Diffusion Posterior Sampling for General Noisy Inverse Problems






Published 5/21/2024 by Hyungjin Chung, Jeongsol Kim, Michael T. Mccann, Marc L. Klasky, Jong Chul Ye



Diffusion models have been recently studied as powerful generative inverse problem solvers, owing to their high quality reconstructions and the ease of combining existing iterative solvers. However, most works focus on solving simple linear inverse problems in noiseless settings, which significantly under-represents the complexity of real-world problems. In this work, we extend diffusion solvers to efficiently handle general noisy (non)linear inverse problems via approximation of the posterior sampling. Interestingly, the resulting posterior sampling scheme is a blended version of diffusion sampling with the manifold constrained gradient without a strict measurement consistency projection step, yielding a more desirable generative path in noisy settings compared to the previous studies. Our method demonstrates that diffusion models can incorporate various measurement noise statistics such as Gaussian and Poisson, and also efficiently handle noisy nonlinear inverse problems such as Fourier phase retrieval and non-uniform deblurring. Code available at https://github.com/DPS2022/diffusion-posterior-sampling

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  • This paper explores using diffusion models, a type of generative AI, to solve a broad range of noisy, nonlinear inverse problems.
  • Inverse problems involve reconstructing or estimating an original signal or image from indirect, corrupted measurements.
  • The authors show how diffusion models can efficiently handle various types of measurement noise, such as Gaussian and Poisson noise, and solve complex nonlinear inverse problems like Fourier phase retrieval and non-uniform deblurring.

Plain English Explanation

Diffusion models are a powerful type of generative AI that can create new images, text, and other data. Recent research has shown that diffusion models can also be used to solve inverse problems, where the goal is to reconstruct or estimate an original signal or image from indirect, imperfect measurements.

However, most prior work on using diffusion models for inverse problems has focused on simple, noise-free settings. In the real world, measurements are often corrupted by various types of noise, making the inverse problem much more challenging. This paper addresses this limitation by showing how diffusion models can be extended to efficiently handle general noisy, nonlinear inverse problems.

The key idea is to approximate the posterior sampling - the process of generating samples that are consistent with the noisy measurements. The resulting sampling scheme blends diffusion sampling with a technique called "manifold-constrained gradient", which helps the model generate samples that are consistent with the noisy measurements without strictly enforcing measurement consistency.

This approach allows the diffusion model to incorporate different types of measurement noise, such as Gaussian noise and Poisson noise, and to efficiently solve complex nonlinear inverse problems like Fourier phase retrieval and non-uniform deblurring. The authors provide code for their method, making it easier for other researchers to build on this work.

Technical Explanation

The authors propose a framework for using diffusion models to solve general noisy (non)linear inverse problems. Inverse problems involve reconstructing or estimating an original signal or image from indirect, corrupted measurements.

Most previous work on using diffusion models for inverse problems has focused on simple, noise-free settings. This paper extends diffusion solvers to efficiently handle various types of measurement noise, such as Gaussian and Poisson noise, as well as complex nonlinear inverse problems.

The key technical contribution is an approximation of the posterior sampling for diffusion models in noisy settings. The authors show that this posterior sampling scheme is a blended version of diffusion sampling and a manifold-constrained gradient approach, which avoids the need for a strict measurement consistency projection step.

This approach allows the diffusion model to efficiently incorporate different noise statistics and solve a variety of noisy nonlinear inverse problems, such as Fourier phase retrieval and non-uniform deblurring, without significant performance degradation.

The authors provide experimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of their method on a range of inverse problems, including the ability to handle different types of measurement noise and nonlinear forward models.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a valuable contribution by extending diffusion models to handle a broader range of real-world inverse problems that involve noisy, nonlinear measurements. This is an important step forward, as most prior work on diffusion-based inverse problem solving has focused on idealized, noise-free settings.

However, the paper does not address several potential limitations and areas for further research. For example, the authors do not discuss the computational complexity of their posterior sampling approach, which could be an important consideration for large-scale, high-dimensional inverse problems.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a thorough analysis of the trade-offs between the proposed method and alternative techniques for noisy inverse problem solving, such as variational inference or optimization-based methods. A more comprehensive comparative evaluation could help to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of the diffusion-based approach.

Another area for potential improvement is the handling of structured noise, such as spatially correlated or non-Gaussian noise, which are common in many real-world inverse problems. The paper's focus on Gaussian and Poisson noise may not fully capture the complexity of noise encountered in practical applications.

Overall, the paper represents an important step forward in the application of diffusion models to inverse problems, but further research is needed to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of this approach, especially in the context of more challenging real-world scenarios.


This paper demonstrates that diffusion models can be effectively extended to solve a broad range of noisy, nonlinear inverse problems, going beyond the simple, noise-free settings that have been the focus of much prior research.

By approximating the posterior sampling in a way that blends diffusion sampling with manifold-constrained gradients, the authors show that diffusion models can efficiently incorporate various types of measurement noise and solve complex nonlinear inverse problems, such as Fourier phase retrieval and non-uniform deblurring.

This work advances the use of diffusion models for inverse problem solving and opens up new possibilities for applying these powerful generative models to real-world applications that involve noisy, nonlinear measurements. Further research is needed to fully explore the capabilities and limitations of this approach, but this paper represents an important step forward in this direction.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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