Distributed Swarm Learning for Edge Internet of Things






Published 4/1/2024 by Yue Wang, Zhi Tian, FXin Fan, Zhipeng Cai, Cameron Nowzari, Kai Zeng
Distributed Swarm Learning for Edge Internet of Things


The rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT) has led to the widespread deployment of smart IoT devices at wireless edge for collaborative machine learning tasks, ushering in a new era of edge learning. With a huge number of hardware-constrained IoT devices operating in resource-limited wireless networks, edge learning encounters substantial challenges, including communication and computation bottlenecks, device and data heterogeneity, security risks, privacy leakages, non-convex optimization, and complex wireless environments. To address these issues, this article explores a novel framework known as distributed swarm learning (DSL), which combines artificial intelligence and biological swarm intelligence in a holistic manner. By harnessing advanced signal processing and communications, DSL provides efficient solutions and robust tools for large-scale IoT at the edge of wireless networks.

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The paper discusses the challenges faced in edge learning, which is the use of collaborative machine learning on resource-constrained IoT devices at the edge of wireless networks. These challenges include communication and computation bottlenecks, device and data heterogeneity, security risks, privacy concerns, non-convex optimization, and complex wireless environments.

To address these issues, the paper introduces a novel framework called distributed swarm learning (DSL). DSL combines artificial intelligence and biological swarm intelligence to provide efficient and robust solutions for large-scale IoT at the wireless edge. DSL leverages advanced signal processing and communications to tackle the problems encountered in edge learning.


This paper discusses the challenges faced by Internet of Things (IoT) devices in enabling edge learning, where AI is applied at the edge rather than in the cloud. Traditional machine learning methods are not suitable for edge learning due to privacy and security concerns. Federated learning (FL) has emerged as an alternative, allowing distributed learning while keeping data local.

However, the assumptions underlying successful FL, such as powerful computing capability and stable connectivity, do not hold true for many real-world edge IoT applications with low-cost, resource-constrained devices. This gives rise to several key challenges: communication bottleneck, non-convex optimization, data and device heterogeneity, privacy and security concerns, and complex network environments.

While some of these challenges have been partially addressed in the literature, the primary focus has been on revising and adapting standard FL methods, neglecting the unique characteristics of edge IoT systems with a large population of low-capability devices and small-volume local data.

The paper proposes a new edge learning paradigm called distributed swarm learning (DSL), which integrates AI-enabled FL with biologically-inspired particle swarm optimization (PSO). This approach aims to leverage swarm intelligence and cooperative gains among massive IoT workers to develop efficient and robust distributed learning techniques at the wireless edge.

Figure 1: Distributed swarm learning framework for edge IoT.

Figure 1: Distributed swarm learning framework for edge IoT.

The provided text discusses several key aspects of the Distributed Swarm Learning (DSL) approach:

  1. DSL selectively chooses a small number of workers to share their local model updates, reducing communication costs and power consumption. This addresses the challenge of limited communication resources.

  2. DSL combines the velocity update from Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with the gradient from Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), embedding a bio-inspired mechanism into Federated Learning (FL). This exploration-exploitation mechanism helps particle solutions escape local optima, addressing the challenges of heterogeneous data and devices.

  3. Over-the-air aggregation allows multiple workers to simultaneously transmit their local model variables, minimizing the impact of communication bandwidth and resource constraints. This technique also enhances privacy preservation by making individual local updates inaccessible.

  4. Introducing a small global dataset plays a key role in providing high accuracy, efficiency, and robustness of DSL in the presence of non-i.i.d. data and adversarial attacks. The global dataset is used for training and calculating a fair-value loss to select workers and screen potential attacks.

  5. DSL's efficient and robust updating rule allows the system to continue functioning even if some workers do not respond, enhancing robustness against node and link failures in edge IoT scenarios.

  6. DSL has the potential to be implemented in massively parallel and adaptive ways, enabling better scalability than traditional distributed approaches.

Framework of Distributed Swarm Learning

This paper proposes a novel distributed learning framework called Distributed Swarm Learning (DSL) that combines the strengths of federated learning (FL) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) to address challenges in IoT-driven edge learning environments.

Key points:

  • Standard FL has limitations when applied to edge IoT scenarios with constraints on communication, computation, and storage capabilities, as well as non-i.i.d. data across workers.
  • PSO is a gradient-free optimization method that can effectively search for globally optimal solutions, but requires a common loss function across workers.
  • DSL integrates the exploration-exploitation benefits of PSO with the learning capabilities of gradients in FL. It adaptively balances the contributions from swarm intelligence (BI) and gradients (AI) in the model updates.
  • DSL maintains the historical best model and loss at each worker with minimal memory overhead. The central server selects a subset of workers with the lowest losses to transmit their models for aggregation, leveraging over-the-air analog communication for efficiency and privacy.
  • The paper lacks a summary of the section on the mathematical formulation of the DSL model update rule and the worker selection process at the central server.

Efficient Distributed Swarm Learning

The provided text discusses communication efficiency in federated learning (FL) and proposes a new approach called Distributed Swarm Learning (DSL). Key points:

  • Traditional FL methods try to reduce communication costs through techniques like gradient sparsification and message quantization, but they still require all workers to exchange local model updates, which is not well-suited for edge IoT systems.

  • DSL incorporates parsimonious transmission and aggregation schemes with an exploration-exploitation mechanism from swarm intelligence to save device energy and reduce total communication cost.

  • DSL employs a communication censoring strategy where workers only report their local loss values if the difference from the previous value exceeds a threshold. This reduces communication overhead.

