
Maintainer: microsoft

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model overview

The speecht5_tts model is a text-to-speech (TTS) model fine-tuned from the SpeechT5 model introduced in the paper "SpeechT5: Unified-Modal Encoder-Decoder Pre-Training for Spoken Language Processing". Developed by researchers at Microsoft, this model demonstrates the potential of encoder-decoder pre-training for speech and text representation learning.

Model inputs and outputs

The speecht5_tts model takes text as input and generates audio as output, making it capable of high-quality text-to-speech conversion. This can be particularly useful for applications like virtual assistants, audiobook narration, and speech synthesis for accessibility.


  • Text: The text to be converted to speech.


  • Audio: The generated speech audio corresponding to the input text.


The speecht5_tts model leverages the success of the T5 (Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer) architecture to achieve state-of-the-art performance on a variety of spoken language processing tasks, including automatic speech recognition, speech synthesis, speech translation, and more. By pre-training on large-scale unlabeled speech and text data, the model is able to learn a unified representation that can effectively model the sequence-to-sequence transformation between speech and text.

What can I use it for?

The speecht5_tts model can be a valuable tool for developers and researchers working on speech-based applications. Some potential use cases include:

  • Virtual Assistants: Integrate the model into virtual assistant systems to provide high-quality text-to-speech capabilities.
  • Audiobook Narration: Use the model to automatically generate audiobook narrations from text.
  • Accessibility Tools: Leverage the model's speech synthesis abilities to improve accessibility for visually impaired or low-literacy users.
  • Language Learning: Incorporate the model into language learning applications to provide realistic speech output for language practice.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of the speecht5_tts model is its ability to perform zero-shot translation, where it can translate speech from one language to text in another language. This opens up possibilities for building multilingual speech-to-text or speech-to-speech translation systems.

Additionally, as the model was pre-trained on a large and diverse dataset, it may exhibit strong performance on lesser-known languages or accents. Experimenting with the model on a variety of languages and domains could uncover interesting capabilities or limitations.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The speecht5_vc model is a SpeechT5 model fine-tuned for the voice conversion (speech-to-speech) task on the CMU ARCTIC dataset. SpeechT5 is a unified-modal encoder-decoder pre-trained model for spoken language processing tasks, introduced in the SpeechT5: Unified-Modal Encoder-Decoder Pre-Training for Spoken Language Processing paper by researchers from Microsoft. The model was first released in the SpeechT5 repository and the original weights are available on the Hugging Face hub. Similar models include the speecht5_tts model, which is fine-tuned for the text-to-speech task, and the t5-base model, which is the base version of the original T5 model developed by Google. Model Inputs and Outputs Inputs Audio data in the format expected by the model's feature extractor Outputs Converted speech audio in the target voice Capabilities The speecht5_vc model can be used for voice conversion, allowing you to transform the voice in an audio sample to sound like a different speaker. This can be useful for applications like text-to-speech, dubbing, or audio editing. What Can I Use It For? You can use the speecht5_vc model to convert the voice in an audio sample to a different speaker's voice. This can be helpful for applications like text-to-speech, where you want to generate speech audio in a specific voice. It can also be used for dubbing, where you want to replace the original speaker's voice with a different one, or for audio editing tasks where you need to modify the voice characteristics of a recording. Things to Try You can experiment with using the speecht5_vc model to convert the voice in your own audio samples to different target voices. Try feeding the model audio of different speakers and see how well it can transform the voice to sound like the target. You can also explore fine-tuning the model on your own dataset to improve its performance on specific voice conversion tasks.

