HAPNet: Toward Superior RGB-Thermal Scene Parsing via Hybrid, Asymmetric, and Progressive Heterogeneous Feature Fusion






Published 4/9/2024 by Jiahang Li, Peng Yun, Qijun Chen, Rui Fan
HAPNet: Toward Superior RGB-Thermal Scene Parsing via Hybrid, Asymmetric, and Progressive Heterogeneous Feature Fusion


Data-fusion networks have shown significant promise for RGB-thermal scene parsing. However, the majority of existing studies have relied on symmetric duplex encoders for heterogeneous feature extraction and fusion, paying inadequate attention to the inherent differences between RGB and thermal modalities. Recent progress in vision foundation models (VFMs) trained through self-supervision on vast amounts of unlabeled data has proven their ability to extract informative, general-purpose features. However, this potential has yet to be fully leveraged in the domain. In this study, we take one step toward this new research area by exploring a feasible strategy to fully exploit VFM features for RGB-thermal scene parsing. Specifically, we delve deeper into the unique characteristics of RGB and thermal modalities, thereby designing a hybrid, asymmetric encoder that incorporates both a VFM and a convolutional neural network. This design allows for more effective extraction of complementary heterogeneous features, which are subsequently fused in a dual-path, progressive manner. Moreover, we introduce an auxiliary task to further enrich the local semantics of the fused features, thereby improving the overall performance of RGB-thermal scene parsing. Our proposed HAPNet, equipped with all these components, demonstrates superior performance compared to all other state-of-the-art RGB-thermal scene parsing networks, achieving top ranks across three widely used public RGB-thermal scene parsing datasets. We believe this new paradigm has opened up new opportunities for future developments in data-fusion scene parsing approaches.

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  • This paper introduces HAPNet, a new method for RGB-thermal scene parsing that uses a hybrid, asymmetric, and progressive approach to feature fusion.
  • The key ideas are to leverage both RGB and thermal data, fuse the features in a progressive and asymmetric way, and use a hybrid model architecture.
  • The goal is to achieve superior performance in scene parsing tasks compared to existing methods.

Plain English Explanation

Scene parsing is the task of understanding the contents of an image, like identifying objects, people, and their locations. HAPNet aims to improve on this by using two types of visual data: regular color (RGB) images and thermal images that show heat patterns.

The researchers developed a new way to combine the information from these two data sources. Instead of just averaging or concatenating the features, they use a more sophisticated "hybrid, asymmetric, and progressive" fusion approach. This means the model learns to selectively and dynamically combine the RGB and thermal features, with the fusion happening in multiple stages.

The overall model architecture is also hybrid, using a combination of different neural network components. This allows the model to effectively leverage the complementary information in the RGB and thermal data.

The key innovation is this multi-stage, asymmetric feature fusion process. By adaptively fusing the RGB and thermal data, the model can capture richer scene understanding that outperforms previous approaches that used the data sources independently or in a more simplistic way.

Technical Explanation

HAPNet uses a <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/henet-hybrid-encoding-end-to-end-multi">hybrid encoder</a> to process both the RGB and thermal inputs. The encoder has separate pathways for each modality, which then feed into a <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/sne-roadsegv2-advancing-heterogeneous-feature-fusion-fallibility">heterogeneous feature fusion</a> module.

This fusion module performs an <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/mitigating-heterogeneity-federated-multimodal-learning-biomedical-vision">asymmetric and progressive</a> combination of the RGB and thermal features across multiple stages. This allows the model to selectively emphasize relevant features from each modality at different levels of the network.

The fused features are then passed through a decoder to produce the final scene parsing output. Experiments show that this <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/diffusion-hyperfeatures-searching-through-time-space-semantic">hybrid and progressive fusion</a> approach outperforms previous <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/causal-mode-multiplexer-novel-framework-unbiased-multispectral">heterogeneous feature fusion</a> methods on benchmark scene parsing datasets.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough evaluation of HAPNet's performance on several datasets, demonstrating its superiority over existing approaches. However, the authors acknowledge that the model's effectiveness may be limited to specific environmental conditions where thermal data provides complementary information to RGB.

Additionally, the computational complexity of the multi-stage fusion process could be a concern for real-time or resource-constrained applications. Further research is needed to explore ways to improve the efficiency of the model without sacrificing its performance.

The paper also does not address potential biases or fairness issues that may arise from the heterogeneous data sources. As these are important considerations for real-world deployments, future work should investigate the model's robustness and fairness across diverse settings and populations.


HAPNet represents a promising advance in RGB-thermal scene parsing by introducing a novel hybrid, asymmetric, and progressive feature fusion approach. By effectively leveraging the complementary strengths of RGB and thermal data, the model can achieve superior performance compared to previous methods.

While the paper demonstrates the technical merits of HAPNet, further research is needed to address its limitations and ensure its broader applicability and safety. Nonetheless, this work contributes valuable insights to the ongoing efforts in multimodal vision and heterogeneous feature fusion, with potential impacts on a range of applications that rely on robust scene understanding.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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