GOLD: Generalized Knowledge Distillation via Out-of-Distribution-Guided Language Data Generation






Published 4/1/2024 by Mohsen Gholami, Mohammad Akbari, Cindy Hu, Vaden Masrani, Z. Jane Wang, Yong Zhang
GOLD: Generalized Knowledge Distillation via Out-of-Distribution-Guided Language Data Generation


Knowledge distillation from LLMs is essential for the efficient deployment of language models. Prior works have proposed data generation using LLMs for preparing distilled models. We argue that generating data with LLMs is prone to sampling mainly from the center of original content distribution. This limitation hinders the distilled model from learning the true underlying data distribution and to forget the tails of the distributions (samples with lower probability). To this end, we propose GOLD, a task-agnostic data generation and knowledge distillation framework, which employs an iterative out-of-distribution-guided feedback mechanism for the LLM. As a result, the generated data improves the generalizability of distilled models. An energy-based OOD evaluation approach is also introduced to deal with noisy generated data. Our extensive experiments on 10 different classification and sequence-to-sequence tasks in NLP show that GOLD respectively outperforms prior arts and the LLM with an average improvement of 5% and 14%. We will also show that the proposed method is applicable to less explored and novel tasks. The code is available.

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  • This paper presents a new technique called GOLD (Generalized Knowledge Distillation via Out-of-Distribution-Guided Language Data Generation) for improving the performance of language models.
  • GOLD aims to enhance the capability of smaller, more efficient language models by distilling knowledge from larger, more powerful models in a generalized way.
  • The key innovation is the use of out-of-distribution (OOD) data to guide the generation of diverse training data, which helps the smaller model learn a more comprehensive and robust understanding of language.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a method called GOLD that helps make smaller language models just as capable as larger, more complex ones. Language models are AI systems that can understand and generate human language. Larger models tend to perform better, but they require more computing power and resources, which can limit their practical use.

GOLD works by taking the knowledge from a larger, more powerful language model and transferring it to a smaller model. This process is called "knowledge distillation." The novel aspect of GOLD is that it uses data that is outside the normal training distribution to guide the generation of new training data for the smaller model. This out-of-distribution data helps the smaller model learn a more complete and versatile understanding of language, beyond just the typical examples it would see during standard training.

By using this approach, the smaller model can gain capabilities that approach those of the larger, more complex model, but with much lower computational requirements. This makes the technology more practical and accessible for real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The key components of the GOLD method are:

  1. Knowledge Distillation: GOLD uses a pre-trained large language model as the "teacher" and trains a smaller "student" model to mimic the teacher's behavior. This allows the student model to benefit from the knowledge captured by the more powerful teacher.

  2. Out-of-Distribution (OOD) Data Generation: GOLD generates new training data for the student model using OOD samples. These are examples that fall outside the typical distribution of the original training data. GOLD uses the teacher model to guide the generation of these diverse, OOD-inspired samples.

  3. OOD-Guided Data Augmentation: The OOD-generated samples are combined with the original in-distribution training data to create an augmented dataset. This helps the student model learn a more comprehensive understanding of language.

The authors conduct experiments on standard language modeling benchmarks and show that GOLD can significantly improve the performance of smaller student models compared to standard knowledge distillation approaches. The OOD-guided data generation is a key factor in enabling the student model to match or even exceed the capabilities of the larger teacher model.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a strong technical contribution by introducing a novel and effective approach to knowledge distillation for language models. The use of OOD data generation is a clever way to address the limitation of standard distillation methods, which can only learn from the original in-distribution training data.

However, the paper does not delve deeply into potential limitations or caveats of the GOLD method. For instance, the reliance on the teacher model to guide the OOD data generation could introduce biases or make the approach overly dependent on the quality of the teacher. Additionally, the computational overhead of the OOD data generation process is not thoroughly analyzed.

Further research could explore ways to make the OOD data generation more efficient and robust, as well as investigate how GOLD performs on a wider range of language tasks and domains beyond the standard benchmarks presented in the paper.


The GOLD method presents an innovative approach to knowledge distillation for language models, leveraging out-of-distribution data generation to help smaller models match the capabilities of larger, more complex models. This advance has the potential to make powerful language AI more accessible and practical for real-world applications. While the paper demonstrates the effectiveness of GOLD, further research is needed to fully understand its limitations and explore ways to optimize the technique.

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