
Maintainer: batouresearch

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Last updated 6/29/2024
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Model overview

The sdxl-outpainting-lora model is an improved version of Stability AI's SDXL outpainting model, which supports LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) for fine-tuning the model. This model uses PatchMatch, an algorithm that improves the quality of the generated mask, allowing for more seamless outpainting. The model is implemented as a Cog model, making it easy to use as a cloud API.

Model inputs and outputs

The sdxl-outpainting-lora model takes a variety of inputs, including a prompt, an input image, a seed, and various parameters to control the outpainting and generation process. The model outputs one or more generated images that extend the input image in the specified direction.


  • Prompt: The text prompt that describes the desired output image.
  • Image: The input image to be outpainted.
  • Seed: The random seed to use for generation, allowing for reproducible results.
  • Scheduler: The scheduler algorithm to use for the diffusion process.
  • LoRA Scale: The scale to apply to the LoRA weights, which can be used to fine-tune the model.
  • Num Outputs: The number of output images to generate.
  • LoRA Weights: The LoRA weights to use, which must be from the Replicate platform.
  • Outpaint Size: The size of the outpainted region, in pixels.
  • Guidance Scale: The scale to apply to the classifier-free guidance, which controls the balance between the prompt and the input image.
  • Apply Watermark: Whether to apply a watermark to the generated images.
  • Condition Scale: The scale to apply to the ControlNet guidance, which controls the influence of the input image.
  • Negative Prompt: An optional negative prompt to guide the generation away from certain outputs.
  • Outpaint Direction: The direction in which to outpaint the input image.


  • Generated Images: The one or more output images that extend the input image in the specified direction.


The sdxl-outpainting-lora model is capable of seamlessly outpainting input images in a variety of directions, using the PatchMatch algorithm to improve the quality of the generated mask. The model can be fine-tuned using LoRA, allowing for customization and adaptation to specific use cases.

What can I use it for?

The sdxl-outpainting-lora model can be used for a variety of applications, such as:

  • Image Editing: Extending the canvas of existing images to create new compositions or add additional context.
  • Creative Expression: Generating unique and imaginative outpainted images based on user prompts.
  • Architectural Visualization: Extending architectural renderings or product images to showcase more of the environment or surroundings.

Things to try

Some interesting things to try with the sdxl-outpainting-lora model include:

  • Experimenting with different LoRA scales to see how it affects the output quality and fidelity.
  • Trying out various prompts and input images to see the range of outputs the model can generate.
  • Combining the outpainting capabilities with other AI models, such as GFPGAN for face restoration or stable-diffusion-inpainting for more advanced inpainting.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The photorealistic-fx-lora model is a powerful AI model created by batouresearch that generates photorealistic images with stunning visual effects. This model builds upon the capabilities of the RunDiffusion and RealisticVision models, offering enhanced image quality and prompt adherence. It utilizes Latent Diffusion with LoRA integration, which allows for more precise control over the generated imagery. Model inputs and outputs The photorealistic-fx-lora model accepts a variety of inputs, including a prompt, image, and various settings to fine-tune the generation process. The model can output multiple images based on the provided inputs. Inputs Prompt**: A text description that guides the image generation process. Image**: An initial image to be used as a starting point for image variations. Seed**: A random seed value to control the generation process. Width and Height**: The desired dimensions of the output image. LoRA URLs and Scales**: URLs and scales for LoRA models to be used in the generation. Scheduler**: The scheduling algorithm to be used during the denoising process. Guidance Scale**: The scale factor for classifier-free guidance, which influences the balance between the prompt and the image. Negative Prompt**: A text description of elements to be avoided in the output image. Prompt Strength**: The strength of the prompt in the Img2Img process. Num Inference Steps**: The number of denoising steps to be performed during the generation process. Adapter Condition Image**: An additional image to be used as a conditioning factor in the generation process. Outputs Generated Images**: One or more images generated based on the provided inputs. Capabilities The photorealistic-fx-lora model excels at generating highly photorealistic images with impressive visual effects. It can produce stunning landscapes, portraits, and scenes that closely match the provided prompt. The model's LoRA integration allows for the incorporation of specialized visual styles and effects, expanding the range of possible outputs. What can I use it for? The photorealistic-fx-lora model can be a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, such as: Creative Visualization**: Generating concept art, illustrations, or promotional materials for creative projects. Product Visualization**: Creating photorealistic product mockups or renderings for e-commerce or marketing purposes. Visual Effects**: Generating realistic visual effects, such as explosions, weather phenomena, or supernatural elements, for use in film, TV, or video games. Architectural Visualization**: Producing photorealistic renderings of architectural designs or interior spaces. Things to try One interesting aspect of the photorealistic-fx-lora model is its ability to seamlessly blend LoRA models with the core diffusion model. By experimenting with different LoRA URLs and scales, users can explore a wide range of visual styles and effects, from hyperrealistic to stylized. Additionally, the model's Img2Img capabilities allow for the creation of variations on existing images, opening up possibilities for iterative design and creative exploration.