  • DSL uses an adaptive multi-worker selection strategy, where a smaller number of workers are selected to contribute in early iterations to enable local exploration, and a larger number are selected in later iterations for higher accuracy.

  • DSL leverages over-the-air analog aggregation to efficiently implement the global variable updating step, minimizing bandwidth consumption.

  • Theoretically, DSL exhibits a convergence rate on the order of 1/T, where T is the number of communication rounds. This motivates a joint optimization of communication and computation parameters.

  • Computationally, DSL has little overhead beyond the gradient-related terms in FL, and its reduced convergence time can lower overall computational complexity compared to vanilla FL.

Robust Distributed Swarm Learning

This paper addresses several challenges in edge IoT networks for distributed stochastic learning (DSL), including non-i.i.d. data, Byzantine attacks, and unreliable transmissions.

To address the non-i.i.d. data issue, the paper introduces a globally shared dataset generated using a federated generative adversarial network (FedGAN). This global dataset serves two purposes: training local models to mitigate the non-i.i.d. problem, and scoring worker quality to defend against Byzantine attacks.

To defend against Byzantine attacks, the paper leverages the global dataset to screen out model updates that deviate significantly from the average. Analog aggregation transmission is used to enhance privacy, but also exposes vulnerabilities to Byzantine attacks. A best effort voting-based transmission power control policy is proposed to mitigate these attacks.

Finally, to handle unreliable wireless transmissions, the paper utilizes multi-worker diversity enabled by analog aggregation. A truncated channel inversion method is developed to weed out workers with poor channel conditions, while balancing communication and computation aspects of DSL over wireless fading channels.

Overall, the paper presents a comprehensive framework to address the key challenges in edge IoT networks for robust distributed stochastic learning.

Performance Evaluation

The paper evaluates the performance of Distributed Stochastic Learning (DSL) compared to vanilla Federated Learning (FL) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) on a handwritten digit classification task using the MNIST dataset. The common learning model is a five-layer Convolutional Neural Network with over 4 million trainable parameters.

The results show that DSL outperforms FL and PSO in achieving the highest accuracy. DSL also requires fewer communication rounds to reach the same performance level as FL or PSO. This advantage of DSL is more pronounced in the non-i.i.d. case, where PSO fails to work properly.

Further, DSL can effectively defend against Byzantine attacks by screening and removing potential attackers. It can also work robustly in the presence of node/link failures by taking advantage of the diversity gain via multi-worker selection.

The simulation results verify that the integration of AI and BI (Blockchain-based Intelligence) leads to improvements in learning accuracy, communication efficiency, and system robustness. This brings significant benefits to distributed learning for edge IoT, especially for resource-constrained edge devices with heterogeneous local data.

Figure 2: Performance in i.i.d. cases.

Figure 2: Performance in i.i.d. cases.

Figure 3: Performance in non-i.i.d. cases.

Figure 3: Performance in non-i.i.d. cases.

Figure 4: Performance under
Byzantine attacks and node/link failures.

Figure 4: Performance under Byzantine attacks and node/link failures.

onclusion and Future Work

The paper discusses a new domain-specific language (DSL) paradigm for edge IoT systems that bridges federated learning with particle swarm optimization. It describes efficient information extraction and exchange schemes designed to improve the communication and computation efficiency of model updates. The paper also outlines the development of robust DSL solutions to handle data heterogeneity, node/link failure, and Byzantine attacks.

The paper explores several open issues and future directions for DSL. For decentralized topologies, the paper notes the challenge of having workers make autonomous decisions for the global learning task through communication with adjacent workers only. Security provisioning is also an urgent issue, as DSL leaves edge learning systems vulnerable to malicious attacks without mechanisms to identify attackers. Additionally, the paper discusses the efficiency-robustness tradeoff, which can impact the convergence behavior of iterative DSL algorithms.

The paper mentions a DSL prototype targeting implementation on swarming lighter-than-air (LTA) robots for national robotic blimps competitions. Given the hardware limitations of these LTA robots, DSL is presented as a candidate solution to collaboratively train learning models for object detection and classification tasks in an aerial soccer game scenario.


This work was funded by multiple grants from the National Science Foundation.


This text provides an overview of the research interests and affiliations of several professors in the fields of computer science, electrical and computer engineering, and information science.

Yue Wang is an Assistant Professor at Georgia State University, focusing on machine learning, signal processing, and wireless communications. His research areas include distributed optimization and learning, compressed sensing, Internet of Things, cognitive radios, and 5G/6G wireless techniques.

Zhi Tian is a Professor at George Mason University, with interests in signal processing, communications, detection and estimation. Her research focuses on decentralized optimization and learning over networks, statistical inference from distributed data, and compressed sensing for applications like cognitive radios and millimeter-wave MIMO communications. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.

Xin Fan is an Assistant Professor at Beijing Forestry University, with research interests in wireless communications, machine learning, security and privacy, optimization, and statistical signal processing.

Zhipeng Cai is a Professor at Georgia State University, with expertise in resource management, high performance computing, cybersecurity, privacy, networking, and big data. He serves as Editor-in-Chief for Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, and Associate Editor-in-Chief for the Elsevier High-Confidence Computing Journal.

Cameron Nowzari is an Associate Professor at George Mason University, focusing on dynamical systems, distributed coordination algorithms, robotics, event- and self-triggered control, Markov processes, network science, and Internet of Things.

Kai Zeng is a Professor at George Mason University, with interests in cyber-physical system security and privacy, physical layer security, network forensics, and cognitive radio networks.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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