
Maintainer: qr2ai

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Last updated 6/29/2024
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Model overview

The img2paint_controlnet model, created by qr2ai, is a powerful AI tool that allows you to transform your images or QR codes in unique and creative ways. This model builds upon similar AI models like qr_code_ai_art_generator, outline, ar, gfpgan, and instant-paint, all of which explore the intersection of AI, art, and creative expression.

Model inputs and outputs

The img2paint_controlnet model takes a variety of inputs, including an image or QR code, a prompt, a seed value for randomization, and various settings to control the output. The model then generates a transformed image that brings the input to life in a unique and visually stunning way.


  • Image: The input image or QR code that you want to transform.
  • Prompt: A text description that provides guidance on the desired output.
  • Seed: A random seed value that can be set to control the output.
  • Condition Scale: A parameter that adjusts the strength of the controlnet conditioning.
  • Negative Prompt: Text that describes elements you want to exclude from the output.
  • Num Inference Steps: The number of denoising steps to perform during the image generation process.


  • Transformed Image: The resulting image that combines your input with the AI's creative interpretation, based on the provided prompt and settings.


The img2paint_controlnet model is capable of producing highly detailed and visually striking images that blend the input image or QR code with a unique artistic style. The model can generate a wide range of effects, from fluid and organic transformations to intricate, fantastical illustrations.

What can I use it for?

The img2paint_controlnet model can be used for a variety of creative and artistic applications. You could use it to transform personal photos, business logos, or QR codes into one-of-a-kind artworks. These transformed images could be used for social media content, product packaging, or even as the basis for physical art pieces. The model's versatility and creative potential make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to add a touch of AI-powered magic to their visual projects.

Things to try

Experiment with different prompts to see how the model interprets your input in unique ways. Try combining the img2paint_controlnet model with other AI tools, such as gfpgan for face restoration or instant-paint for real-time collaboration, to create even more compelling and innovative visuals.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The qr_code_ai_art_generator model, created by qr2ai, is a powerful tool that allows users to generate unique and artistic QR codes. This model is similar to other AI-powered creative tools like ar, which generates text-to-image prompts, and outline, which transforms sketches into lifelike images. Model inputs and outputs The qr_code_ai_art_generator model takes a variety of inputs, including a prompt to guide the QR code generation, the content the QR code should point to, and several parameters to control the output, such as the size, border, and background color. The model then generates one or more artistic QR code images based on these inputs. Inputs Prompt**: The prompt to guide QR code generation QR Code Content**: The website/content the QR code will point to Negative Prompt**: The negative prompt to guide image generation Num Inference Steps**: The number of diffusion steps Guidance Scale**: The scale for classifier-free guidance Image**: An input image (optional) Width**: The width of the output image Height**: The height of the output image Border**: The QR code border size Num Outputs**: The number of output images to generate Seed**: The seed for the random number generator QR Code Background**: The background color of the raw QR code Outputs Output**: One or more generated QR code images Capabilities The qr_code_ai_art_generator model can create unique and visually striking QR codes that go beyond the typical black-and-white square. By using a text prompt, the model can generate QR codes that incorporate artistic elements, patterns, or even abstract designs. This makes the QR codes more visually appealing and can help them stand out in various applications, such as marketing materials, product packaging, or social media posts. What can I use it for? The qr_code_ai_art_generator model can be used in a variety of creative and practical applications. For example, you could use it to generate custom QR codes for your business or personal website, product packaging, or event materials. The model's ability to incorporate artistic elements can also make the QR codes more engaging and memorable for users. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the qr_code_ai_art_generator model is to experiment with different prompts and parameters to see how they affect the generated QR codes. You could try using different keywords, varying the number of outputs, or adjusting the guidance scale to create a range of unique and visually interesting QR codes. Additionally, you could combine this model with other AI-powered tools, such as gfpgan for face restoration or cog-a1111-ui for anime-style image generation, to create even more unique and compelling QR code designs.

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The qr2ai model is an AI-powered tool that generates unique QR codes based on user-provided prompts. It uses Stable Diffusion, a powerful text-to-image AI model, to create QR codes that are visually appealing and tailored to the user's specifications. This model is part of a suite of similar models created by qr2ai, including the qr_code_ai_art_generator, advanced_ai_qr_code_art, ar, and img2paint_controlnet. Model inputs and outputs The qr2ai model takes a variety of inputs to generate custom QR codes. These include a prompt to guide the image generation, a seed value for reproducibility, a strength parameter to control the level of transformation, and the desired batch size. Users can also optionally provide an existing QR code image, a negative prompt to exclude certain elements, and settings for the diffusion process and ControlNet conditioning scale. Inputs Prompt**: The text prompt that guides the QR code generation Seed**: The seed value for reproducibility Strength**: The level of transformation applied to the QR code Batch Size**: The number of QR codes to generate at once QR Code Image**: An existing QR code image to be transformed Guidance Scale**: The scale for classifier-free guidance Negative Prompt**: The prompt to exclude certain elements QR Code Content**: The website or content the QR code will point to Num Inference Steps**: The number of diffusion steps ControlNet Conditioning Scale**: The scale for ControlNet conditioning Outputs Output**: An array of generated QR code images as URIs Capabilities The qr2ai model is capable of generating visually unique and customized QR codes based on user input. It can transform existing QR code images or create new ones from scratch, incorporating various design elements and styles. The model's ability to generate QR codes with specific content or branding makes it a versatile tool for a range of applications, from marketing and advertising to personalized art projects. What can I use it for? The qr2ai model can be used to create custom QR codes for a variety of purposes. Businesses can leverage the model to generate QR codes for product packaging, advertisements, or promotional materials, allowing customers to easily access related content or services. Individual users can also experiment with the model to create unique QR code-based artwork or personalized QR codes for their own projects. Additionally, the model's ability to transform existing QR codes can be useful for artists or designers looking to incorporate QR code elements into their work. Things to try One interesting aspect of the qr2ai model is its ability to generate QR codes with a wide range of visual styles and designs. Users can experiment with different prompts, seed values, and other parameters to create QR codes that are abstract, geometric, or even incorporate photographic elements. Additionally, the model's integration with ControlNet technology allows for more advanced transformations, where users can guide the QR code generation process to achieve specific visual effects.