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The sdxl-controlnet-lora model is an implementation of Stability AI's SDXL text-to-image model with support for ControlNet and Replicate's LoRA technology. This model is developed and maintained by batouresearch, and is similar to other SDXL-based models like instant-id-multicontrolnet and sdxl-lightning-4step. The key difference is the addition of ControlNet, which allows the model to generate images based on a provided control image, such as a Canny edge map. Model inputs and outputs The sdxl-controlnet-lora model takes a text prompt, an optional input image, and various settings as inputs. It outputs one or more generated images based on the provided prompt and settings. Inputs Prompt**: The text prompt describing the image to generate. Image**: An optional input image to use as a control or base image for the generation process. Seed**: A random seed value to use for generation. Img2Img**: A flag to enable the img2img generation pipeline, which uses the input image as both the control and base image. Strength**: The strength of the img2img denoising process, ranging from 0 to 1. Negative Prompt**: An optional negative prompt to guide the generation away from certain undesired elements. Num Inference Steps**: The number of denoising steps to take during the generation process. Guidance Scale**: The scale for classifier-free guidance, which controls the influence of the text prompt on the generated image. Scheduler**: The scheduler algorithm to use for the generation process. LoRA Scale**: The additive scale for the LoRA weights, which can be used to fine-tune the model's behavior. LoRA Weights**: The URL of the Replicate LoRA weights to use for the generation. Outputs Generated Images**: One or more images generated based on the provided inputs. Capabilities The sdxl-controlnet-lora model is capable of generating high-quality, photorealistic images based on text prompts. The addition of ControlNet support allows the model to generate images based on a provided control image, such as a Canny edge map, enabling more precise control over the generated output. The LoRA technology further enhances the model's flexibility by allowing for easy fine-tuning and customization. What can I use it for? The sdxl-controlnet-lora model can be used for a variety of image generation tasks, such as creating concept art, product visualizations, or custom illustrations. The ability to use a control image can be particularly useful for tasks like image inpainting, where the model can generate content to fill in missing or damaged areas of an image. Additionally, the fine-tuning capabilities enabled by LoRA can make the model well-suited for specialized applications or personalized use cases. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the sdxl-controlnet-lora model is experimenting with different control images and LoRA weight sets to see how they affect the generated output. You could, for example, try using a Canny edge map, a depth map, or a segmentation mask as the control image, and see how the model's interpretation of the prompt changes. Additionally, you could explore using LoRA to fine-tune the model for specific styles or subject matter, and see how that impacts the generated images.

