
Maintainer: openbmb

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Last updated 6/17/2024


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Model overview

The UltraRM-13b model is a reward model developed by the maintainer openbmb and released on the Hugging Face platform. It is trained on the UltraFeedback dataset along with a mixture of other open-source datasets like Anthropic HH-RLHF, Standford SHP, and Summarization. The model is initialized from the LLaMA-13B model and fine-tuned to serve as a reward model for alignment research.

Similar models include UltraLM-13b, a chat language model trained on the UltraChat dataset, and Xwin-LM-13B-V0.1, a powerful, stable, and reproducible LLM alignment model built upon the Llama2 base.

Model inputs and outputs


  • input_ids: A tensor of token IDs representing the input text.
  • attention_mask: An optional tensor indicating which tokens should be attended to.
  • position_ids: An optional tensor of position IDs for the input tokens.
  • past_key_values: An optional list of cached past key-value states for efficient generation.
  • inputs_embeds: An optional tensor of input embeddings.
  • labels: An optional tensor of target token IDs for training.


  • loss: The computed loss value (only returned during training).
  • logits: The output logits tensor.
  • past_key_values: The past key-value states for efficient generation.
  • hidden_states: An optional tuple of the model's output hidden states.
  • attentions: An optional tuple of the model's attention weights.


The UltraRM-13b model is a powerful reward model that can be used to facilitate alignment research for large language models. It has been shown to achieve state-of-the-art performance on several public preference test sets, outperforming other open-source reward models. The model's strong performance is attributed to its fine-tuning on a mixture of datasets, including the custom UltraFeedback dataset.

What can I use it for?

The UltraRM-13b model can be used as a reward model for alignment research, helping to train and evaluate large language models to be more reliable, safe, and aligned with human values. Researchers and developers working on improving the safety and reliability of AI systems can use this model to provide rewards and feedback during the training process, helping to steer the model's behavior in a more desirable direction.

Things to try

Researchers can explore fine-tuning the UltraRM-13b model on additional datasets or using it in combination with other alignment techniques, such as inverse reinforcement learning or reward modeling. Developers can also experiment with using the UltraRM-13b model to provide feedback and rewards to their own language models, potentially improving the models' safety and reliability.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The UltraLM-13b model is a chat language model fine-tuned from the LLaMA-13b model on the UltraChat dataset. It is maintained by openbmb. Similar models include the 34b-beta model, which is a 34B parameter CausalLM model, and the Llama-2-13b-chat-german model, which is a variant of the Llama 2 13b Chat model fine-tuned on German language data. Model inputs and outputs The UltraLM-13b model is a text-to-text model, meaning it takes text as input and generates text as output. The input follows a multi-turn chat format, with the user providing instructions or prompts, and the model generating responses. Inputs User instructions or prompts, formatted as a multi-turn chat Outputs Model responses to the user's prompts, also formatted as a multi-turn chat Capabilities The UltraLM-13b model is capable of engaging in open-ended dialogue and task-oriented conversations. It can understand and respond to user prompts on a wide range of topics, drawing upon its extensive training data. The model is particularly adept at tasks like question answering, summarization, and language generation. What can I use it for? The UltraLM-13b model can be used for a variety of applications, such as building chatbots, virtual assistants, or interactive language models. It could be integrated into customer service platforms, educational tools, or creative writing applications. Additionally, the model's capabilities could be leveraged for research purposes, such as exploring the limits of language understanding and generation. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the UltraLM-13b model is exploring its multi-turn chat capabilities. Provide the model with a series of related prompts and see how it maintains context and continuity in its responses. You could also experiment with prompting the model to engage in specific tasks, such as summarizing long passages of text or answering follow-up questions. Lastly, consider comparing the model's performance to similar language models, such as the 34b-beta or Llama-2-13b-chat-german models, to gain insights into its unique strengths and limitations.

