
Maintainer: xinntao

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Last updated 7/2/2024
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Model overview

realesrgan is a practical image restoration algorithm developed by the Tencent ARC Lab. It aims to develop effective algorithms for general image/video restoration, extending the powerful ESRGAN model to practical real-world applications. realesrgan is trained using only synthetic data, but can achieve impressive results on real-world low-resolution images, outperforming traditional super-resolution methods.

realesrgan can be considered an improved version of the ESRGAN model, with enhancements for real-world applicability. It performs well on natural images as well as anime/cartoon-style images, thanks to its versatile training approach. Unlike the face-specific GFPGAN and Codeformer models, realesrgan can be applied to a broader range of image types.

Model inputs and outputs


  • img: The input image, which can be a URI to an image file.
  • tile: The tile size to use for processing the image. Setting this to a non-zero value can help with GPU memory issues, but may introduce some artifacts.
  • scale: The desired upscaling factor, typically 2x or 4x.
  • version: The version of the realesrgan model to use, such as the general "General - v3" or the anime-optimized "RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B".
  • face_enhance: A boolean flag to enable face enhancement using the GFPGAN model. This is not recommended for anime/cartoon-style images.


  • The upscaled and restored output image, returned as a URI.


realesrgan can effectively restore and upscale a variety of image types, from natural scenes to anime/cartoon-style images. It can handle noise, blur, and other common degradations, producing high-quality results. The model's versatility comes from its synthetic training data, which covers a wide range of image characteristics.

What can I use it for?

realesrgan is a powerful tool for enhancing the resolution and quality of images, with applications in photography, graphic design, animation, and more. It can be used to upscale and restore low-quality images, such as those from the web or old photos, to create high-quality assets for various projects.

For example, you could use realesrgan to upscale and restore images for use in website backgrounds, social media posts, or marketing materials. It could also be used to enhance the quality of anime or cartoon images for use in fan art, illustrations, or game assets.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of realesrgan is its ability to handle both natural images and anime/cartoon-style images well. You could try experimenting with different input images, comparing the results of the general "General - v3" model to the anime-optimized "RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B" model. This can help you understand the strengths and limitations of each version and choose the best one for your specific use case.

Additionally, you could try adjusting the scale parameter to see how it affects the output quality and file size. Experimenting with the tile size can also be useful, as it can help mitigate GPU memory issues, but may introduce some artifacts.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The esrgan model is an image super-resolution model that can upscale low-resolution images by 4x. It was developed by researchers at Tencent and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is an enhancement of the SRGAN model. The esrgan model uses a deeper neural network architecture called Residual-in-Residual Dense Blocks (RRDB) without batch normalization layers, which helps it achieve superior performance compared to previous models like SRGAN. It also employs the Relativistic average GAN loss function and improved perceptual loss to further boost image quality. The esrgan model can be seen as a more advanced version of the Real-ESRGAN model, which is a practical algorithm for real-world image restoration that can also remove JPEG compression artifacts. The Real-ESRGAN model extends the original esrgan with additional features and improvements. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Image**: A low-resolution input image that the model will upscale by 4x. Outputs Image**: The output of the model is a high-resolution image that is 4 times the size of the input. Capabilities The esrgan model can effectively upscale low-resolution images while preserving important details and textures. It outperforms previous state-of-the-art super-resolution models on standard benchmarks like Set5, Set14, and BSD100 in terms of both PSNR and perceptual quality. The model is particularly adept at handling complex textures and details that can be challenging for other super-resolution approaches. What can I use it for? The esrgan model can be useful for a variety of applications that require high-quality image upscaling, such as enhancing old photos, improving the resolution of security camera footage, or generating high-res images from low-res inputs for graphic design and media production. Companies could potentially use the esrgan model to improve the visual quality of their products or services, such as by upscaling product images on an ecommerce site or enhancing the resolution of user-generated content. Things to try One interesting aspect of the esrgan model is its network interpolation capability, which allows you to smoothly transition between the high-PSNR and high-perceptual quality versions of the model. By adjusting the interpolation parameter, you can find the right balance between visual fidelity and objective image quality metrics to suit your specific needs. This can be a powerful tool for fine-tuning the model's performance for different use cases.

