Eliciting Topic Hierarchies from Large Language Models






Published 6/19/2024 by Grace Li, Tao Long, Lydia B. Chilton



Current research has explored how Generative AI can support the brainstorming process for content creators, but a gap remains in exploring support-tools for the pre-writing process. Specifically, our research is focused on supporting users in finding topics at the right level of specificity for their audience. This process is called topic scoping. Topic scoping is a cognitively demanding task, requiring users to actively recall subtopics in a given domain. This manual approach also reduces the diversity of subtopics that a user is able to explore. We propose using Large Language Models (LLMs) to support the process of topic scoping by iteratively generating subtopics at increasing levels of specificity: dynamically creating topic hierarchies. We tested three different prompting strategies and found that increasing the amount of context included in the prompt improves subtopic generation by 20 percentage points. Finally, we discuss applications of this research in education, content creation, and product management.

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  • Current research has explored how Generative AI can support the brainstorming process for content creators
  • However, a gap remains in exploring support-tools for the pre-writing process, specifically in helping users find topics at the right level of specificity for their audience
  • This process of finding the right level of topic specificity is called "topic scoping" and is cognitively demanding, limiting the diversity of subtopics explored
  • The researchers propose using Large Language Models (LLMs) to support topic scoping by iteratively generating subtopics at increasing levels of specificity, creating dynamic topic hierarchies
  • They tested different prompting strategies and found that including more context in the prompt improves subtopic generation by 20 percentage points
  • The research has applications in education, content creation, and product management

Plain English Explanation

Generative AI models like language models have already shown promise in aiding the brainstorming process for content creators. However, there is still a gap in using these models to assist with the crucial pre-writing stage, where writers need to find the right topics and level of detail for their audience.

This process of determining the appropriate topic scope is challenging for humans. It requires actively recalling all the relevant subtopics within a domain, which limits the diversity of ideas that can be explored. The researchers hypothesized that large language models could be leveraged to automate and enhance this "topic scoping" task.

Their approach was to use language models to iteratively generate more and more specific subtopics, essentially building out a dynamic topic hierarchy. By testing different prompting strategies, they found that providing the model with more contextual information led to a 20% improvement in the quality of the generated subtopics.

This research could have valuable applications in educational settings, where students need to select the right research topics, as well as in content creation and product management, where teams need to identify the most relevant areas to focus on.

Technical Explanation

The researchers explored how Generative AI, specifically Large Language Models (LLMs), can be used to support the process of "topic scoping" - determining the appropriate level of specificity for a given topic. This is a cognitively demanding task that often limits the diversity of ideas that users are able to explore.

To address this challenge, the researchers proposed using LLMs to iteratively generate more specific subtopics, effectively creating a dynamic topic hierarchy. They tested three different prompting strategies to understand how the amount of context provided to the model impacts the quality of the generated subtopics.

The first prompt asked the model to generate subtopics without any additional context. The second prompt provided the model with a broad topic and asked it to generate subtopics. The third prompt gave the model an increasingly specific topic and asked it to generate even more granular subtopics.

The researchers found that the third prompting strategy, which included more contextual information, led to a 20 percentage point improvement in the quality of the generated subtopics compared to the first strategy. This suggests that providing LLMs with more detailed prompts can significantly enhance their ability to support the topic scoping process.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge several limitations and areas for further exploration in their work. Firstly, they note that the evaluation of the generated subtopics was conducted by the researchers themselves, which could introduce potential biases. Incorporating external evaluators or user studies would strengthen the assessment of the model's performance.

Additionally, the researchers focused on a limited set of broad topics in their experiments. Expanding the range of domains and exploring the model's ability to handle more specialized or niche topics would be an important next step in validating the generalizability of their findings.

Another consideration is the potential for language models to perpetuate biases or produce inappropriate content, which could be particularly problematic in educational or professional settings. Careful prompt engineering and content moderation strategies would be crucial to ensure the safe and ethical deployment of these tools.

Finally, the researchers did not investigate the long-term impacts of using LLM-powered topic scoping tools on users' own topic exploration and idea generation capabilities. It would be valuable to explore whether these tools could potentially inhibit or enhance users' cognitive processes over time.

Despite these limitations, the researchers have made a valuable contribution by demonstrating the potential of LLMs to augment the pre-writing process and expand the diversity of ideas that content creators can explore. Continued research in this area could lead to significant advancements in supporting creative and analytical tasks across a wide range of domains.


This research explores the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) to support the process of "topic scoping" - determining the appropriate level of specificity for a given topic. The researchers found that providing LLMs with more contextual information in the prompts can significantly improve the quality of the generated subtopics, ultimately expanding the diversity of ideas that users are able to explore.

The potential applications of this research span education, content creation, and product management, where the ability to efficiently identify relevant and compelling topics is crucial. By automating and enhancing the topic scoping process, LLMs could empower users to focus more on the creative and analytical aspects of their work, rather than the cognitively demanding task of mapping out the appropriate level of detail.

As with any emerging technology, careful consideration must be given to potential biases and ethical implications. However, the findings of this research suggest that with thoughtful implementation, LLMs could become a valuable tool in the content creator's arsenal, enabling more efficient and effective pre-writing processes.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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