
Maintainer: bigscience

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model overview

The T0pp model, pronounced "T Zero Plus Plus", is an encoder-decoder language model developed by the BigScience workshop. It shows zero-shot task generalization on English natural language prompts, outperforming GPT-3 on many tasks while being 16x smaller. The T0pp model is part of the T0 series, which are a set of models trained on a large mixture of different NLP tasks specified through natural language prompts.

The T0 and T0p models are similar variants that were trained on different datasets. The T0_3B model is a 3 billion parameter version of the T0 series.

Model inputs and outputs


  • Natural language prompts describing a task or query


  • Predictions or responses generated by the model to complete the task described in the input prompt


The T0pp model can perform a wide variety of NLP tasks by interpreting natural language prompts, including:

  • Question answering
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Paraphrasing
  • Natural language inference
  • Word sense disambiguation
  • And more

For example, you can ask the model "Is this review positive or negative? Review: this is the best cast iron skillet you will ever buy", and it will likely generate the response "Positive".

What can I use it for?

The T0pp model can be used to build applications that can understand and complete a diverse range of natural language tasks without needing to be specifically trained on each task. This makes it useful for building flexible, multi-purpose AI assistants and chatbots.

Some potential use cases include:

  • Customer service chatbots that can handle a wide variety of inquiries
  • Writing assistants that can help with tasks like proofreading, ideation, and summarization
  • Intelligent search and question-answering systems
  • Educational and language learning tools

The model's ability to generalize to new tasks through natural language prompts makes it a powerful tool for quickly deploying new AI capabilities.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of the T0pp model is its ability to perform well on tasks with minimal or varying prompting. You can experiment with rephrasing the same task in different ways to see how the model's performance is affected. This can provide insights into the model's understanding and the importance of prompt engineering.

Additionally, the T0pp model can be further fine-tuned on specific tasks or datasets to improve its performance on those areas. This fine-tuning process and the resulting model's capabilities would be an interesting area to explore.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The T0 model shows zero-shot task generalization on English natural language prompts, outperforming GPT-3 on many tasks while being 16x smaller. It is a series of encoder-decoder models trained on a large set of different tasks specified in natural language prompts. The maintainer, bigscience, converted numerous English supervised datasets into prompts, each with multiple templates using varying formulations. These prompted datasets allow for benchmarking the ability of a model to perform completely unseen tasks specified in natural language. To obtain T0, they fine-tuned a pretrained language model on this multitask mixture covering many different NLP tasks. The related T0pp model is similar, but has additional datasets from GPT-3's evaluation suite and a few from SuperGLUE (excluding NLI sets). The T0_3B model is the same as T0 but starting from a smaller T5-LM XL (3B parameters) pre-trained model. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Natural language prompts specifying a task, such as: "Is this review positive or negative? Review: this is the best cast iron skillet you will ever buy" "A is the son's of B's uncle. What is the family relationship between A and B?" "Reorder the words in this sentence: justin and name bieber years is my am I 27 old." Outputs Text generation completing the task specified in the input prompt, such as: "Positive" "A is the cousin of B" "I am 27 years old" Capabilities The T0 model shows impressive zero-shot task generalization, outperforming even the much larger GPT-3 on many tasks. It is able to understand and complete a wide variety of natural language tasks just from a prompt, without any finetuning. This highlights the model's strong few-shot learning and language understanding capabilities. What can I use it for? You can use the T0 models to perform inference on tasks by simply specifying your query in natural language. The model will then generate a prediction to complete the task. This could be useful for a variety of applications, such as: Question answering: Ask the model questions and have it provide responses. Text generation: Prompt the model to generate coherent text on a given topic. Task completion: Provide the model with instructions for a task and have it complete it. The versatility of the T0 models makes them useful across many different domains and use cases. Things to try One interesting aspect of the T0 models is how different prompts can lead to varying performance. Further research may be needed to explore the most effective prompting strategies for getting the best results from these models. You could try experimenting with different prompt phrasings and see how the model's outputs change. Additionally, the models' inability to handle non-English text or code-heavy tasks could be a limitation to consider. Exploring ways to expand the model's capabilities in these areas could be an interesting area of investigation.