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The advanced_ai_qr_code_art model is a powerful AI tool developed by qr2ai that can generate unique and visually striking QR code art. Similar models created by qr2ai include the qr_code_ai_art_generator, ar, img2paint_controlnet, and outline. This model allows users to create one-of-a-kind QR code designs that can be used for a variety of purposes, from branding and marketing to art and personal expression. Model inputs and outputs The advanced_ai_qr_code_art model takes in a variety of inputs, including a prompt to guide the QR code generation, a seed value, a sampling method, and various parameters to control the strength, batch size, border size, and guidance scale of the output. Users can also provide an existing QR code image as a reference. The model then generates a set of unique QR code images that reflect the provided inputs. Inputs Prompt**: The prompt to guide QR code generation. Seed**: The seed value to use for reproducible randomness. Sampler**: The sampling method to use for the diffusion process. Strength**: Indicates how much to transform the masked portion of the reference qr_code_image. Batch Size**: The batch size for the prediction. Border Size**: The size of the QR code border. Qr Code Image**: An optional existing QR code image to use as a reference. Guidance Scale**: The scale for classifier-free guidance. Negative Prompt**: The negative prompt to guide image generation. Qr Code Content**: The website or content the QR code will point to. Num Inference Steps**: The number of diffusion steps to use. Controlnet Conditioning Scale**: The scale for the ControlNet conditioning. Outputs An array of generated QR code images as URIs. Capabilities The advanced_ai_qr_code_art model is capable of generating unique and visually striking QR code designs that can be used for a variety of purposes. By providing a prompt, users can guide the generation process to create QR codes that reflect specific themes, styles, or content. The model's ability to transform existing QR code images also allows for the creation of more complex and artistic designs. What can I use it for? The advanced_ai_qr_code_art model can be used for a variety of applications, such as branding and marketing, art and design, and personal expression. Businesses can use the model to create custom QR codes for product packaging, advertising, or event materials that reflect their brand identity. Artists and designers can leverage the model to create unique and eye-catching QR code-based artworks. Individuals can also use the model to generate personalized QR codes for things like business cards, social media profiles, or creative projects. Things to try One interesting aspect of the advanced_ai_qr_code_art model is its ability to transform existing QR code images. By providing a reference image and adjusting the strength parameter, users can create QR codes that blend the original design with the AI-generated elements. This can lead to visually striking and unexpected results, opening up new possibilities for creative expression and artistic exploration.

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The ar model, created by qr2ai, is a text-to-image prompt model that can generate images based on user input. It shares capabilities with similar models like outline, gfpgan, edge-of-realism-v2.0, blip-2, and rpg-v4, all of which can generate, manipulate, or analyze images based on textual input. Model inputs and outputs The ar model takes in a variety of inputs to generate an image, including a prompt, negative prompt, seed, and various settings for text and image styling. The outputs are image files in a URI format. Inputs Prompt**: The text that describes the desired image Negative Prompt**: The text that describes what should not be included in the image Seed**: A random number that initializes the image generation D Text**: Text for the first design T Text**: Text for the second design D Image**: An image for the first design T Image**: An image for the second design F Style 1**: The font style for the first text F Style 2**: The font style for the second text Blend Mode**: The blending mode for overlaying text Image Size**: The size of the generated image Final Color**: The color of the final text Design Color**: The color of the design Condition Scale**: The scale for the image generation conditioning Name Position 1**: The position of the first text Name Position 2**: The position of the second text Padding Option 1**: The padding percentage for the first text Padding Option 2**: The padding percentage for the second text Num Inference Steps**: The number of denoising steps in the image generation process Outputs Output**: An image file in URI format Capabilities The ar model can generate unique, AI-created images based on text prompts. It can combine text and visual elements in creative ways, and the various input settings allow for a high degree of customization and control over the final output. What can I use it for? The ar model could be used for a variety of creative projects, such as generating custom artwork, social media graphics, or even product designs. Its ability to blend text and images makes it a versatile tool for designers, marketers, and artists looking to create distinctive visual content. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the ar model is experimenting with different combinations of text and visual elements. For example, you could try using abstract or surreal prompts to see how the model interprets them, or play around with the various styling options to achieve unique and unexpected results.

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