool for a variety of audio-based applications.

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The parakeet-tdt-1.1b is an ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) model that transcribes speech in lower case English alphabet. This model is jointly developed by the NVIDIA NeMo and Suno.ai teams. It uses a FastConformer-TDT architecture, which is an optimized version of the Conformer model with 8x depthwise-separable convolutional downsampling. The model has around 1.1 billion parameters. Similar models include the parakeet-rnnt-1.1b, which is also a large ASR model developed by NVIDIA and Suno.ai. It uses a FastConformer Transducer architecture and has similar performance characteristics. Model inputs and outputs Inputs 16000 Hz mono-channel audio (wav files) as input Outputs Transcribed speech as a string for a given audio sample Capabilities The parakeet-tdt-1.1b model is capable of transcribing English speech with high accuracy. It was trained on a large corpus of speech data, including 64K hours of English speech from various public and private datasets. What can I use it for? You can use the parakeet-tdt-1.1b model for a variety of speech-to-text applications, such as transcribing audio recordings, live speech recognition, or integrating it into your own voice-enabled products and services. The model can be used as a pre-trained checkpoint for inference or for fine-tuning on another dataset using the NVIDIA NeMo toolkit. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the parakeet-tdt-1.1b model is to experiment with fine-tuning it on a specific domain or dataset. This could help improve the model's performance on your particular use case. You could also try combining the model with other components, such as language models or audio preprocessing modules, to further enhance its capabilities.

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The wavlm-large model is a powerful pre-trained speech model created by Microsoft. It is based on the HuBERT framework and emphasizes both spoken content modeling and speaker identity preservation. The model was pre-trained on a massive dataset of 94,000 hours of speech from Libri-Light, GigaSpeech, and VoxPopuli. This large-scale training allows the model to exhibit strong performance on a variety of speech processing tasks. The wavlm-large model is similar to other pre-trained speech models like Wav2Vec2-Large-960h-Lv60 + Self-Training and Whisper-Large, which are also trained on large speech datasets and demonstrate impressive generalization capabilities. However, the wavlm-large model uniquely focuses on preserving speaker identity, making it potentially well-suited for applications that require speaker-aware processing. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Audio**: The wavlm-large model takes 16kHz sampled speech audio as input. Outputs Latent speech representations**: The model outputs a sequence of latent speech representations that capture the semantics and speaker identity of the input audio. These representations can be used for downstream tasks like speech recognition, speaker identification, or audio classification. Capabilities The wavlm-large model has been shown to achieve state-of-the-art performance on the SUPERB benchmark, which evaluates a model's ability to handle a variety of speech processing tasks. It exhibits strong capabilities in both spoken content modeling and speaker discrimination, making it a versatile model for applications that require understanding both the linguistic content and the speaker identity of audio. What can I use it for? The wavlm-large model is a powerful tool for building speech-based applications. It could be used for tasks like: Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)**: By fine-tuning the model on a labeled speech dataset, you can create a high-performing speech recognition system. Speaker Identification**: The model's ability to preserve speaker identity can be leveraged for speaker recognition and diarization. Audio Classification**: The model's latent representations can be used as features for classifying audio content, such as detecting specific keywords or events. Multimodal Applications**: The model's speech understanding capabilities can be combined with other modalities, such as text or visual information, for building multimodal systems. Things to try One interesting aspect of the wavlm-large model is its emphasis on preserving speaker identity. You could explore using the model's speaker-aware representations for tasks like speaker de-identification, where the goal is to remove speaker-specific information from audio while preserving the linguistic content. This could be useful for privacy-preserving applications or for creating synthetic speech that sounds more natural and less robotic. Additionally, you could investigate how the model's performance varies across different accents, dialects, and demographic groups. Understanding the model's strengths and limitations in this area could help guide the development of more inclusive and equitable speech-based systems.

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