
Maintainer: meta

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Last updated 7/2/2024
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Model overview

codellama-13b-python is a 13 billion parameter Llama language model fine-tuned by Meta for coding with Python. It is part of the Code Llama family of models, which also includes variants like Code Llama - Python and Code Llama - Instruct. These models leverage the state-of-the-art Llama 2 architecture and provide capabilities such as code generation, infilling, and zero-shot instruction following for programming tasks.

Model inputs and outputs

codellama-13b-python takes text prompts as input and generates continuations or completions of that text. The model is particularly adept at generating and completing Python code based on the provided context. Its outputs can range from short code snippets to longer programs, depending on the input prompt.


  • Prompt: The text that the model will use as a starting point to generate output.


  • Generated text: The model's continuation or completion of the input prompt, which may include Python code.


The codellama-13b-python model is capable of generating high-quality Python code based on the provided context. It can understand and complete partial code snippets, write entire functions or classes, and even generate complex programs from a high-level description. The model also demonstrates strong code understanding and can be used for tasks like code summarization, translation, and refactoring.

What can I use it for?

codellama-13b-python can be a valuable tool for a variety of software development and data science tasks. Developers can use it to boost productivity by automating repetitive coding tasks, generating boilerplate code, or prototyping new ideas. Data scientists can leverage the model to generate custom data processing scripts, model training pipelines, or visualization code. Educators and students can also use the model to aid in learning programming concepts and syntax.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of codellama-13b-python is its ability to perform code infilling, where it can generate missing parts of a code snippet based on the surrounding context. This can be useful for tasks like fixing bugs, implementing new features, or exploring alternative solutions to a problem. You can also try prompting the model with high-level descriptions of programming tasks and see how it translates those into working code.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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codellama-70b-python is a 70 billion parameter Llama model fine-tuned by Meta for coding with Python. It is part of the Code Llama family of large language models which also includes the CodeLlama-7b-Python, CodeLlama-13b-Python, and CodeLlama-34b-Python models. These models are built on top of Llama 2 and show state-of-the-art performance among open models for coding tasks, with capabilities like infilling, large input contexts, and zero-shot instruction following. Model inputs and outputs codellama-70b-python takes in text prompts and generates continuations. The model can handle very large input contexts of up to 100,000 tokens. The outputs are Python code or text relevant to the prompt. Inputs Prompt**: The text prompt that the model will continue or generate Outputs Generated text**: The model's continuation or generation based on the input prompt Capabilities codellama-70b-python excels at a variety of coding-related tasks, including generating, understanding, and completing code snippets. It can be used for applications like code autocompletion, code generation, and even open-ended programming. The model's large size and specialized training allow it to handle complex coding challenges and maintain coherence over long input sequences. What can I use it for? With its strong coding capabilities, codellama-70b-python can be a valuable tool for developers, data scientists, and anyone working with Python code. It could be used to accelerate prototyping, assist with debugging, or even generate entire program components from high-level descriptions. Businesses and researchers could leverage the model to boost productivity, explore new ideas, and unlock innovative applications. Things to try Try providing the model with partially completed code snippets and see how it can fill in the missing pieces. You can also experiment with giving it natural language prompts describing a desired functionality and see if it can generate the corresponding Python implementation. The model's ability to maintain coherence over long inputs makes it well-suited for tasks like refactoring or optimizing existing codebases.

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codellama-34b-python is a 34 billion parameter language model developed by Meta that has been fine-tuned for coding with Python. It is part of the Code Llama family of models, which also includes variants with 7 billion and 13 billion parameters, as well as instruction-following variants. These models are based on the Llama 2 language model and show improvements on inputs with up to 100k tokens. The Code Llama - Python and Code Llama models are not fine-tuned for instruction following, while the Code Llama - Instruct models have been specifically trained to follow programming-related instructions. Model inputs and outputs codellama-34b-python takes text prompts as input and generates continuations of that text. The model supports input sequences up to 100,000 tokens long and can be used for a variety of programming-related tasks, including code generation, code completion, and code understanding. Inputs Prompt**: The text prompt to be continued by the model. Max Tokens**: The maximum number of tokens to be generated in the output. Temperature**: A value controlling the randomness of the generated output, with lower values producing more deterministic and coherent text. Top K**: The number of most likely tokens to consider during sampling. Top P**: The cumulative probability threshold to use for sampling, which can help control the diversity of the generated output. Repeat Penalty**: A value that penalizes the model for repeating the same tokens, encouraging more diverse output. Presence Penalty**: A value that penalizes the model for generating tokens that have already appeared in the output, also encouraging diversity. Frequency Penalty**: A value that penalizes the model for generating tokens that are already highly frequent in the output, further encouraging diversity. Outputs Generated Text**: The continuation of the input prompt, generated by the model. Capabilities codellama-34b-python has been fine-tuned on a large corpus of Python code and can generate coherent and relevant Python code given a prompt. It can be used for tasks like code completion, code generation, and code understanding. The model also has strong language understanding capabilities and can be used for general text generation and understanding tasks. What can I use it for? You can use codellama-34b-python for a variety of programming-related tasks, such as automating code generation, assisting with code refactoring and debugging, or even generating educational content and tutorials. The model's large size and strong performance make it a powerful tool for developers, researchers, and businesses looking to leverage large language models for coding and software engineering tasks. Things to try One interesting capability of codellama-34b-python is its ability to perform code infilling, where the model can generate missing code segments based on the surrounding context. This can be useful for tasks like automated code refactoring or code completion. You can also experiment with different prompting techniques to see how the model responds to various programming-related instructions and queries.

