Blind Inversion using Latent Diffusion Priors






Published 7/2/2024 by Weimin Bai, Siyi Chen, Wenzheng Chen, He Sun
Blind Inversion using Latent Diffusion Priors


Diffusion models have emerged as powerful tools for solving inverse problems due to their exceptional ability to model complex prior distributions. However, existing methods predominantly assume known forward operators (i.e., non-blind), limiting their applicability in practical settings where acquiring such operators is costly. Additionally, many current approaches rely on pixel-space diffusion models, leaving the potential of more powerful latent diffusion models (LDMs) underexplored. In this paper, we introduce LatentDEM, an innovative technique that addresses more challenging blind inverse problems using latent diffusion priors. At the core of our method is solving blind inverse problems within an iterative Expectation-Maximization (EM) framework: (1) the E-step recovers clean images from corrupted observations using LDM priors and a known forward model, and (2) the M-step estimates the forward operator based on the recovered images. Additionally, we propose two novel optimization techniques tailored for LDM priors and EM frameworks, yielding more accurate and efficient blind inversion results. As a general framework, LatentDEM supports both linear and non-linear inverse problems. Beyond common 2D image restoration tasks, it enables new capabilities in non-linear 3D inverse rendering problems. We validate LatentDEM's performance on representative 2D blind deblurring and 3D sparse-view reconstruction tasks, demonstrating its superior efficacy over prior arts.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach for solving inverse problems using diffusion models as priors.
  • The key idea is to leverage the representational power of latent diffusion models to encode rich image priors, which can then be used to constrain and regularize the inverse problem.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on a range of inverse problems, including denoising, super-resolution, and inpainting.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to solve tricky image problems using a type of machine learning model called a "diffusion model." Diffusion models are powerful tools that can learn to generate realistic-looking images from scratch. The researchers had the clever idea of using these diffusion models not just for generating images, but also for helping to solve complex image problems where you're trying to "invert" or "undo" some process that has happened to the image.

For example, let's say you have a blurry image and you want to make it sharp again. This is called a "super-resolution" problem - you're trying to invert the blurring process. The researchers show that by using a diffusion model as a kind of "prior" or "template" for what natural images should look like, they can significantly improve the quality of the super-resolved images.

Similarly, they demonstrate the approach on other inverse problems like [link:]image denoising[/link] and [link:]image inpainting[/link]. The key advantage is that the diffusion model captures a rich understanding of natural image structure, which helps constrain and regularize the inverse problem in a principled way.

Technical Explanation

The core idea of the paper is to use the [link:]latent representations learned by diffusion models[/link] as powerful image priors for solving inverse problems. Diffusion models are a type of generative model that learn to transform simple noise distributions into complex, realistic-looking images. By leveraging the expressive and structured latent spaces of these models, the authors show that they can significantly improve the performance of various inverse problems compared to traditional approaches.

Specifically, the authors propose a framework called "Blind Inversion using Latent Diffusion Priors" (BILDP), which formulates the inverse problem as a constrained optimization task. The objective is to find an estimate of the original image that is consistent with the observed data (e.g., a blurry or noisy version), while also being close to the latent representation of a natural image according to the pre-trained diffusion model.

The authors evaluate BILDP on a range of inverse problems, including [link:]denoising, super-resolution, and inpainting[/link]. They demonstrate significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods, highlighting the power of diffusion models as expressive and versatile image priors.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling and principled approach to solving inverse problems using diffusion models as priors. The authors provide a thorough theoretical and empirical analysis, demonstrating the effectiveness of their BILDP framework across a range of challenging tasks.

One potential limitation is that the approach relies on the availability of a pre-trained diffusion model, which may not always be the case or may require significant computational resources to train. Additionally, the authors note that the performance of BILDP is sensitive to the quality of the diffusion model, and further research may be needed to understand the robustness of the approach to model imperfections.

Another area for further investigation could be the extension of the BILDP framework to handle more complex inverse problems, such as those involving multiple observations or involving non-Gaussian noise models. [link:]Exploring ways to further integrate the diffusion model prior with Bayesian formulations of inverse problems[/link] could lead to additional performance gains and theoretical insights.

Overall, the paper presents an innovative and promising approach that leverages the power of diffusion models to tackle a wide range of inverse problems in a principled and effective manner. The results showcase the potential of this approach and motivate further research in this direction.


This paper introduces a novel framework for solving inverse problems using latent diffusion models as powerful image priors. By formulating the inverse problem as a constrained optimization task that leverages the structured latent representations of diffusion models, the authors demonstrate significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods on a range of challenging tasks, including denoising, super-resolution, and inpainting.

The key contribution of this work is the insight that diffusion models, with their ability to capture rich and structured representations of natural images, can be effectively leveraged as versatile priors for solving complex inverse problems. This approach opens up new avenues for applying the advances in generative modeling to a wide range of practical image processing and restoration applications.

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