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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model overview

The whisper-medium model is a pre-trained speech recognition and translation model developed by OpenAI. It is part of the Whisper family of models, which demonstrate a strong ability to generalize to many datasets and domains without the need for fine-tuning. The whisper-medium model has 769 million parameters and is trained on either English-only or multilingual data. It can be used for both speech recognition, where it transcribes audio in the same language, and speech translation, where it transcribes audio to a different language. The Whisper models are available in a range of sizes, from the whisper-tiny with 39 million parameters to the whisper-large and whisper-large-v2 with 1.55 billion parameters.

Model inputs and outputs


  • Audio samples in various formats and sampling rates


  • Transcriptions of the input audio, either in the same language (speech recognition) or a different language (speech translation)
  • Optionally, the model can also output timestamps for the transcribed text


The Whisper models demonstrate strong performance on a variety of speech recognition and translation tasks, including handling accents, background noise, and technical language. They can be used in zero-shot translation, taking audio in one language and translating it to English without any fine-tuning. However, the models can also sometimes generate text that is not actually present in the audio input (known as "hallucination"), and their performance can vary across different languages and accents.

What can I use it for?

The whisper-medium model and the other Whisper models can be useful for developers and researchers working on improving accessibility tools, such as closed captioning or subtitle generation. The models' speed and accuracy suggest they could be used to build near-real-time speech recognition and translation applications. However, users should be aware of the models' limitations, particularly around potential biases and disparate performance across languages and accents.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of the Whisper models is their ability to handle audio of up to arbitrary length through a chunking algorithm. This allows the models to be used for long-form transcription, where the audio is split into smaller segments and then reassembled. Users can experiment with this functionality to see how it performs on their specific use cases.

Additionally, the Whisper models can be fine-tuned on smaller, domain-specific datasets to improve their performance in particular areas. The blog post on fine-tuning Whisper provides a step-by-step guide on how to do this.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The whisper-base model is a pre-trained model for automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech translation developed by OpenAI. Trained on 680,000 hours of labelled data, the Whisper models demonstrate a strong ability to generalize to many datasets and domains without the need for fine-tuning. The model was proposed in the paper Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision and is available on the Hugging Face Hub. The whisper-tiny, whisper-medium, and whisper-large models are similar checkpoints of varying model sizes, also from OpenAI. The smaller models are trained on either English-only or multilingual data, while the larger models are multilingual only. All of the pre-trained checkpoints can be accessed on the Hugging Face Hub. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Audio**: The model takes audio samples as input and converts them to log-Mel spectrograms to feed into the Transformer encoder. Task**: The model is informed of the task to perform (transcription or translation) by passing "context tokens" to the decoder. Language**: The model can be configured to transcribe or translate audio in a specific language by providing the corresponding language token. Outputs Transcription or Translation**: The model outputs a text sequence representing the transcription or translation of the input audio. Timestamps**: Optionally, the model can also output timestamps for the generated text. Capabilities The Whisper models exhibit improved robustness to accents, background noise, and technical language compared to many existing ASR systems. They also demonstrate strong zero-shot translation capabilities, allowing users to translate audio from multiple languages into English. The models perform unevenly across languages, with lower accuracy on low-resource or low-discoverability languages. They also tend to hallucinate text that is not actually spoken in the audio input, and can generate repetitive outputs, though these issues can be mitigated to some extent. What can I use it for? The primary intended users of the Whisper models are AI researchers studying model capabilities, biases, and limitations. However, the models can also be useful as an ASR solution for developers, especially for English speech recognition tasks. The models' transcription and translation capabilities may enable the development of accessibility tools, though they cannot currently be used for real-time applications out of the box. Others may be able to build applications on top of Whisper that allow for near-real-time speech recognition and translation. Things to try Users can explore fine-tuning the pre-trained Whisper models on specialized datasets to improve performance for particular languages or domains. The blog post on fine-tuning Whisper provides a step-by-step guide for this process. Experimenting with different chunking and batching strategies can also help unlock the full potential of the Whisper models for long-form transcription and translation tasks. The ASR Chunking blog post goes into more detail on these techniques.

