ExpertQA: Expert-Curated Questions and Attributed Answers






Published 4/3/2024 by Chaitanya Malaviya, Subin Lee, Sihao Chen, Elizabeth Sieber, Mark Yatskar, Dan Roth



As language models are adopted by a more sophisticated and diverse set of users, the importance of guaranteeing that they provide factually correct information supported by verifiable sources is critical across fields of study. This is especially the case for high-stakes fields, such as medicine and law, where the risk of propagating false information is high and can lead to undesirable societal consequences. Previous work studying attribution and factuality has not focused on analyzing these characteristics of language model outputs in domain-specific scenarios. In this work, we conduct human evaluation of responses from a few representative systems along various axes of attribution and factuality, by bringing domain experts in the loop. Specifically, we collect expert-curated questions from 484 participants across 32 fields of study, and then ask the same experts to evaluate generated responses to their own questions. In addition, we ask experts to improve upon responses from language models. The output of our analysis is ExpertQA, a high-quality long-form QA dataset with 2177 questions spanning 32 fields, along with verified answers and attributions for claims in the answers.

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  • As language models become more widely used, it's crucial that they provide accurate, verifiable information, especially in high-stakes fields like medicine and law.
  • Previous studies on factuality and attribution of language model outputs have not focused on domain-specific scenarios.
  • This research aims to address this gap by conducting a human evaluation of language model responses across various fields of study.

Plain English Explanation

Language models, which are AI systems that can generate human-like text, are being used in an increasing number of applications. However, it's essential that these models provide information that is factually correct and supported by reliable sources, particularly in areas like healthcare and law where inaccurate information can have serious consequences.

In the past, researchers have looked at the factuality and attribution (i.e., how well the model can cite its sources) of language model outputs, but they haven't focused on how these characteristics play out in specific fields of study. This new research aims to fill that gap by having experts in various domains evaluate the responses generated by language models.

The researchers first collected questions from 484 participants across 32 different fields, such as biology, history, and engineering. Then, they asked the same experts to assess the factuality and attribution of the language models' responses to their own questions. The experts were also asked to improve upon the language model responses.

The result of this process is a new dataset called ExpertQA, which contains 2,177 high-quality, long-form questions spanning 32 fields, along with verified answers and information about the factual claims and sources used in those answers.

Technical Explanation

The researchers conducted a human evaluation of language model outputs across various domains to assess their factuality and attribution. They first collected 2,177 expert-curated questions from 484 participants across 32 fields of study, including medicine, law, history, and engineering.

Next, the researchers presented these questions to language models and asked the original experts to evaluate the factuality and attribution of the generated responses. The experts were also asked to provide improved responses based on the language model outputs.

The resulting ExpertQA dataset includes the original expert-provided questions, the language model responses, the expert evaluations of factuality and attribution, and the expert-improved responses. This dataset allows for a detailed analysis of how well language models perform in terms of providing accurate, verifiable information in domain-specific scenarios.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge that their study is limited to the evaluation of a few representative language models, and that the findings may not generalize to all existing systems. They also note that the expert evaluations could be subjective, and that the process of improving the language model responses may have introduced human biases.

Additionally, the researchers did not explore the potential reasons for the language models' performance issues, such as the training data, model architectures, or prompting strategies used. Further research is needed to understand the underlying factors that contribute to the factuality and attribution of language model outputs in high-stakes domains.

It would also be valuable to investigate how the ExpertQA dataset could be used to develop or fine-tune language models that are better equipped to provide accurate, verifiable information in domain-specific contexts. The dataset could serve as a benchmark for evaluating and improving the reliability of language models in critical applications.


This research highlights the importance of ensuring that language models provide factually correct information supported by verifiable sources, especially in high-stakes fields like medicine and law. By conducting a human evaluation of language model responses across a diverse range of domains, the researchers have created a valuable dataset that can be used to better understand and improve the factuality and attribution of these AI systems.

The findings from this study underscore the need for continued research and development in this area, as language models become increasingly integrated into various applications that have significant societal impact. Maintaining the reliability and trustworthiness of these models is crucial for their safe and responsible deployment.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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