Direct Preference Optimization of Video Large Multimodal Models from Language Model Reward






Published 4/3/2024 by Ruohong Zhang, Liangke Gui, Zhiqing Sun, Yihao Feng, Keyang Xu, Yuanhan Zhang, Di Fu, Chunyuan Li, Alexander Hauptmann, Yonatan Bisk and 1 other
Direct Preference Optimization of Video Large Multimodal Models from Language Model Reward


Preference modeling techniques, such as direct preference optimization (DPO), has shown effective in enhancing the generalization abilities of large language model (LLM). However, in tasks involving video instruction-following, providing informative feedback, especially for detecting hallucinations in generated responses, remains a significant challenge. Previous studies have explored using large large multimodal models (LMMs) as reward models to guide preference modeling, but their ability to accurately assess the factuality of generated responses compared to corresponding videos has not been conclusively established. This paper introduces a novel framework that utilizes detailed video captions as a proxy of video content, enabling language models to incorporate this information as supporting evidence for scoring video Question Answering (QA) predictions. Our approach demonstrates robust alignment with OpenAI GPT-4V model's reward mechanism, which directly takes video frames as input. Furthermore, we show that applying this tailored reward through DPO significantly improves the performance of video LMMs on video QA tasks.

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  • This paper explores the optimization of large multimodal video models using language model rewards.
  • The researchers propose a direct preference optimization approach to fine-tune these models, aiming to improve their performance on downstream tasks.
  • The work highlights the potential benefits of leveraging language model rewards to enhance the capabilities of video understanding systems.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a new way to train large AI models that can work with both images and text, known as "multimodal" models. These models are designed to understand and process video data, which includes both visual and textual information.

The researchers found that by using the feedback or "rewards" from language models (AI systems trained on a vast amount of text data), they could fine-tune the multimodal video models to perform better on various tasks. This approach, called "direct preference optimization," allows the models to learn from the language model's understanding of language and meaning, rather than just relying on the video data alone.

The key idea is that the language model's knowledge can help the video model make better sense of the content it's processing, leading to improved performance on real-world applications like video understanding, captioning, and analysis. This could have important implications for fields like video surveillance, content moderation, and multimedia search and retrieval.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a method for directly optimizing the preferences of large multimodal video models using language model rewards. The researchers start by pre-training a multimodal video model on a large dataset of video and text data. They then fine-tune this model using a direct preference optimization approach, where the model's parameters are updated to maximize the rewards from a separate language model.

The language model is used as a proxy for human preferences, providing a richer and more nuanced feedback signal than traditional supervised learning approaches. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach through experiments on various video understanding tasks, showing improved performance compared to baseline fine-tuning methods.

The paper also explores the role of the language model's architecture and training data in shaping the optimization process and the final model's capabilities. The findings suggest that the direct preference optimization technique can help leverage the rich semantic knowledge captured by language models to enhance the performance of large-scale video understanding systems.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for improving the performance of large multimodal video models, but it also acknowledges several limitations and avenues for future research.

One key concern is the reliance on the language model's understanding of human preferences, which may not always align with the actual preferences of end-users or specific application domains. The authors suggest exploring alternative reward functions or multi-stakeholder preferences to address this issue.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the potential biases or limitations of the language model itself, which could be transferred to the fine-tuned video model. Investigating the ethical and societal implications of this approach would be an important area for further study.

The paper also highlights the computational and memory-intensive nature of the direct preference optimization process, which may limit its scalability or applicability in resource-constrained settings. Exploring more efficient optimization techniques or model architectures could help address these challenges.

Overall, the paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of multimodal learning, demonstrating the potential benefits of leveraging language model rewards for enhancing video understanding capabilities. However, further research is needed to address the potential limitations and ensure the responsible development of these advanced AI systems.


This paper presents a novel approach for optimizing the performance of large multimodal video models by leveraging language model rewards. The direct preference optimization technique allows these models to learn from the rich semantic knowledge captured by language models, leading to improved performance on various video understanding tasks.

While the paper highlights the potential benefits of this approach, it also acknowledges several limitations and areas for future research, such as the need to address potential biases, explore alternative reward functions, and improve the computational efficiency of the optimization process.

Overall, the work contributes to the ongoing efforts to develop more capable and versatile AI systems for multimedia analysis and understanding, with implications for a wide range of applications in fields like video surveillance, content moderation, and multimedia search and retrieval.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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