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codellama-7b-python is a 7 billion parameter language model developed by Meta that is tuned for coding with Python. It is part of the Code Llama family of large language models based on Llama 2, which also includes the codellama-13b-python, codellama-7b, codellama-7b-instruct, codellama-70b-instruct, and codellama-34b models. Model Inputs and Outputs codellama-7b-python takes in text prompts and generates continuations of the input. The model supports input sequences up to 100,000 tokens and can handle a wide range of programming tasks. Inputs Prompt**: The text prompt to generate output from. Max Tokens**: The maximum number of tokens to generate. Temperature**: Controls the randomness of the generated output. Top K**: The number of most likely tokens to consider at each step. Top P**: The cumulative probability of tokens to consider at each step. Frequency Penalty**: Penalizes repeated tokens. Presence Penalty**: Encourages the model to talk about new topics. Repeat Penalty**: Penalizes repeated sequences. Outputs Generated Text**: The text generated by the model, which can be code, text, or a combination. Capabilities codellama-7b-python is capable of generating high-quality Python code, as well as providing insights and explanations related to coding tasks. It can assist with a variety of programming activities, such as writing functions, fixing bugs, and explaining programming concepts. What Can I Use It For? codellama-7b-python can be used for a wide range of applications, such as: Automating code generation and prototyping Providing code suggestions and completing partially written code Explaining programming concepts and troubleshooting issues Generating creative programming ideas and solutions Things to Try Some interesting things to try with codellama-7b-python include: Providing partial code snippets and asking the model to complete them Asking the model to explain the functionality of a piece of code Challenging the model to solve coding problems or implement specific algorithms Experimenting with different input prompts and parameter settings to see how they affect the generated output

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codellama-13b is a 13 billion parameter language model developed by Meta that is tuned for code completion. It is part of the Code Llama family of models, which also includes the codellama-7b, codellama-34b, and codellama-70b variants, as well as instruction-following versions like codellama-13b-instruct. The Code Llama models are based on the Llama 2 architecture and provide state-of-the-art performance on code-related tasks. Model inputs and outputs The codellama-13b model takes in prompts as text inputs, which can be code snippets, natural language instructions, or a combination. It then generates text outputs that continue or complete the provided input. The model supports large input contexts up to 100,000 tokens and can perform tasks like code completion, infilling, and zero-shot instruction following. Inputs Prompt**: The text input that the model will use to generate a continuation or completion. Max Tokens**: The maximum number of tokens (words or subwords) to generate in the output. Temperature**: A sampling parameter that controls the randomness of the output generation. Top K**: The number of most likely tokens to consider during sampling. Top P**: The cumulative probability threshold to use for sampling. Frequency Penalty**: A penalty applied to tokens based on their frequency of appearance. Presence Penalty**: A penalty applied to tokens based on whether they have appeared in the input. Repeat Penalty**: A penalty applied to tokens based on how many times they have appeared in the output. Outputs Output**: The generated text continuation or completion of the input prompt. Capabilities The codellama-13b model is capable of generating high-quality code completions and continuations, leveraging its understanding of programming languages and best practices. It can assist with tasks like auto-completing code snippets, generating boilerplate code, and even writing entire functions or algorithms. The model also has the ability to infill missing code segments based on the surrounding context. What can I use it for? The codellama-13b model can be used in a variety of applications that involve code generation or understanding, such as: Integrated development environment (IDE) plugins for intelligent code completion Automated code generation for prototyping or scaffolding Programming education and training tools Chatbots or virtual assistants that can help with coding tasks Augmented programming workflows to boost developer productivity Things to try Some interesting things to try with the codellama-13b model include: Providing partial code snippets and seeing how the model completes them Giving the model natural language instructions for a coding task and observing the generated code Exploring the model's ability to generate code in different programming languages or domains Evaluating the model's performance on specific coding challenges or benchmarks Experimenting with the various input parameters to see how they affect the output quality and creativity Overall, the codellama-13b model represents an exciting advancement in the field of large language models for code-related tasks, and offers a wealth of opportunities for developers, researchers, and AI enthusiasts to explore.

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