Graph Automorphism Group Equivariant Neural Networks






Published 5/29/2024 by Edward Pearce-Crump, William J. Knottenbelt



Permutation equivariant neural networks are typically used to learn from data that lives on a graph. However, for any graph $G$ that has $n$ vertices, using the symmetric group $S_n$ as its group of symmetries does not take into account the relations that exist between the vertices. Given that the actual group of symmetries is the automorphism group Aut$(G)$, we show how to construct neural networks that are equivariant to Aut$(G)$ by obtaining a full characterisation of the learnable, linear, Aut$(G)$-equivariant functions between layers that are some tensor power of $mathbb{R}^{n}$. In particular, we find a spanning set of matrices for these layer functions in the standard basis of $mathbb{R}^{n}$. This result has important consequences for learning from data whose group of symmetries is a finite group because a theorem by Frucht (1938) showed that any finite group is isomorphic to the automorphism group of a graph.

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  • This paper presents a new approach to constructing neural networks that are equivariant to the automorphism group of a graph, rather than just the symmetric group.
  • The authors show how to characterize the learnable, linear, automorphism group-equivariant functions between layers of the neural network.
  • This has important implications for learning from data whose group of symmetries is a finite group, as any finite group can be represented as the automorphism group of a graph.

Plain English Explanation

Neural networks are a type of machine learning model that can be used to learn from data that has certain symmetries, such as data that lives on a graph. Typically, these neural networks are designed to be equivariant to the symmetric group, which represents all possible permutations of the vertices in the graph.

However, the authors of this paper argue that this approach does not fully capture the relationships between the vertices in the graph. Instead, they propose constructing neural networks that are equivariant to the automorphism group of the graph, which is the group of symmetries that preserve the structure of the graph.

To do this, the authors provide a full characterization of the learnable, linear, automorphism group-equivariant functions that can be used as the layer functions in the neural network. This means they have identified a set of matrices that can be used to transform the data in a way that is equivariant to the automorphism group of the graph.

This result is important because it allows for the construction of neural networks that can better capture the underlying structure of the data, which can lead to improved performance on tasks like graph classification or graph generation. Additionally, the authors note that any finite group can be represented as the automorphism group of a graph, so their results have broad implications for learning from data with various symmetries.

Technical Explanation

The key contribution of this paper is the characterization of the learnable, linear, Aut(G)-equivariant functions between layers of a neural network, where G is a graph and Aut(G) is its automorphism group.

The authors show that these layer functions can be expressed as a linear combination of a set of basis matrices, which they derive. This basis captures the full space of learnable, linear, Aut(G)-equivariant functions.

To achieve this, the authors first establish that the space of Aut(G)-equivariant functions between tensor powers of R^n (where n is the number of vertices in the graph) forms a matrix algebra. They then characterize the structure of this matrix algebra, finding a spanning set of matrices that can be used to parameterize any Aut(G)-equivariant function.

This result is significant because it provides a principled way to construct neural networks that are tailored to the symmetries of the data, rather than relying on the more generic symmetric group. The authors note that this is particularly important for learning from data whose group of symmetries is a finite group, as any finite group can be realized as the automorphism group of some graph.

Critical Analysis

The authors have provided a rigorous mathematical analysis of Aut(G)-equivariant neural networks, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The characterization of the Aut(G)-equivariant layer functions assumes linearity, which may not capture all the relevant transformations needed for complex real-world data. Extending this work to nonlinear equivariant functions could be an important next step.

  2. The authors focus on the theoretical characterization of the layer functions, but do not provide extensive experimental validation of the performance of Aut(G)-equivariant neural networks in practice. Empirical studies on real-world tasks would help demonstrate the practical benefits of this approach.

  3. The reliance on the automorphism group Aut(G) may be challenging in cases where the structure of the graph is not fully known or easily captured. Approaches that can handle uncertainty in the graph structure could be an interesting direction for future research.

Overall, this paper provides a solid theoretical foundation for constructing neural networks that are tailored to the symmetries of graph-structured data. Further work is needed to explore the practical implications and potential limitations of this approach.


This paper presents a new approach to constructing neural networks that are equivariant to the automorphism group of a graph, rather than just the symmetric group. The authors provide a full characterization of the learnable, linear, automorphism group-equivariant functions that can be used as the layer functions in these neural networks.

This result is significant because it allows for the construction of neural networks that can better capture the underlying structure of graph-structured data, which can lead to improved performance on tasks like graph classification and generation. Additionally, the authors note that any finite group can be represented as the automorphism group of a graph, so their findings have broad implications for learning from data with various symmetries.

While there are some potential limitations and areas for further research, this paper lays an important theoretical foundation for the development of more effective and principled neural network architectures for graph-structured data.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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