Bodyless Block Propagation: TPS Fully Scalable Blockchain with Pre-Validation






Published 4/9/2024 by Chonghe Zhao, Shengli Zhang, Taotao Wang, Soung Chang Liew



Despite numerous prior attempts to boost transaction per second (TPS) of blockchain systems, many sacrifice decentralization and security. This paper proposes a bodyless block propagation (BBP) scheme for which the blockbody is not validated and transmitted during block propagation, to increase TPS without compromising security. Nodes in the blockchain network anticipate the transactions and their ordering in the next upcoming block so that these transactions can be pre-executed and pre-validated before the block is born. For a network with $N$ nodes, our theoretical analysis reveals that BBP can improve TPS scalability from $O(1/log(N))$ to $O(1)$. Ensuring consensus on the next block's transaction content is crucial. We propose a transaction selection, ordering, and synchronization algorithm to drive this consensus. To address the undetermined Coinbase address issue, we further present an algorithm for such unresolvable transactions, ensuring a consistent and TPS-efficient scheme. With BBP, most transactions require neither validation nor transmission during block propagation, liberating system from transaction-block dependencies and rendering TPS scalable. Both theoretical analysis and experiments underscore BBP's potential for full TPS scalability. Experimental results reveal a 4x reduction in block propagation time compared to Ethereum blockchain, with TPS performance being limited by node hardware rather than block propagation.

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  • Proposes a "bodyless block propagation" (BBP) scheme to increase transactions per second (TPS) in blockchain systems without compromising security or decentralization.
  • The key idea is to have nodes in the network anticipate the transactions and ordering of the next block, pre-execute and pre-validate them before the block is created.
  • Theoretical analysis shows BBP can improve TPS scalability from O(1/log(N)) to O(1), where N is the number of nodes.
  • Requires a consensus algorithm for transaction selection, ordering, and synchronization across nodes.
  • Also includes an algorithm to handle unresolvable transactions like the Coinbase address.

Plain English Explanation

Blockchain systems have struggled to increase their transactions per second (TPS) without sacrificing key properties like security and decentralization. This paper proposes a novel approach called "bodyless block propagation" (BBP) that could help solve this challenge.

The core idea behind BBP is to have the nodes in the blockchain network try to anticipate the transactions and their ordering in the next block before it is even created. By pre-executing and pre-validating these anticipated transactions, the nodes can avoid having to do this work during the block propagation process. This could dramatically speed up how quickly new blocks can be added to the chain, boosting the overall TPS.

The researchers' theoretical analysis suggests BBP could improve TPS scalability from a rate that decreases as the number of nodes increases (O(1/log(N))) to a constant rate that doesn't depend on the number of nodes (O(1)). In other words, adding more nodes to the network wouldn't slow down the system's TPS.

However, for this to work, all the nodes need to reach a consensus on the specific transactions and their order in the next block. The paper proposes algorithms to facilitate this consensus around transaction selection, ordering, and synchronization.

The researchers also had to solve the challenge of dealing with transactions like the Coinbase address, which can't be pre-determined. Their solution includes an algorithm to handle these "unresolvable" transactions in a way that maintains consistency and TPS efficiency.

Overall, the theoretical analysis and experimental results in the paper suggest BBP has significant potential to achieve full TPS scalability for blockchain systems, with block propagation time becoming limited only by the performance of the individual nodes rather than the number of transactions.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a "bodyless block propagation" (BBP) scheme to boost the transactions per second (TPS) capacity of blockchain systems without compromising security or decentralization. The key innovation is to have nodes in the network anticipate the transactions and their ordering in the next block, and pre-execute and pre-validate these anticipated transactions before the block is actually created.

This approach can theoretically improve TPS scalability from O(1/log(N)) to O(1), where N is the number of nodes in the network. The intuition is that by avoiding the need to validate and transmit most transactions during block propagation, the propagation time becomes independent of the number of transactions in the block.

However, for this to work, all nodes must reach consensus on the specific transaction content of the next block. The paper proposes a transaction selection, ordering, and synchronization algorithm to drive the nodes to this consensus. They also introduce an algorithm to handle unresolvable transactions like the Coinbase address, to maintain a consistent and TPS-efficient scheme overall.

The theoretical analysis and experimental results in the paper suggest BBP has significant TPS scaling potential. The experiments show BBP can reduce block propagation time by 4x compared to the current Ethereum blockchain, with TPS performance limited only by individual node hardware rather than block propagation overhead.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to improving blockchain TPS without compromising core properties like security and decentralization. The theoretical analysis is rigorous, and the experimental results provide encouraging evidence of BBP's potential.

However, there are some important caveats and limitations to consider. First, the consensus algorithm for transaction selection and ordering is a critical component, and the paper does not provide a detailed evaluation of its performance and robustness. Potential issues with consensus algorithms in blockchain systems are discussed in this related paper.

Additionally, the ability to accurately anticipate the contents of the next block may be challenging in practice, especially for larger, more complex blockchains. Inaccurate predictions could undermine the efficiency gains of BBP. This paper on the challenges of decentralized storage frameworks highlights some of the difficulties in maintaining consensus in distributed systems.

Further, the paper does not address potential issues around the fairness and censorship resistance of the transaction selection process. Centralized control over this process could undermine the core principles of blockchain decentralization.

Overall, the BBP approach is an intriguing and well-executed idea that merits further research and experimentation. Addressing the potential practical challenges and ensuring the fairness and robustness of the consensus mechanisms will be crucial next steps. This work on improving block quantization for large language models offers some insights that may be applicable.


This paper proposes a "bodyless block propagation" (BBP) scheme that could significantly improve the transactions per second (TPS) capacity of blockchain systems without compromising security or decentralization. By having nodes anticipate and pre-execute the transactions in the next block, BBP can theoretically boost TPS scalability from O(1/log(N)) to O(1), where N is the number of nodes.

The key technical innovations include consensus algorithms for transaction selection, ordering, and synchronization, as well as a solution for handling unresolvable transactions. Both the theoretical analysis and experimental results suggest BBP has substantial potential to address a longstanding challenge in blockchain scalability.

However, there are important practical considerations around the robustness and fairness of the consensus mechanisms, as well as the ability to accurately predict block contents. Addressing these challenges through further research and real-world experimentation will be crucial next steps to realizing the full potential of the BBP approach.

Overall, this work represents a promising advance in the quest to build highly scalable, secure, and decentralized blockchain systems that can support a wide range of applications. As discussed in this related paper on query optimization, innovations in distributed system protocols like BBP will be key to unlocking the transformative power of blockchain technology.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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