Generating Human Motion in 3D Scenes from Text Descriptions






Published 5/14/2024 by Zhi Cen, Huaijin Pi, Sida Peng, Zehong Shen, Minghui Yang, Shuai Zhu, Hujun Bao, Xiaowei Zhou



Generating human motions from textual descriptions has gained growing research interest due to its wide range of applications. However, only a few works consider human-scene interactions together with text conditions, which is crucial for visual and physical realism. This paper focuses on the task of generating human motions in 3D indoor scenes given text descriptions of the human-scene interactions. This task presents challenges due to the multi-modality nature of text, scene, and motion, as well as the need for spatial reasoning. To address these challenges, we propose a new approach that decomposes the complex problem into two more manageable sub-problems: (1) language grounding of the target object and (2) object-centric motion generation. For language grounding of the target object, we leverage the power of large language models. For motion generation, we design an object-centric scene representation for the generative model to focus on the target object, thereby reducing the scene complexity and facilitating the modeling of the relationship between human motions and the object. Experiments demonstrate the better motion quality of our approach compared to baselines and validate our design choices.

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  • This paper focuses on generating human motions in 3D indoor scenes based on text descriptions of human-scene interactions.
  • The task presents challenges due to the multi-modal nature of text, scene, and motion, as well as the need for spatial reasoning.
  • The authors propose a two-step approach: (1) language grounding of the target object and (2) object-centric motion generation.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses the task of creating realistic 3D animations of human movements and interactions within indoor scenes, based on textual descriptions. This is a challenging problem because it requires understanding the relationship between language, the physical environment, and human actions.

To address this, the researchers developed a two-part system. First, it uses powerful language models to identify and ground the key objects in the text description. Then, it generates the human motion by focusing specifically on the target object and its relationship to the person, rather than trying to model the entire scene. This helps reduce the complexity of the problem and allows the system to better capture the connection between the text, the environment, and the human movements.

The experiments show that this approach produces higher quality motions compared to previous methods. By breaking down the task into these two more manageable sub-problems, the researchers were able to leverage the strengths of different techniques to create more realistic and text-guided 3D animations of human-scene interactions.

Technical Explanation

The paper addresses the task of generating human motions in 3D indoor scenes based on text descriptions of the interactions. This is a challenging problem due to the need to reason about the relationships between the textual description, the physical scene, and the resulting human motion.

To tackle this, the authors propose a two-step approach. First, they leverage large language models to perform language grounding of the target object mentioned in the text description. This grounds the textual input to the relevant elements in the 3D scene.

For the second step, the authors design an object-centric scene representation that allows their generative model to focus specifically on the target object and its relationship to the human motion. This reduces the complexity of the scene and facilitates modeling the connection between the text, the object, and the resulting human movements.

Experiments demonstrate that this two-step approach produces higher quality motions compared to baseline methods. The language grounding and object-centric representation help the system better understand and generate the appropriate human-scene interactions based on the provided textual descriptions.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to the challenging task of generating human motions in 3D scenes from text descriptions. The two-step decomposition into language grounding and object-centric motion generation is a clever way to manage the complexity of the problem.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the approach. For example, it's unclear how well the system would perform on more complex scenes with multiple interacting objects, or how it would handle ambiguous or open-ended text descriptions. Additionally, the quality and realism of the generated motions, while improved over baselines, may still have room for further enhancement.

Future research could explore ways to further integrate the textual, visual, and motion modalities to capture more nuanced relationships. Incorporating additional scene and human context could also help the system generate even more natural and realistic human-scene interactions.

Overall, this paper represents an important step forward in the field of text-guided human motion synthesis. By carefully structuring the problem and leveraging the strengths of different techniques, the authors have demonstrated the potential for creating more immersive and interactive 3D animations from simple textual descriptions.


This paper presents a novel approach to the task of generating human motions in 3D indoor scenes based on textual descriptions of human-scene interactions. By decomposing the problem into language grounding and object-centric motion generation, the authors were able to develop a system that outperforms previous baselines in terms of motion quality.

The key innovations of this work are the use of powerful language models for grounding textual input and the design of an object-centric scene representation to facilitate the modeling of human-object interactions. These techniques help bridge the gap between the multi-modal nature of text, scene, and motion, enabling more realistic and text-guided 3D animations.

While the paper highlights the potential of this approach, there are still opportunities for further improvements, such as handling more complex scenes and enhancing the overall realism of the generated motions. Future research in this area could lead to even more advanced and versatile systems for creating engaging and interactive 3D experiences from natural language descriptions.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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