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Attending to Graph Transformers






Published 4/1/2024 by Luis Muller, Mikhail Galkin, Christopher Morris, Ladislav Ramp'av{s}ek



Recently, transformer architectures for graphs emerged as an alternative to established techniques for machine learning with graphs, such as (message-passing) graph neural networks. So far, they have shown promising empirical results, e.g., on molecular prediction datasets, often attributed to their ability to circumvent graph neural networks' shortcomings, such as over-smoothing and over-squashing. Here, we derive a taxonomy of graph transformer architectures, bringing some order to this emerging field. We overview their theoretical properties, survey structural and positional encodings, and discuss extensions for important graph classes, e.g., 3D molecular graphs. Empirically, we probe how well graph transformers can recover various graph properties, how well they can deal with heterophilic graphs, and to what extent they prevent over-squashing. Further, we outline open challenges and research direction to stimulate future work. Our code is available at

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The paper discusses the emergence of transformer architectures as an alternative to traditional graph neural networks for machine learning tasks involving graphs. It presents a taxonomy of graph transformer architectures, aiming to organize this emerging field. The paper examines the theoretical properties of graph transformers, explores different structural and positional encodings, and discusses extensions for specific graph types like 3D molecular graphs.

The authors investigate how effectively graph transformers can recover various graph properties, handle heterophilic graphs (graphs with different node types connected), and mitigate the over-squashing issue faced by graph neural networks. The paper outlines open challenges and future research directions to stimulate further work in this area.

Empirically, the researchers probe the capabilities of graph transformers through experiments. They share their code for reproducibility. The paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of graph transformer architectures, highlighting their potential advantages and areas for improvement compared to conventional techniques.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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