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The sdxl-inpainting model is an implementation of the Stable Diffusion XL Inpainting model developed by the Hugging Face Diffusers team. This model allows you to fill in masked parts of images using the power of Stable Diffusion. It is similar to other inpainting models like the stable-diffusion-inpainting model from Stability AI, but with some additional capabilities. Model inputs and outputs The sdxl-inpainting model takes in an input image, a mask image, and a prompt to guide the inpainting process. It outputs one or more inpainted images that match the prompt. The model also allows you to control various parameters like the number of denoising steps, guidance scale, and random seed. Inputs Image**: The input image that you want to inpaint. Mask**: A mask image that specifies the areas to be inpainted. Prompt**: The text prompt that describes the desired output image. Negative Prompt**: A prompt that describes what should not be present in the output image. Seed**: A random seed to control the generation process. Steps**: The number of denoising steps to perform. Strength**: The strength of the inpainting, where 1.0 corresponds to full destruction of the input image. Guidance Scale**: The guidance scale, which controls how strongly the model follows the prompt. Scheduler**: The scheduler to use for the diffusion process. Num Outputs**: The number of output images to generate. Outputs Output Images**: One or more inpainted images that match the provided prompt. Capabilities The sdxl-inpainting model can be used to fill in missing or damaged areas of an image, while maintaining the overall style and composition. This can be useful for tasks like object removal, image restoration, and creative image manipulation. The model's ability to generate high-quality inpainted results makes it a powerful tool for a variety of applications. What can I use it for? The sdxl-inpainting model can be used for a wide range of applications, such as: Image Restoration**: Repairing damaged or corrupted images by filling in missing or degraded areas. Object Removal**: Removing unwanted objects from images, such as logos, people, or other distracting elements. Creative Image Manipulation**: Exploring new visual concepts by selectively modifying or enhancing parts of an image. Product Photography**: Removing backgrounds or other distractions from product images to create clean, professional-looking shots. The model's flexibility and high-quality output make it a valuable tool for both professional and personal use cases. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the sdxl-inpainting model is experimenting with different prompts to see how the model handles various types of content. You could try inpainting scenes, objects, or even abstract patterns. Additionally, you can play with the model's parameters, such as the strength and guidance scale, to see how they affect the output. Another interesting approach is to use the sdxl-inpainting model in conjunction with other AI models, such as the dreamshaper-xl-lightning model or the pasd-magnify model, to create more sophisticated image manipulation workflows.

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lora_inpainting is a powerful AI model developed by zhouzhengjun that can perform inpainting on images. It is an improved version of the SDRV_2.0 model. lora_inpainting can be used to seamlessly fill in missing or damaged areas of an image, making it a valuable tool for tasks like photo restoration, image editing, and creative content generation. While similar to models like LAMA, ad-inpaint, and sdxl-outpainting-lora, lora_inpainting offers its own unique capabilities and use cases. Model inputs and outputs lora_inpainting takes in an image, a mask, and various optional parameters like a prompt, guidance scale, and seed. The model then generates a new image with the specified areas inpainted, preserving the original content and seamlessly blending in the generated elements. The output is an array of one or more images, allowing users to choose the best result or experiment with different variations. Inputs Image**: The initial image to generate variations of. This can be used for Img2Img tasks. Mask**: A black and white image used to specify the areas to be inpainted. Prompt**: The input prompt, which can use tags like , , etc. to specify LoRA concepts. Negative Prompt**: Specify things the model should not include in the output. Num Outputs**: The number of images to generate. Guidance Scale**: The scale for classifier-free guidance. Num Inference Steps**: The number of denoising steps to perform. Scheduler**: The scheduling algorithm to use. LoRA URLs**: A list of URLs for LoRA model weights to be applied. LoRA Scales**: A list of scales for the LoRA models. Seed**: The random seed to use. Outputs An array of one or more images, with the specified areas inpainted. Capabilities lora_inpainting excels at seamlessly filling in missing or damaged areas of an image while preserving the original content and style. This makes it a powerful tool for tasks like photo restoration, image editing, and content generation. The model can handle a wide range of image types and styles, and the ability to apply LoRA models adds even more flexibility and customization options. What can I use it for? lora_inpainting can be used for a variety of applications, such as: Photo Restoration**: Repair old, damaged, or incomplete photos by inpainting missing or corrupted areas. Image Editing**: Seamlessly remove unwanted elements from images or add new content to existing scenes. Creative Content Generation**: Generate unique and compelling images by combining input prompts with LoRA models. Product Advertising**: Create professional-looking product images by inpainting over backgrounds or adding promotional elements. Things to try One interesting aspect of lora_inpainting is its ability to blend in generated content with the original image in a very natural and unobtrusive way. This can be especially useful for tasks like photo restoration, where the model can fill in missing details or repair damaged areas without disrupting the overall composition and style of the image. Experiment with different prompts, LoRA models, and parameter settings to see how the model responds and the range of results it can produce.

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