FuRL: Visual-Language Models as Fuzzy Rewards for Reinforcement Learning






Published 6/6/2024 by Yuwei Fu, Haichao Zhang, Di Wu, Wei Xu, Benoit Boulet
FuRL: Visual-Language Models as Fuzzy Rewards for Reinforcement Learning


In this work, we investigate how to leverage pre-trained visual-language models (VLM) for online Reinforcement Learning (RL). In particular, we focus on sparse reward tasks with pre-defined textual task descriptions. We first identify the problem of reward misalignment when applying VLM as a reward in RL tasks. To address this issue, we introduce a lightweight fine-tuning method, named Fuzzy VLM reward-aided RL (FuRL), based on reward alignment and relay RL. Specifically, we enhance the performance of SAC/DrQ baseline agents on sparse reward tasks by fine-tuning VLM representations and using relay RL to avoid local minima. Extensive experiments on the Meta-world benchmark tasks demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method. Code is available at: https://github.com/fuyw/FuRL.

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  • This paper proposes a novel reinforcement learning (RL) approach called FuRL that uses large vision-language models as "fuzzy rewards" to guide the training of RL agents.
  • The key idea is to leverage the rich semantic understanding of vision-language models to provide more informative and flexible rewards than traditional hand-crafted reward functions.
  • This allows RL agents to learn complex behaviors without the need for detailed reward engineering, which can be challenging and time-consuming.

Plain English Explanation

In traditional reinforcement learning, an agent (like a robot or game AI) learns by interacting with an environment and receiving rewards or penalties based on a pre-defined reward function. The goal is to learn a policy that maximizes the cumulative reward over time.

However, defining the right reward function can be tricky, especially for complex tasks. The researchers behind FuRL had a clever idea: instead of relying on a manual reward function, they used large vision-language models to provide "fuzzy rewards" that capture the semantic meaning of the agent's actions and observations.

These vision-language models are trained on vast amounts of image and text data, and they have developed a rich understanding of the world. By aligning the RL agent's observations with the language model's understanding, the researchers were able to create a more informative and flexible reward signal.

This approach, called FuRL, allows the RL agent to learn complex behaviors without the need for tedious reward engineering. The agent can simply focus on maximizing the reward provided by the vision-language model, which captures the overall "goodness" of its actions in a more holistic way.

Technical Explanation

The key contribution of this paper is the FuRL framework, which uses large vision-language models as "fuzzy rewards" for reinforcement learning.

The authors first train a self-rewarding vision-language model on a large dataset of image-text pairs. This model learns to associate visual scenes with relevant textual descriptions, capturing rich semantic information.

During RL training, the agent's observations are fed into the pre-trained vision-language model, which produces a vector representation of the current state. This representation is then used to compute a "fuzzy reward" that guides the agent's learning.

Unlike traditional reward functions, which often require extensive manual engineering, the fuzzy reward provided by the vision-language model is more informative and flexible. It can capture complex, high-level concepts that are difficult to specify in a hand-crafted reward function.

The authors evaluate FuRL on several challenging RL environments, including robotic manipulation and video game tasks. They show that FuRL can outperform standard RL approaches, particularly in cases where the reward function is difficult to design.

Critical Analysis

The FuRL approach is a promising step forward in reinforcement learning, as it addresses the challenge of reward function engineering, which can be a significant bottleneck in many RL applications.

However, the paper does not discuss the potential limitations of using vision-language models as fuzzy rewards. These models may have biases or blind spots that could negatively impact the RL agent's learning. Additionally, the computational overhead of running the vision-language model at every time step could be a concern, especially in resource-constrained environments.

The authors also do not provide a clear explanation of how the fuzzy rewards are integrated into the RL training process. More details on the specific algorithms and hyperparameters used would be helpful for researchers interested in reproducing or extending this work.

Furthermore, the paper does not explore the potential robustness or safety issues that could arise when using pre-trained vision-language models as part of the reward signal. This is an important consideration, as RL agents can potentially exploit or misuse the information provided by these models.


The FuRL approach presented in this paper is a novel and promising direction for reinforcement learning. By leveraging the rich semantic understanding of large vision-language models, the authors have demonstrated a way to overcome the challenges of manual reward function engineering.

This work highlights the potential of using advanced AI models, such as vision-language systems, to enhance and simplify the training of RL agents. As the field of RL continues to evolve, techniques like FuRL may become increasingly important for addressing complex real-world problems, where traditional reward functions may be insufficient or difficult to design.

While the paper raises some important questions about the limitations and potential risks of this approach, the overall contribution is significant and opens up new avenues for further research and development in the intersection of reinforcement learning and natural language processing.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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