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The T0_3B model is a series of encoder-decoder models trained on a large set of different natural language processing tasks. It was developed by the BigScience research workshop and outperforms GPT-3 on many tasks while being 16 times smaller. The T0_3B model is part of the T0 model family, which includes variants like T0pp and T0_single_prompt. These models show strong zero-shot task generalization, meaning they can perform unseen tasks specified in natural language prompts. Model inputs and outputs The T0_3B model is designed to accept natural language prompts as input and generate corresponding predictions as output. For example, you could provide the prompt "Is this review positive or negative? Review: this is the best cast iron skillet you will ever buy" and the model would output "Positive". Inputs Natural language prompts specifying various tasks, such as: Question answering Sentiment analysis Textual entailment Language understanding Outputs Textual responses to the input prompts, such as: Answer to a question Sentiment label (positive, negative, etc.) Entailment prediction (entailment, contradiction, neutral) Explanations or reasoning about the input Capabilities The T0_3B model demonstrates strong zero-shot task generalization, meaning it can perform a wide variety of natural language processing tasks without any task-specific fine-tuning. This is achieved by training the model on a large set of diverse tasks specified through natural language prompts. The model is able to understand and complete tasks like answering trivia questions, identifying duplicate questions, and analyzing word usage - all from a single, general-purpose model. What can I use it for? You can use the T0_3B model to quickly prototype and experiment with a variety of natural language processing applications. The model's zero-shot capabilities make it useful for quickly evaluating different task formulations and prompting strategies. Some potential use cases include: Building chatbots or virtual assistants that can handle diverse user queries Developing text analysis tools for sentiment analysis, topic classification, and more Augmenting existing NLP pipelines with a flexible, general-purpose model Things to try Try providing the T0_3B model with prompts that involve logical reasoning, common sense understanding, or task descriptions that are quite different from the training data. Observe how the model performs and explore ways to improve the prompting for better results. Additionally, experiment with different model variants like T0pp to see how the performance and capabilities change.

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The mt0-xxl model, part of the BLOOMZ & mT0 model family, is a large language model capable of following human instructions in dozens of languages zero-shot. It was created by the BigScience workshop by finetuning the pretrained BLOOM and mT5 models on the cross-lingual task mixture dataset xP3. This process of multitask finetuning has enabled the model to generalize across a wide range of unseen tasks and languages. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Natural language prompts expressing tasks or queries The model can understand a diverse set of languages, spanning those used in the pretraining data (mc4) and finetuning dataset (xP3). Outputs Relevant, coherent text responses to the input prompts The model can generate text in the languages it was trained on, allowing it to perform tasks like translation, generation, and explanation across many languages. Capabilities The mt0-xxl model is highly versatile, able to perform a wide variety of language tasks in multiple languages. It can translate text, summarize information, answer questions, generate creative stories, and even explain complex technical concepts. For example, it can translate a French sentence to English, write a fairy tale about a troll saving a princess, or explain backpropagation in neural networks in Telugu. What can I use it for? The mt0-xxl model is well-suited for applications that require multilingual natural language processing, such as chat bots, virtual assistants, and language learning tools. Its zero-shot capabilities allow it to handle tasks in languages it was not explicitly trained on, making it a valuable asset for global or multilingual projects. Companies could potentially use the model to provide customer support in multiple languages, generate content in various languages, or even assist with language learning and translation. Things to try One interesting aspect of the mt0-xxl model is its ability to follow instructions and perform tasks based on natural language prompts. Try providing the model with prompts that require reasoning, creativity, or cross-lingual understanding, such as asking it to write a short story about a troll saving a princess, or explaining a technical concept in a non-English language. Experiment with different levels of detail and context in the prompts to see how the model responds. You can also try the model on a variety of languages to assess its multilingual capabilities.

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The mt0-large model is part of the BLOOMZ and mT0 family of models developed by the BigScience workshop. These models are capable of following human instructions in dozens of languages without explicit training, a capability known as zero-shot cross-lingual generalization. The mt0-large model was finetuned on the BigScience xP3 dataset and is recommended for prompting in English. Similar models in the family include the larger mt0-xxl and smaller variants like mt0-base and mt0-small. Model inputs and outputs The mt0-large model is a text-to-text transformer that can accept natural language prompts as input and generate corresponding text outputs. The model was trained to perform a wide variety of tasks, from translation and summarization to open-ended generation and question answering. Inputs Natural language prompts expressing specific tasks or requests Outputs Generated text outputs corresponding to the input prompts, such as translated sentences, answers to questions, or continuations of stories. Capabilities The mt0-large model demonstrates impressive cross-lingual capabilities, able to understand and generate text in many languages without being explicitly trained on all of them. This allows users to prompt the model in their language of choice and receive relevant and coherent responses. The model also exhibits strong few-shot and zero-shot performance on a variety of tasks, suggesting its versatility and adaptability. What can I use it for? The mt0-large model can be useful for a wide range of natural language processing tasks, from language translation and text summarization to open-ended generation and question answering. Developers and researchers could leverage the model's cross-lingual abilities to build multilingual applications, while business users could utilize the model to automate content creation, customer support, and other language-based workflows. Things to try One interesting aspect of the mt0-large model is its ability to follow complex, multi-step instructions expressed in natural language. For example, you could prompt the model with a request like "Write a fairy tale about a troll saving a princess from a dangerous dragon. The fairy tale should be a masterpiece that has achieved praise worldwide and its moral should be 'Heroes Come in All Shapes and Sizes'. Story (in Spanish):" and the model would attempt to generate a complete fairy tale meeting those specifications.

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