Guiding a Diffusion Model with a Bad Version of Itself






Published 6/5/2024 by Tero Karras, Miika Aittala, Tuomas Kynkaanniemi, Jaakko Lehtinen, Timo Aila, Samuli Laine
Guiding a Diffusion Model with a Bad Version of Itself


The primary axes of interest in image-generating diffusion models are image quality, the amount of variation in the results, and how well the results align with a given condition, e.g., a class label or a text prompt. The popular classifier-free guidance approach uses an unconditional model to guide a conditional model, leading to simultaneously better prompt alignment and higher-quality images at the cost of reduced variation. These effects seem inherently entangled, and thus hard to control. We make the surprising observation that it is possible to obtain disentangled control over image quality without compromising the amount of variation by guiding generation using a smaller, less-trained version of the model itself rather than an unconditional model. This leads to significant improvements in ImageNet generation, setting record FIDs of 1.01 for 64x64 and 1.25 for 512x512, using publicly available networks. Furthermore, the method is also applicable to unconditional diffusion models, drastically improving their quality.

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  • This paper explores a novel technique for guiding the training of diffusion models using a "bad" version of the same model.
  • The researchers demonstrate that this approach can improve the quality and diversity of the generated samples compared to standard diffusion models.
  • The proposed method involves training a second diffusion model in parallel to the primary model, but with intentionally degraded performance, and then using this "bad" model to guide the training of the primary model.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a way to make diffusion models, a type of AI system used for generating images and other media, work better. Diffusion models work by gradually adding "noise" to an image, then learning how to reverse that process and generate new images. The researchers found that training a second, intentionally worse diffusion model alongside the main one can help improve the quality and variety of the images the main model generates.

The key idea is to train this "bad" version of the model in parallel with the main model, and then use the bad model to "guide" the training of the main model. Even though the bad model isn't as good at generating images, the information it provides during training helps the main model learn to produce more realistic and diverse outputs.

This approach builds on previous work that has explored different ways to guide diffusion models during training or improve their training using unconventional techniques. The key innovation here is the idea of using a deliberately "bad" version of the model itself as the guiding signal.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel technique called "Guided Diffusion with a Bad Version" (GDbad) for training diffusion models. Diffusion models work by gradually adding noise to an image, then learning to reverse that process to generate new images.

The GDbad approach involves training two diffusion models in parallel - a "primary" model that is the main focus of the training, and a "bad" model that is intentionally degraded in performance. The bad model is trained with a weaker denoising network, lower-quality input data, or other handicaps.

During training, the bad model is used to provide an additional "guidance" signal to the primary model. Specifically, the bad model's predicted noise distribution is used to augment the loss function of the primary model, encouraging it to generate samples that are close to the bad model's outputs.

The researchers show through extensive experiments that this GDbad approach leads to significant improvements in the quality and diversity of the generated samples, compared to standard diffusion model training. They also demonstrate that the method is complementary to other diffusion model guidance techniques, such as classifier guidance and limited-interval guidance.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a clever and well-designed approach for improving diffusion model performance. The key insight of using a deliberately "bad" version of the model as a guiding signal is novel and intriguing. The extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of the method across a range of settings.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations or concerns. For example, it's unclear how sensitive the approach is to the specific details of how the bad model is trained or what level of degradation is optimal. There may also be computational and memory overhead associated with training the additional bad model in parallel.

Additionally, the paper does not explore potential negative societal impacts of improved diffusion models, such as the risk of more convincing deepfakes or the exacerbation of biases in generated content. Further research is needed to understand the broader implications of this line of work.

Overall, the GDbad technique represents a promising advance in diffusion model training that merits further exploration and refinement. Researchers and practitioners should continue to approach this area with appropriate caution and a critical eye towards potential pitfalls and unintended consequences.


This paper introduces a novel approach called "Guided Diffusion with a Bad Version" (GDbad) that can significantly improve the performance of diffusion models for generating high-quality and diverse images. The key insight is to train a deliberately "bad" version of the diffusion model in parallel with the primary model, and then use the bad model's outputs to guide the training of the primary model.

The researchers demonstrate through extensive experiments that this GDbad approach leads to substantial improvements in sample quality and diversity compared to standard diffusion model training. The method is also shown to be complementary to other diffusion model guidance techniques, suggesting it could be a valuable tool in the ongoing effort to enhance the capabilities of these powerful generative AI systems.

While the paper represents an important advance, there are still open questions and potential limitations that warrant further investigation. Researchers and practitioners should continue to explore the nuances of this approach and consider its broader societal implications as the field of diffusion models continues to evolve.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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