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MARS5-TTS is a novel speech model developed by CAMB-AI that can generate high-quality speech with impressive prosody. Unlike traditional text-to-speech (TTS) models, MARS5 follows a two-stage pipeline with a distinctly novel non-autoregressive (NAR) component. This architecture allows the model to generate speech even for prosodically challenging scenarios like sports commentary and anime. With just 5 seconds of audio and a snippet of text, MARS5 can produce speech that captures the nuances and emotional expression of the input. Model inputs and outputs MARS5 is a text-to-speech model that takes in text and a reference audio file to generate synthetic speech. The model can be fine-tuned to a specific speaker's voice by providing a longer reference audio clip. Inputs Text transcript Optional: Reference audio file (2-12 seconds, with 6 seconds being optimal) Outputs Synthetic speech audio Capabilities MARS5 can generate high-quality, expressive speech that captures the prosody and emotional tone of the input text and reference audio. The model's novel NAR architecture enables it to handle diverse speech scenarios like sports commentary and anime, which tend to have more complex prosodic patterns than typical TTS use cases. What can I use it for? MARS5-TTS is well-suited for a variety of text-to-speech applications, such as audiobook narration, podcast creation, and virtual assistant voice production. The ability to fine-tune the model to a specific speaker's voice also makes it useful for dubbing and voice cloning applications. Additionally, the model's strong prosodic capabilities make it a good fit for generating speech for video game characters, animated films, and other media that requires expressive, natural-sounding dialogue. Things to try One interesting aspect of MARS5 is its ability to be guided by the input text formatting, such as using punctuation and capitalization to control the prosody of the generated speech. Try experimenting with different formatting techniques in the text transcript to see how they impact the final audio output. Additionally, providing a high-quality reference audio clip can help the model better capture the desired speaker's voice and speaking style.

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MARS5-TTS is a novel speech model developed by CAMB-AI that can generate high-quality speech with impressive prosody. Unlike traditional text-to-speech (TTS) models, MARS5 follows a two-stage pipeline with a distinctly novel non-autoregressive (NAR) component. This architecture allows the model to generate speech even for prosodically challenging scenarios like sports commentary and anime. With just 5 seconds of audio and a snippet of text, MARS5 can produce speech that captures the nuances and emotional expression of the input. Model inputs and outputs MARS5 is a text-to-speech model that takes in text and a reference audio file to generate synthetic speech. The model can be fine-tuned to a specific speaker's voice by providing a longer reference audio clip. Inputs Text transcript Optional: Reference audio file (2-12 seconds, with 6 seconds being optimal) Outputs Synthetic speech audio Capabilities MARS5 can generate high-quality, expressive speech that captures the prosody and emotional tone of the input text and reference audio. The model's novel NAR architecture enables it to handle diverse speech scenarios like sports commentary and anime, which tend to have more complex prosodic patterns than typical TTS use cases. What can I use it for? MARS5-TTS is well-suited for a variety of text-to-speech applications, such as audiobook narration, podcast creation, and virtual assistant voice production. The ability to fine-tune the model to a specific speaker's voice also makes it useful for dubbing and voice cloning applications. Additionally, the model's strong prosodic capabilities make it a good fit for generating speech for video game characters, animated films, and other media that requires expressive, natural-sounding dialogue. Things to try One interesting aspect of MARS5 is its ability to be guided by the input text formatting, such as using punctuation and capitalization to control the prosody of the generated speech. Try experimenting with different formatting techniques in the text transcript to see how they impact the final audio output. Additionally, providing a high-quality reference audio clip can help the model better capture the desired speaker's voice and speaking style.

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The t5-base model is a language model developed by Google as part of the Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) series. It is a large transformer-based model with 220 million parameters, trained on a diverse set of natural language processing tasks in a unified text-to-text format. The T5 framework allows the same model, loss function, and hyperparameters to be used for a variety of NLP tasks. Similar models in the T5 series include FLAN-T5-base and FLAN-T5-XXL, which build upon the original T5 model by further fine-tuning on a large number of instructional tasks. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text strings**: The t5-base model takes text strings as input, which can be in the form of a single sentence, a paragraph, or a sequence of sentences. Outputs Text strings**: The model generates text strings as output, which can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks such as translation, summarization, question answering, and more. Capabilities The t5-base model is a powerful language model that can be applied to a wide range of NLP tasks. It has been shown to perform well on tasks like language translation, text summarization, and question answering. The model's ability to handle text-to-text transformations in a unified framework makes it a versatile tool for researchers and practitioners working on various natural language processing problems. What can I use it for? The t5-base model can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, including: Text Generation**: The model can be used to generate human-like text, such as creative writing, story continuation, or dialogue. Text Summarization**: The model can be used to summarize long-form text, such as articles or reports, into concise and informative summaries. Translation**: The model can be used to translate text from one language to another, such as English to French or German. Question Answering**: The model can be used to answer questions based on provided text, making it useful for building intelligent question-answering systems. Things to try One interesting aspect of the t5-base model is its ability to handle a diverse range of NLP tasks using a single unified framework. This means that you can fine-tune the model on a specific task, such as language translation or text summarization, and then use the fine-tuned model to perform that task on new data. Additionally, the model's text-to-text format allows for creative experimentation, where you can try combining different tasks or prompting the model in novel ways to see how it responds.

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