Developing trustworthy AI applications with foundation models






Published 5/9/2024 by Michael Mock (Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS Sankt Augustin, Germany), Sebastian Schmidt (Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS Sankt Augustin, Germany), Felix Muller (University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS Sankt Augustin, Germany), Rebekka Gorge (Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS Sankt Augustin and 17 others



The trustworthiness of AI applications has been the subject of recent research and is also addressed in the EU's recently adopted AI Regulation. The currently emerging foundation models in the field of text, speech and image processing offer completely new possibilities for developing AI applications. This whitepaper shows how the trustworthiness of an AI application developed with foundation models can be evaluated and ensured. For this purpose, the application-specific, risk-based approach for testing and ensuring the trustworthiness of AI applications, as developed in the 'AI Assessment Catalog - Guideline for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence' by Fraunhofer IAIS, is transferred to the context of foundation models. Special consideration is given to the fact that specific risks of foundation models can have an impact on the AI application and must also be taken into account when checking trustworthiness. Chapter 1 of the white paper explains the fundamental relationship between foundation models and AI applications based on them in terms of trustworthiness. Chapter 2 provides an introduction to the technical construction of foundation models and Chapter 3 shows how AI applications can be developed based on them. Chapter 4 provides an overview of the resulting risks regarding trustworthiness. Chapter 5 shows which requirements for AI applications and foundation models are to be expected according to the draft of the European Union's AI Regulation and Chapter 6 finally shows the system and procedure for meeting trustworthiness requirements.

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  • This whitepaper explores how to evaluate and ensure the trustworthiness of AI applications developed using foundation models in text, speech, and image processing.
  • It applies the risk-based approach for testing and ensuring trustworthy AI, as outlined in the "AI Assessment Catalog - Guideline for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence" by Fraunhofer IAIS, to the context of foundation models.
  • The paper examines the relationship between foundation models and AI applications, the technical construction of foundation models, the development of AI apps using foundation models, the resulting risks to trustworthiness, and how to meet trustworthiness requirements based on the EU's draft AI Regulation.

Plain English Explanation

Foundation models are a new type of artificial intelligence (AI) system that can be used to build a wide variety of AI applications, like chatbots, image generators, and language translators. These foundation models offer exciting possibilities, but they also come with some risks that need to be carefully managed.

This whitepaper explains how to evaluate and ensure the trustworthiness of AI applications that are built using foundation models. It takes the approach developed by Fraunhofer IAIS for testing and ensuring trustworthy AI, and applies it specifically to the context of foundation models.

The paper starts by explaining the relationship between foundation models and the AI apps built on top of them. It then dives into the technical details of how foundation models work. Next, it shows how AI applications can be developed using foundation models. After that, it outlines the various risks to trustworthiness that can arise from using foundation models.

The whitepaper also looks at the upcoming EU AI Regulation and what requirements it will place on AI applications and foundation models. Finally, it describes a process for meeting those trustworthiness requirements.

The goal is to give AI developers and users a clear understanding of how to build and evaluate trustworthy AI applications that are powered by foundation models. By proactively addressing these trustworthiness concerns, we can unlock the full potential of this exciting new AI technology while ensuring it is used responsibly.

Technical Explanation

The paper first explains the fundamental relationship between foundation models and the AI applications built using them. Foundation models are large, general-purpose AI models that can be fine-tuned for a variety of downstream tasks. They offer significant advantages over training AI systems from scratch, but also introduce new risks that must be managed.

Chapter 2 provides an overview of the technical construction of foundation models. These models are trained on massive datasets using self-supervised learning techniques. This allows them to develop a broad understanding of language, images, or other data domains. However, the large scale and general nature of foundation models can also lead to biases, security vulnerabilities, and other issues.

Chapter 3 explains how AI applications can be developed by fine-tuning foundation models for specific tasks. This enables rapid development of capable AI systems, but the risks inherent in the foundation model can then be inherited by the AI application. Data authenticity, consent, and provenance become critical concerns.

Chapter 4 outlines the various risks to trustworthiness that can arise from using foundation models, such as algorithmic bias, privacy violations, and potential misuse. These issues must be carefully evaluated and mitigated when building AI apps on top of foundation models.

The paper then examines the upcoming EU AI Regulation and the requirements it will place on both AI applications and the foundation models they are built upon. Ensuring AI systems respect fundamental rights will be a key focus.

Finally, Chapter 6 outlines a system and procedure for meeting these trustworthiness requirements when developing AI applications with foundation models. This includes risk assessment, testing, and ongoing monitoring and auditing.

Critical Analysis

The whitepaper provides a comprehensive and practical approach for evaluating and ensuring the trustworthiness of AI applications built using foundation models. By adapting the Fraunhofer IAIS framework to this specific context, it offers concrete guidance that can be applied by AI developers and organizations.

However, the paper does not delve deeply into some of the more complex technical and ethical challenges posed by foundation models. For example, it does not explore in detail how to mitigate algorithmic biases that may be present in the underlying foundation model. Nor does it address the potential for foundation models to be misused for harmful purposes, beyond briefly mentioning security vulnerabilities.

Additionally, the paper's focus is on ensuring trustworthiness from the perspective of the AI application developer. It does not consider the concerns and perspectives of end-users, affected communities, or other stakeholders who may be impacted by these AI systems. A more holistic, user-centric approach to trustworthiness could be valuable.

Overall, this whitepaper provides a solid foundation for addressing trustworthiness in foundation model-based AI applications. However, further research and dialogue are needed to fully grapple with the complex ethical and societal implications of this powerful new AI technology.


This whitepaper offers a detailed and practical guide for evaluating and ensuring the trustworthiness of AI applications developed using foundation models. By adapting the Fraunhofer IAIS framework for trustworthy AI to this specific context, it provides a structured approach that AI developers can use to proactively address the risks and challenges posed by foundation models.

The paper covers the key technical and regulatory considerations, outlining the relationship between foundation models and AI apps, the construction of foundation models, the development process for AI apps, the resulting trustworthiness risks, and how to meet the requirements of the upcoming EU AI Regulation.

By taking a risk-based, holistic view of trustworthiness, this framework can help unlock the immense potential of foundation models while ensuring they are deployed responsibly and with appropriate safeguards. As foundation models become increasingly prevalent, this guidance will be crucial for building AI systems that are reliable, transparent, and aligned with human values.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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