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gfpgan is a practical face restoration algorithm developed by Tencent ARC, aimed at restoring old photos or AI-generated faces. It leverages rich and diverse priors encapsulated in a pretrained face GAN (such as StyleGAN2) for blind face restoration. This approach is contrasted with similar models like Codeformer which also focus on robust face restoration, and upscaler which aims for general image restoration, while ESRGAN specializes in image super-resolution and GPEN focuses on blind face restoration in the wild. Model inputs and outputs gfpgan takes in an image as input and outputs a restored version of that image, with the faces improved in quality and detail. The model supports upscaling the image by a specified factor. Inputs img**: The input image to be restored Outputs Output**: The restored image with improved face quality and detail Capabilities gfpgan can effectively restore old or low-quality photos, as well as faces in AI-generated images. It leverages a pretrained face GAN to inject realistic facial features and details, resulting in natural-looking face restoration. The model can handle a variety of face poses, occlusions, and image degradations. What can I use it for? gfpgan can be used for a range of applications involving face restoration, such as improving old family photos, enhancing AI-generated avatars or characters, and restoring low-quality images from social media. The model's ability to preserve identity and produce natural-looking results makes it suitable for both personal and commercial use cases. Things to try Experiment with different input image qualities and upscaling factors to see how gfpgan handles a variety of restoration scenarios. You can also try combining gfpgan with other models like Real-ESRGAN to enhance the non-face regions of the image for a more comprehensive restoration.

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gfpgan is a practical face restoration algorithm developed by the Tencent ARC team. It leverages the rich and diverse priors encapsulated in a pre-trained face GAN (such as StyleGAN2) to perform blind face restoration on old photos or AI-generated faces. This approach contrasts with similar models like Real-ESRGAN, which focuses on general image restoration, or PyTorch-AnimeGAN, which specializes in anime-style photo animation. Model inputs and outputs gfpgan takes an input image and rescales it by a specified factor, typically 2x. The model can handle a variety of face images, from low-quality old photos to high-quality AI-generated faces. Inputs Img**: The input image to be restored Scale**: The factor by which to rescale the output image (default is 2) Version**: The gfpgan model version to use (v1.3 for better quality, v1.4 for more details and better identity) Outputs Output**: The restored face image Capabilities gfpgan can effectively restore a wide range of face images, from old, low-quality photos to high-quality AI-generated faces. It is able to recover fine details, fix blemishes, and enhance the overall appearance of the face while preserving the original identity. What can I use it for? You can use gfpgan to restore old family photos, enhance AI-generated portraits, or breathe new life into low-quality images of faces. The model's capabilities make it a valuable tool for photographers, digital artists, and anyone looking to improve the quality of their facial images. Additionally, the maintainer tencentarc offers an online demo on Replicate, allowing you to try the model without setting up the local environment. Things to try Experiment with different input images, varying the scale and version parameters, to see how gfpgan can transform low-quality or damaged face images into high-quality, detailed portraits. You can also try combining gfpgan with other models like Real-ESRGAN to enhance the background and non-facial regions of the image.

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realesrgan is an AI model for image restoration and face enhancement. It was created by Xintao Wang, Liangbin Xie, Chao Dong, and Ying Shan from the Tencent ARC Lab and Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology. realesrgan extends the powerful ESRGAN model to a practical restoration application, training on pure synthetic data. It aims to develop algorithms for general image and video restoration. realesrgan can be contrasted with similar models like GFPGAN, which focuses on restoring real-world faces, and real-esrgan, which adds optional face correction and adjustable upscaling to the base realesrgan model. Model inputs and outputs realesrgan takes an input image and can output an upscaled and enhanced version of that image. The model supports arbitrary upscaling factors using the --outscale argument. It can also optionally perform face enhancement using the --face_enhance flag, which integrates the GFPGAN model for improved facial details. Inputs img**: The input image to be processed tile**: The tile size to use for processing. Setting this to a non-zero value can help with GPU memory issues, but may introduce some artifacts. scale**: The upscaling factor to apply to the input image. version**: The specific version of the realesrgan model to use, such as the general "RealESRGAN_x4plus" or the anime-optimized "RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B". face_enhance**: A boolean flag to enable face enhancement using the GFPGAN model. Outputs The upscaled and enhanced output image. Capabilities realesrgan can effectively restore and enhance a variety of image types, including natural scenes, anime illustrations, and faces. It is particularly adept at upscaling low-resolution images while preserving details and reducing artifacts. The model's face enhancement capabilities can also improve the appearance of faces in images, making them appear sharper and more natural. What can I use it for? realesrgan can be a valuable tool for a wide range of image processing and enhancement tasks. For example, it could be used to upscale low-resolution images for use in presentations, publications, or social media. The face enhancement capabilities could also be leveraged to improve the appearance of portraits or AI-generated faces. Additionally, realesrgan could be integrated into content creation workflows, such as anime or video game development, to enhance the quality of in-game assets or animated scenes. Things to try One interesting aspect of realesrgan is its ability to handle a wide range of input image types, including those with alpha channels or grayscale. Experimenting with different input formats and the --outscale parameter can help you find the best configuration for your specific needs. Additionally, the model's performance can be tuned by adjusting the --tile size, which can be particularly useful when dealing with high-resolution or memory-intensive images.

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