
Maintainer: lucataco

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Last updated 7/4/2024
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Model overview

ip_adapter-face-inpaint is a combination of the IP-Adapter model and the MediaPipe face model to enable inpainting of face images. It is developed and maintained by lucataco. This model is similar to other models like ip-adapter-faceid, ip_adapter-sdxl-face, sdxl-inpainting, controlnet-x-ip-adapter-realistic-vision-v5, and controlnet-x-majic-mix-realistic-x-ip-adapter, all of which focus on face-based inpainting and image generation.

Model inputs and outputs

The ip_adapter-face-inpaint model takes several inputs to generate inpainted face images, including a face image, a source image, and various settings like blur amount, strength, and number of outputs. The model outputs one or more inpainted face images.


  • Face Image: The input face image to be inpainted.
  • Source Image: The source image containing the body or background to be used for inpainting.
  • Blur Amount: The amount of blur to apply to the mask used for inpainting.
  • Strength: The strength of the inpainting process.
  • Seed: A random seed to control the output.
  • Num Outputs: The number of inpainted images to output.


  • Inpainted Face Images: The model outputs one or more inpainted face images, based on the provided inputs.


The ip_adapter-face-inpaint model can be used to inpaint or replace parts of a face image with content from a separate source image. This can be useful for tasks like face editing, image restoration, or creative image generation.

What can I use it for?

The ip_adapter-face-inpaint model can be used for a variety of applications, such as:

  • Facial image editing and manipulation
  • Removing unwanted elements from face images
  • Generating new face images by combining elements from different sources
  • Restoring or inpainting damaged face images

Things to try

Some interesting things to try with the ip_adapter-face-inpaint model include:

  • Experimenting with different source images to see how the model blends them with the face
  • Trying different blur and strength settings to find the optimal balance for your use case
  • Generating multiple outputs to see the variations the model produces
  • Combining this model with other face-related models for more advanced image editing and generation tasks.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The ip_adapter-face model, developed by lucataco, is designed to enable a pretrained text-to-image diffusion model to generate SDv1.5 images with an image prompt. This model is part of a series of "IP-Adapter" models created by lucataco, which also include the ip_adapter-sdxl-face, ip-adapter-faceid, and ip_adapter-face-inpaint models, each with their own unique capabilities. Model inputs and outputs The ip_adapter-face model takes several inputs, including an image, a text prompt, the number of output images, the number of inference steps, and a random seed. The model then generates the requested number of output images based on the provided inputs. Inputs Image**: The input face image Prompt**: The text prompt describing the desired image Num Outputs**: The number of images to output (1-4) Num Inference Steps**: The number of denoising steps (1-500) Seed**: The random seed (leave blank to randomize) Outputs Array of output image URIs**: The generated images Capabilities The ip_adapter-face model is capable of generating SDv1.5 images that are conditioned on both a text prompt and an input face image. This allows for more precise and controlled image generation, where the model can incorporate specific visual elements from the input image while still adhering to the text prompt. What can I use it for? The ip_adapter-face model can be useful for applications that require generating images with a specific visual style or containing specific elements, such as portrait photography, character design, or product visualization. By combining the power of text-to-image generation with the guidance of an input image, users can create unique and tailored images that meet their specific needs. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the ip_adapter-face model is to experiment with different input face images and text prompts to see how the model combines the visual elements from the image with the semantic information from the prompt. You can try using faces of different ages, genders, or ethnicities, and see how the model adapts the generated images accordingly. Additionally, you can play with the number of output images and the number of inference steps to find the settings that work best for your specific use case.

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ip-adapter-faceid is a research-only AI model developed by lucataco that can generate various style images conditioned on a face with only text prompts. It builds upon the capabilities of OpenDall-V1.1 and ProteusV0.1, which showcased exceptional prompt adherence and semantic understanding. ip-adapter-faceid takes this a step further, demonstrating improved prompt comprehension and the ability to generate stylized images based on a provided face image. Model inputs and outputs ip-adapter-faceid takes in a variety of inputs to generate stylized images, including: Inputs Face Image**: The input face image to condition the generation on Prompt**: The text prompt describing the desired output image Negative Prompt**: A text prompt describing undesired attributes to exclude from the output Width & Height**: The desired dimensions of the output image Num Outputs**: The number of images to generate Num Inference Steps**: The number of denoising steps to take during generation Seed**: A random seed to control the output Outputs Output Images**: An array of generated image URLs in the requested style and format Capabilities ip-adapter-faceid can generate highly stylized images based on a provided face. It seems to excel at capturing the essence of the prompt while maintaining strong fidelity to the input face. The model is particularly adept at rendering detailed, photorealistic scenes and can produce a diverse range of styles, from impressionistic to hyperrealistic. What can I use it for? With its ability to generate stylized images from text prompts and face inputs, ip-adapter-faceid could be useful for a variety of creative and artistic applications. Some potential use cases include: Generating custom portraits or avatar images for social media, games, or other digital experiences Visualizing fictional characters or personas based on textual descriptions Experimenting with different artistic styles and techniques for digital art and design Enhancing or manipulating existing face images to create unique, stylized visuals Things to try One interesting aspect of ip-adapter-faceid is its potential to blend the characteristics of the input face with the desired artistic style. Try experimenting with different prompts and face images to see how the model interprets and combines these elements. You could also explore the limits of the model's capabilities by pushing the boundaries of the prompts, styles, and image dimensions.