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The whisper-medium.en model is an English-only version of the Whisper pre-trained model for automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech translation. Developed by OpenAI, Whisper models demonstrate a strong ability to generalize to many datasets and domains without the need for fine-tuning. The model was trained on 680k hours of labelled speech data using large-scale weak supervision. Similar models in the Whisper family include the whisper-tiny.en, whisper-small, and whisper-large checkpoints, which vary in size and performance. The whisper-medium.en model sits in the middle of this range, with 769 million parameters. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Audio waveform as a numpy array Sampling rate of the input audio Outputs Text transcription of the input audio, in the same language as the input Optionally, timestamps for the start and end of each transcribed text chunk Capabilities The whisper-medium.en model exhibits improved robustness to accents, background noise, and technical language compared to many existing ASR systems. It can also perform zero-shot translation from multiple languages into English. The model's accuracy on speech recognition and translation tasks is near state-of-the-art level. However, the model's weakly supervised training on large-scale noisy data means it may generate text that is not actually spoken in the audio input (hallucination). It also performs unevenly across languages, with lower accuracy on low-resource and low-discoverability languages. The model's sequence-to-sequence architecture makes it prone to generating repetitive text. What can I use it for? The whisper-medium.en model is primarily intended for use by AI researchers studying the robustness, generalization, capabilities, biases, and limitations of large language models. However, it may also be useful as an ASR solution for developers, especially for English speech recognition. The model's transcription capabilities could potentially be used to improve accessibility tools. While the model cannot be used for real-time transcription out of the box, its speed and size suggest that others may be able to build applications on top of it that enable near-real-time speech recognition and translation. There are also potential concerns around dual use, as the model's capabilities could enable more actors to build surveillance technologies or scale up existing efforts. The model may also have some ability to recognize specific individuals, which raises safety and privacy concerns. Things to try One interesting aspect of the whisper-medium.en model is its ability to perform speech translation in addition to transcription. You could experiment with using the model to translate audio from one language to another, or compare its performance on transcription versus translation tasks. Another area to explore is the model's robustness to different types of audio input, such as recordings with background noise, accents, or technical terminology. You could also investigate how the model's performance varies across different languages and demographics. Finally, you could look into fine-tuning the pre-trained whisper-medium.en model on a specific dataset or task, as described in the Fine-Tune Whisper with Transformers blog post. This could help improve the model's predictive capabilities for certain use cases.

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The whisper-small model is part of the Whisper family of pre-trained models for automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech translation. Trained on 680k hours of labelled data, Whisper models demonstrate a strong ability to generalise to many datasets and domains without the need for fine-tuning. The whisper-small model is a 244M parameter version of the Whisper model, available in both English-only and multilingual configurations. Compared to the smaller whisper-tiny model, the whisper-small offers improved performance at the cost of increased model size and complexity. Model inputs and outputs The Whisper models are designed to take audio samples as input and generate transcriptions or translations as output. The WhisperProcessor is used to preprocess the audio inputs into log-Mel spectrograms that the model can understand, and to postprocess the model outputs back into readable text. Inputs Audio samples**: The model accepts raw audio data as input, which the WhisperProcessor converts to log-Mel spectrograms. Outputs Transcriptions/Translations**: The model outputs sequences of text, which can represent either transcriptions (in the same language as the input audio) or translations (to a different language). Capabilities The whisper-small model demonstrates strong performance on a variety of speech recognition and translation tasks, particularly for English and a handful of other high-resource languages. It is robust to factors like accents, background noise, and technical vocabulary. The model can also perform zero-shot translation from multiple languages into English. What can I use it for? The whisper-small model could be useful for developers building speech-to-text applications, especially for English transcription. It may also be applicable for improving accessibility tools that require accurate speech recognition. While the model cannot be used for real-time transcription out of the box, its speed and size suggest that others may be able to build applications on top of it that allow for near-real-time speech recognition and translation. Things to try One interesting aspect of the Whisper models is their ability to perform both speech recognition and speech translation. By setting the appropriate "context tokens", you can control whether the model should transcribe the audio in the same language, or translate it to a different language. This allows for a wide range of potential applications, from captioning videos in multiple languages to building multilingual voice assistants.

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The whisper-large model is a pre-trained AI model for automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech translation, developed by OpenAI. Trained on 680k hours of labelled data, the Whisper models demonstrate a strong ability to generalize to many datasets and domains without the need for fine-tuning. The whisper-large-v2 model is a newer version that surpasses the performance of the original whisper-large model, with no architecture changes. The whisper-medium model is a slightly smaller version with 769M parameters, while the whisper-tiny model is the smallest at 39M parameters. All of these Whisper models are available on the Hugging Face Hub. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Audio samples, which the model converts to log-Mel spectrograms Outputs Textual transcriptions of the input audio, either in the same language as the audio (for speech recognition) or in a different language (for speech translation) The model can also output timestamps for the transcriptions Capabilities The Whisper models demonstrate strong performance on a variety of speech recognition and translation tasks, exhibiting improved robustness to accents, background noise, and technical language. They can also perform zero-shot translation from multiple languages into English. However, the models may occasionally produce text that is not actually spoken in the audio input, a phenomenon known as "hallucination". Their performance also varies across languages, with lower accuracy on low-resource and less common languages. What can I use it for? The Whisper models are primarily intended for use by AI researchers studying model robustness, generalization, capabilities, biases, and constraints. However, the models can also be useful for developers looking to build speech recognition or translation applications, especially for English speech. The models' speed and accuracy make them well-suited for applications that require transcription or translation of large volumes of audio data, such as accessibility tools, media production, and language learning. Developers can build applications on top of the models to enable near-real-time speech recognition and translation. Things to try One interesting aspect of the Whisper models is their ability to perform long-form transcription of audio samples longer than 30 seconds. This is achieved through a chunking algorithm that allows the model to process audio of arbitrary length. Another unique feature is the model's ability to automatically detect the language of the input audio and perform the appropriate speech recognition or translation task. Developers can leverage this by providing the model with "context tokens" that inform it of the desired task and language. Finally, the pre-trained Whisper models can be fine-tuned on smaller datasets to further improve their performance on specific languages or domains. The Fine-Tune Whisper with Transformers blog post provides a step-by-step guide on how to do this.

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