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OmniLMM-12B is the most capable version of OmniLMM, a powerful multimodal AI model created by openbmb. It is built upon EVA02-5B and Zephyr-7B-, connecting them with a perceiver resampler layer and training on diverse multimodal data. OmniLMM-12B stands out for its strong performance, trustworthy behavior, and real-time multimodal interaction capabilities. It achieves leading results on multiple benchmarks like MME, MMBench, and SEED-Bench, surpassing many established large language models. Notably, OmniLMM-12B is the first state-of-the-art open-source model aligned via multimodal RLHF for trustworthy behavior, ranking #1 on MMHal-Bench and outperforming GPT-4V on Object HalBench. The model can also be combined with GPT-3.5 to create a real-time multimodal interactive assistant that can handle video and speech inputs. Model Inputs and Outputs Inputs Images**: OmniLMM-12B can accept high-resolution images up to 1.8 million pixels (e.g. 1344x1344) in any aspect ratio. Text**: The model can process natural language text inputs. Multimodal Prompts**: OmniLMM-12B supports multimodal prompts that combine images and text. Outputs Generated Text**: The model can produce human-like text outputs in response to prompts. Multimodal Responses**: OmniLMM-12B can generate multimodal outputs that combine text, images, and other modalities. Capabilities OmniLMM-12B has shown impressive capabilities across a range of tasks, from understanding and generating text to perceiving and reasoning about visual information. It can effectively describe images, answer questions, and complete other multimodal tasks with high accuracy. For example, the model can faithfully describe the contents of an image, even detecting and discussing small or fine-grained details. What Can I Use It For? OmniLMM-12B is a versatile model that can be applied to a wide variety of multimodal applications. Some potential use cases include: Intelligent Assistants**: Integrate OmniLMM-12B into conversational AI agents to enable rich, multimodal interactions. Content Generation**: Use the model to generate informative, human-like text descriptions for images or other visual content. Multimodal Question Answering**: Build systems that can answer questions by combining information from text and visual inputs. Multimodal Reasoning**: Leverage OmniLMM-12B's strong multimodal capabilities to tackle complex reasoning tasks that require understanding across modalities. Things to Try One interesting aspect of OmniLMM-12B is its ability to handle high-resolution images at any aspect ratio. This enables the model to perceive fine-grained visual details that may be missed by models restricted to lower resolutions or fixed aspect ratios. Developers could experiment with using OmniLMM-12B for tasks like fine-grained object detection, text extraction from images, or visual question answering on complex scenes. Another key feature is the model's trustworthy behavior, achieved through multimodal RLHF alignment. Researchers and developers could investigate how this alignment impacts the model's outputs and explore ways to further enhance its safety and reliability for real-world applications. Overall, OmniLMM-12B's strong performance and diverse capabilities make it a compelling model for a range of multimodal AI projects. By leveraging its unique strengths, users can unlock new possibilities in areas like intelligent assistants, content generation, and multimodal reasoning.

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UltraFastBERT-1x11-long is a compact BERT model that uses fast feedforward networks (FFF) instead of traditional feedforward layers. This allows the model to selectively engage just 12 out of 4095 neurons for each layer inference, using only 0.3% of its neurons during inference. The model was described in the paper "Exponentially Faster Language Modelling" and was pretrained similarly to crammedBERT but with the FFF substitution. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The model takes in text as input, which can be used for various natural language processing tasks. Outputs Predictions**: The model outputs predictions based on the input text, which can be used for tasks like masked language modeling. Capabilities The UltraFastBERT-1x11-long model is capable of performing on par with similar BERT models while using a fraction of the computational resources. This makes it a promising candidate for applications where efficiency is a priority, such as on-device inference or real-time processing. What can I use it for? You can use the UltraFastBERT-1x11-long model for various natural language processing tasks by fine-tuning it on a downstream dataset, as discussed in the paper. The model can be particularly useful in scenarios where computational resources are limited, such as on mobile devices or in edge computing environments. Things to try One interesting aspect of the UltraFastBERT-1x11-long model is its selective engagement of neurons during inference. You could experiment with understanding the significance of this technique and how it impacts the model's performance and efficiency across different tasks and datasets.

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Xwin-LM-13B-V0.1 is a powerful, stable, and reproducible large language model (LLM) developed by Xwin-LM that aims to advance the state-of-the-art in LLM alignment. It is built upon the Llama2 base models and has achieved impressive performance, ranking top-1 on the AlpacaEval benchmark with a 91.76% win-rate against Text-Davinci-003. Notably, it is the first model to surpass GPT-4 on this evaluation, with a 55.30% win-rate against GPT-4. The project will be continuously updated, and Xwin-LM has also released 7B and 70B versions of the model that have achieved top-1 rankings in their respective size categories. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text prompts for the model to continue or respond to Outputs Coherent, relevant, and helpful text generated in response to the input prompt The model can engage in multi-turn conversations and provide detailed, polite, and safe answers Capabilities Xwin-LM-13B-V0.1 has demonstrated strong performance on a range of benchmarks, including commonsense reasoning, world knowledge, reading comprehension, and math. It has also shown impressive results on safety evaluations, outperforming other models in terms of truthfulness and low toxicity. The model's robust alignment to human preferences for helpfulness and safety makes it well-suited for assistant-like chat applications. What can I use it for? The Xwin-LM model family can be leveraged for a variety of natural language processing tasks, such as question answering, text summarization, language generation, and conversational AI. The strong performance and safety focus of these models make them particularly well-suited for developing helpful and trustworthy AI assistants that can engage in open-ended conversations. Things to try To get the best results from Xwin-LM-13B-V0.1, it is important to follow the provided conversation templates and prompting guidelines. The model is trained to work well with the Vicuna prompt format and supports multi-turn dialogues. Exploring different prompting techniques and evaluating the model's responses on a variety of tasks can help you understand its capabilities and limitations.

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