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The ip_adapter-sdxl-face model is a text-to-image diffusion model designed to generate SDXL images with an image prompt. It was created by lucataco, who has also developed similar models like ip-adapter-faceid, open-dalle-v1.1, sdxl-inpainting, pixart-xl-2, and dreamshaper-xl-turbo. Model inputs and outputs The ip_adapter-sdxl-face model takes several inputs to generate SDXL images: Inputs Image**: An input face image Prompt**: A text prompt describing the desired image Seed**: A random seed (leave blank to randomize) Scale**: The influence of the input image on the generation (0 to 1) Num Outputs**: The number of images to generate (1 to 4) Negative Prompt**: A text prompt describing what the model should avoid generating Outputs Output Images**: One or more SDXL images generated based on the inputs Capabilities The ip_adapter-sdxl-face model can generate a variety of SDXL images based on a given face image and text prompt. It is designed to enable a pretrained text-to-image diffusion model to generate these images, taking into account the provided face image. What can I use it for? You can use the ip_adapter-sdxl-face model to generate SDXL images of people in various settings and outfits based on text prompts. This could be useful for applications like photo editing, character design, or generating visual content for marketing or entertainment purposes. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the ip_adapter-sdxl-face model is to experiment with different levels of the scale parameter, which controls the influence of the input face image on the generated output. You can try varying this parameter to see how it affects the balance between the input image and the text prompt in the final result.

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The sdxl-inpainting model is an implementation of the Stable Diffusion XL Inpainting model developed by the Hugging Face Diffusers team. This model allows you to fill in masked parts of images using the power of Stable Diffusion. It is similar to other inpainting models like the stable-diffusion-inpainting model from Stability AI, but with some additional capabilities. Model inputs and outputs The sdxl-inpainting model takes in an input image, a mask image, and a prompt to guide the inpainting process. It outputs one or more inpainted images that match the prompt. The model also allows you to control various parameters like the number of denoising steps, guidance scale, and random seed. Inputs Image**: The input image that you want to inpaint. Mask**: A mask image that specifies the areas to be inpainted. Prompt**: The text prompt that describes the desired output image. Negative Prompt**: A prompt that describes what should not be present in the output image. Seed**: A random seed to control the generation process. Steps**: The number of denoising steps to perform. Strength**: The strength of the inpainting, where 1.0 corresponds to full destruction of the input image. Guidance Scale**: The guidance scale, which controls how strongly the model follows the prompt. Scheduler**: The scheduler to use for the diffusion process. Num Outputs**: The number of output images to generate. Outputs Output Images**: One or more inpainted images that match the provided prompt. Capabilities The sdxl-inpainting model can be used to fill in missing or damaged areas of an image, while maintaining the overall style and composition. This can be useful for tasks like object removal, image restoration, and creative image manipulation. The model's ability to generate high-quality inpainted results makes it a powerful tool for a variety of applications. What can I use it for? The sdxl-inpainting model can be used for a wide range of applications, such as: Image Restoration**: Repairing damaged or corrupted images by filling in missing or degraded areas. Object Removal**: Removing unwanted objects from images, such as logos, people, or other distracting elements. Creative Image Manipulation**: Exploring new visual concepts by selectively modifying or enhancing parts of an image. Product Photography**: Removing backgrounds or other distractions from product images to create clean, professional-looking shots. The model's flexibility and high-quality output make it a valuable tool for both professional and personal use cases. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the sdxl-inpainting model is experimenting with different prompts to see how the model handles various types of content. You could try inpainting scenes, objects, or even abstract patterns. Additionally, you can play with the model's parameters, such as the strength and guidance scale, to see how they affect the output. Another interesting approach is to use the sdxl-inpainting model in conjunction with other AI models, such as the dreamshaper-xl-lightning model or the pasd-magnify model, to create more sophisticated image manipulation workflows.

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