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Characterizing Multimodal Long-form Summarization: A Case Study on Financial Reports






Published 5/9/2024 by Tianyu Cao, Natraj Raman, Danial Dervovic, Chenhao Tan
Characterizing Multimodal Long-form Summarization: A Case Study on Financial Reports


As large language models (LLMs) expand the power of natural language processing to handle long inputs, rigorous and systematic analyses are necessary to understand their abilities and behavior. A salient application is summarization, due to its ubiquity and controversy (e.g., researchers have declared the death of summarization). In this paper, we use financial report summarization as a case study because financial reports not only are long but also use numbers and tables extensively. We propose a computational framework for characterizing multimodal long-form summarization and investigate the behavior of Claude 2.0/2.1, GPT-4/3.5, and Command. We find that GPT-3.5 and Command fail to perform this summarization task meaningfully. For Claude 2 and GPT-4, we analyze the extractiveness of the summary and identify a position bias in LLMs. This position bias disappears after shuffling the input for Claude, which suggests that Claude has the ability to recognize important information. We also conduct a comprehensive investigation on the use of numeric data in LLM-generated summaries and offer a taxonomy of numeric hallucination. We employ prompt engineering to improve GPT-4's use of numbers with limited success. Overall, our analyses highlight the strong capability of Claude 2 in handling long multimodal inputs compared to GPT-4.

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  • This paper explores the challenges and opportunities in long-form, multimodal summarization on financial reports.
  • The researchers analyze the relationship between the input text and the generated summary, investigating how different modalities (text, tables, figures) contribute to the summarization process.
  • They propose a novel evaluation framework to assess the quality and faithfulness of the generated summaries.

Plain English Explanation

This paper looks at the task of creating detailed summaries for long, complex documents that contain not just text but also tables, charts, and other visual elements. The researchers focused on financial reports as a case study, as these documents often contain a mix of textual information and numerical data.

The key questions the paper tries to answer are:

  • How can we build AI systems that can effectively summarize these multimodal documents?
  • What is the relationship between the original document and the summary produced by the AI?
  • How can we evaluate whether the summary accurately captures the most important information from the full document?

To address these questions, the researchers developed a new evaluation framework. This allowed them to assess not just the quality of the summaries, but also how well they aligned with the original source material. The goal was to ensure the summaries were faithful representations of the full documents, rather than just fluent-sounding text.

Technical Explanation

The paper starts by introducing the task of long-form, multimodal summarization, where the input documents contain a mix of text, tables, figures, and other visual elements. The researchers focus on financial reports as a case study, as these documents often have this multimodal nature.

To study this task, the authors collected a dataset of financial reports and their associated human-written summaries. They then developed a novel evaluation framework that went beyond just measuring the quality of the summaries. This framework also assessed how well the summaries aligned with and faithfully captured the key information from the original documents.

Using this framework, the researchers conducted a series of experiments to trace the relationship between the input documents and the generated summaries. They investigated how different modalities (text, tables, figures) contributed to the summarization process, and how faithfully the summaries reflected the content of the full documents.

The findings from this analysis provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in multimodal long-form summarization. The authors discuss the implications of their work for developing more robust and trustworthy AI-powered summarization systems, particularly in domains like finance where accuracy and transparency are critical.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the importance of multimodal long-form summarization, particularly in domains like finance where documents often contain a rich mix of textual and numerical information. The proposed evaluation framework is a promising step towards more holistic and meaningful assessment of summarization systems.

However, the paper also acknowledges several limitations and areas for future research. For example, the dataset used is relatively small, and the analysis is focused on a specific domain (financial reports). It would be valuable to see how well the findings generalize to other types of long-form, multimodal documents.

Additionally, while the paper provides insights into the relationship between the input and output, it does not delve deeply into the inner workings of the summarization models themselves. Further research could explore how different architectural choices or training approaches impact the faithfulness and quality of the generated summaries.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of multimodal natural language processing, highlighting the need for more nuanced evaluation and a deeper understanding of the strengths and limitations of current summarization technologies. As AI systems become increasingly integrated into high-stakes domains, this type of critical analysis and continuous improvement will be essential.


This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and opportunities in long-form, multimodal summarization, using financial reports as a case study. The researchers developed a novel evaluation framework that goes beyond just measuring summary quality, also assessing how faithfully the summaries reflect the original source material.

The findings provide valuable insights into the relationship between the input documents and the generated summaries, showing how different modalities (text, tables, figures) contribute to the summarization process. This work has important implications for the development of more robust and trustworthy AI-powered summarization systems, particularly in domains where accuracy and transparency are critical.

While the paper acknowledges several limitations, it represents a significant step forward in the understanding and evaluation of multimodal natural language processing technologies. As AI continues to advance, this type of critical analysis and continuous improvement will be essential to ensure these systems are reliable, transparent, and beneficial to society.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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