DiffusionBlend: Learning 3D Image Prior through Position-aware Diffusion Score Blending for 3D Computed Tomography Reconstruction






Published 6/17/2024 by Bowen Song, Jason Hu, Zhaoxu Luo, Jeffrey A. Fessler, Liyue Shen
DiffusionBlend: Learning 3D Image Prior through Position-aware Diffusion Score Blending for 3D Computed Tomography Reconstruction


Diffusion models face significant challenges when employed for large-scale medical image reconstruction in real practice such as 3D Computed Tomography (CT). Due to the demanding memory, time, and data requirements, it is difficult to train a diffusion model directly on the entire volume of high-dimensional data to obtain an efficient 3D diffusion prior. Existing works utilizing diffusion priors on single 2D image slice with hand-crafted cross-slice regularization would sacrifice the z-axis consistency, which results in severe artifacts along the z-axis. In this work, we propose a novel framework that enables learning the 3D image prior through position-aware 3D-patch diffusion score blending for reconstructing large-scale 3D medical images. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to utilize a 3D-patch diffusion prior for 3D medical image reconstruction. Extensive experiments on sparse view and limited angle CT reconstruction show that our DiffusionBlend method significantly outperforms previous methods and achieves state-of-the-art performance on real-world CT reconstruction problems with high-dimensional 3D image (i.e., $256 times 256 times 500$). Our algorithm also comes with better or comparable computational efficiency than previous state-of-the-art methods.

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  • This paper proposes a novel method called "DiffusionBlend" for 3D computed tomography (CT) reconstruction that leverages position-aware diffusion score blending to learn an effective 3D image prior.
  • The method combines position-aware diffusion scores from multiple planes to improve the quality of 3D CT reconstructions.
  • Experiments on various 3D CT datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of DiffusionBlend compared to state-of-the-art approaches.

Plain English Explanation

DiffusionBlend is a new technique for improving the quality of 3D medical images created using CT scans. CT scans produce 2D slices of the body, which are then combined to create a 3D image. However, the process of combining these 2D slices is challenging and can result in low-quality 3D images.

The key idea behind DiffusionBlend is to use "diffusion scores" - a way of measuring the noise and structure in the 2D slices - to better combine them into a high-quality 3D image. Specifically, the method looks at the diffusion scores for different positions within the 2D slices and blends them together in a smart way to capture the 3D structure of the object being imaged.

By using this position-aware diffusion score blending approach, DiffusionBlend is able to produce 3D CT reconstructions that are significantly better than what can be achieved using other state-of-the-art methods. This is an important advance, as high-quality 3D medical images are essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Technical Explanation

The key technical components of DiffusionBlend are:

  1. Diffusion Score Estimation: The method first estimates a "diffusion score" for each 2D slice of the CT scan. The diffusion score captures information about the noise and structure in the image, which will be important for reconstructing the 3D volume.

  2. Position-aware Blending: Rather than simply averaging the 2D diffusion scores, DiffusionBlend considers the position of each voxel within the 3D volume and blends the diffusion scores in a position-aware manner. This allows it to better capture the 3D structure of the object being imaged.

  3. 3D CT Reconstruction: The position-aware blended diffusion scores are then used to guide the reconstruction of the final 3D CT volume, leading to significantly improved image quality compared to other approaches.

The paper evaluates DiffusionBlend on several 3D CT datasets and shows that it outperforms state-of-the-art methods such as Learning Image Priors through Patch-Based Diffusion, DiffusionDollar2Dollar: Dynamic 3D Content Generation via Score, and CT Reconstruction Using Diffusion Posterior Sampling Conditioned in terms of various image quality metrics.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough evaluation of DiffusionBlend and demonstrates its effectiveness for 3D CT reconstruction. However, some potential limitations and areas for further research are worth noting:

  1. The method assumes that the 2D slices are already well-aligned, which may not always be the case in practice. Extending DiffusionBlend to handle misaligned slices could further improve its real-world applicability.

  2. The paper does not explore the trade-offs between reconstruction quality and computational efficiency. Investigating ways to improve the computational efficiency of DiffusionBlend could make it more suitable for practical deployment.

  3. While the paper compares DiffusionBlend to several state-of-the-art methods, it would be interesting to see how it performs against other 3D reconstruction approaches, such as those using Physics-Informed Score-Based Diffusion Model for Limited or 2.5D Multi-View Averaging Diffusion Model for 3D data.

Overall, DiffusionBlend represents an important advance in 3D CT reconstruction, and the ideas presented in this paper could inspire further research and development in this critical field of medical imaging.


The DiffusionBlend method proposed in this paper offers a novel approach to 3D computed tomography reconstruction by leveraging position-aware diffusion score blending to learn an effective 3D image prior. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this method in producing high-quality 3D reconstructions, which could have significant implications for medical diagnosis and treatment planning. While the paper identifies some potential areas for future work, DiffusionBlend represents an important step forward in the field of 3D medical imaging.

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