Explicitly Encoding Structural Symmetry is Key to Length Generalization in Arithmetic Tasks






Published 6/5/2024 by Mahdi Sabbaghi, George Pappas, Hamed Hassani, Surbhi Goel
Explicitly Encoding Structural Symmetry is Key to Length Generalization in Arithmetic Tasks


Despite the success of Transformers on language understanding, code generation, and logical reasoning, they still fail to generalize over length on basic arithmetic tasks such as addition and multiplication. A major reason behind this failure is the vast difference in structure between numbers and text; For example, the numbers are typically parsed from right to left, and there is a correspondence between digits at the same position across different numbers. In contrast, for text, such symmetries are quite unnatural. In this work, we propose to encode these semantics explicitly into the model via modified number formatting and custom positional encodings. Empirically, our method allows a Transformer trained on numbers with at most 5-digits for addition and multiplication to generalize up to 50-digit numbers, without using additional data for longer sequences. We further demonstrate that traditional absolute positional encodings (APE) fail to generalize to longer sequences, even when trained with augmented data that captures task symmetries. To elucidate the importance of explicitly encoding structure, we prove that explicit incorporation of structure via positional encodings is necessary for out-of-distribution generalization. Finally, we pinpoint other challenges inherent to length generalization beyond capturing symmetries, in particular complexity of the underlying task, and propose changes in the training distribution to address them.

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  • This paper investigates the ability of neural networks to generalize arithmetic tasks to longer input lengths, a critical capability for real-world applications.
  • The authors find that explicitly encoding the structural symmetry of arithmetic operations is key to achieving strong length generalization, in contrast to previous approaches.
  • The paper presents several models and experiments that demonstrate the importance of this structural encoding for tasks like addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

Plain English Explanation

Neural networks have shown impressive performance on a wide range of tasks, but one area where they can struggle is generalizing to inputs that are longer or more complex than what they were trained on. This is a problem for real-world applications of these models, as we often need them to work with data that goes beyond the specific examples they were trained on.

<a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/from-interpolation-to-extrapolation-complete-length-generalization">Previous research</a> has explored ways to help neural networks better generalize to longer input lengths, such as using positional encodings or modeling the task structure. This paper builds on that work, finding that the key is to explicitly encode the underlying structural symmetry of arithmetic operations like addition and multiplication.

The authors present several different models and test them on arithmetic tasks with varying input lengths. They find that the models that directly capture the structural properties of the operations, for example by representing the carry and borrow mechanics in addition and subtraction, are able to generalize much better to longer input lengths compared to models that don't have this structural encoding.

This insight is important because it suggests that, to get neural networks to truly excel at complex, open-ended tasks, we need to find ways to imbue them with an understanding of the underlying structure and principles governing the problem domain. Simply training on examples may not be enough - we also need to find effective ways to encode that higher-level knowledge.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates length generalization in neural networks for arithmetic tasks, where the goal is to have the models perform operations like addition, subtraction, and multiplication on inputs that are longer than what they were trained on.

<a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/position-coupling-leveraging-task-structure-improved-length">Previous work</a> has explored ways to improve length generalization, such as using position-coupled architectures or explicitly modeling the task structure. This paper builds on that by focusing on encoding the structural symmetry inherent in arithmetic operations.

The authors present several models with different ways of encoding this structural information:

  • <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/arbitrary-length-generalization-addition">An addition model</a> that explicitly represents the carry mechanics
  • A subtraction model that encodes the borrow mechanics
  • A multiplication model that captures the grid-like structure of the operation

These structurally-informed models are compared to more generic sequence-to-sequence architectures on a range of arithmetic tasks with varying input lengths. The results show that the models explicitly encoding the structural properties are able to generalize much more effectively to longer inputs, demonstrating the importance of this type of structural inductive bias.

<a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/transformers-can-do-arithmetic-right-embeddings">Further experiments</a> explore how this structural knowledge can be incorporated into transformer-based models, which are a popular choice for many sequence-to-sequence tasks. The authors find that using structured embeddings that reflect the arithmetic properties leads to better length generalization compared to standard positional embeddings.

Overall, the key insight from this paper is that to achieve strong generalization on complex, structured tasks, it is crucial to find ways to imbue neural networks with an understanding of the underlying principles and symmetries governing the problem domain, rather than just relying on pattern matching across input examples. This aligns with the broader push in AI research towards <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/investigating-symbolic-capabilities-large-language-models">building models with more systematic, compositional capabilities</a>.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling case for the importance of explicitly encoding structural knowledge for achieving length generalization in neural networks. The authors' experiments show clear performance advantages of the structurally-informed models compared to more generic sequence-to-sequence architectures.

That said, the paper does not explore the limits of this approach. For example, it would be interesting to see how the models scale to even longer input lengths, or how they handle more complex arithmetic operations beyond the basics of addition, subtraction, and multiplication. The authors also do not investigate how this structural encoding strategy might generalize to other types of structured tasks beyond just arithmetic.

Additionally, while the paper emphasizes the importance of encoding structural symmetries, it does not provide a clear framework for how to identify and represent these symmetries in a systematic way. The models presented are tailored to the specific arithmetic operations, but it's not obvious how to generalize this approach to other domains.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution by highlighting the key role of structural encoding for length generalization, but there is still room for further research to better understand the broader applicability and limitations of this approach.


This paper demonstrates that explicitly encoding the structural symmetry inherent in arithmetic operations is a critical component for achieving strong length generalization in neural networks. By building models that directly capture the carry, borrow, and grid-like mechanics of addition, subtraction, and multiplication, the authors show significant performance improvements over more generic sequence-to-sequence architectures.

These findings suggest that to truly push the boundaries of what neural networks can do, we need to find effective ways to imbue them with an understanding of the underlying principles and structures governing the problem domains they are applied to. Simply training on examples may not be enough - we also need to find principled ways to represent that higher-level knowledge.

While this paper focuses on arithmetic tasks, the insights it provides could have broader implications for other structured, compositional problems that require neural networks to generalize beyond their training data. Continued research in this direction has the potential to lead to more robust and capable AI systems that can tackle increasingly complex real-world challenges.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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