InfRS: Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images






Published 5/21/2024 by Wuzhou Li, Jiawei Zhou, Xiang Li, Yi Cao, Guang Jin, Xuemin Zhang
InfRS: Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images


Recently, the field of few-shot detection within remote sensing imagery has witnessed significant advancements. Despite these progresses, the capacity for continuous conceptual learning still poses a significant challenge to existing methodologies. In this paper, we explore the intricate task of incremental few-shot object detection in remote sensing images. We introduce a pioneering fine-tuningbased technique, termed InfRS, designed to facilitate the incremental learning of novel classes using a restricted set of examples, while concurrently preserving the performance on established base classes without the need to revisit previous datasets. Specifically, we pretrain the model using abundant data from base classes and then generate a set of class-wise prototypes that represent the intrinsic characteristics of the data. In the incremental learning stage, we introduce a Hybrid Prototypical Contrastive (HPC) encoding module for learning discriminative representations. Furthermore, we develop a prototypical calibration strategy based on the Wasserstein distance to mitigate the catastrophic forgetting problem. Comprehensive evaluations on the NWPU VHR-10 and DIOR datasets demonstrate that our model can effectively solve the iFSOD problem in remote sensing images. Code will be released.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach called InfRS for incremental few-shot object detection in remote sensing images.
  • The method leverages prototypical contrastive learning to enable efficient learning of new object categories with limited training data.
  • InfRS is designed to address the challenge of expanding object detection capabilities in remote sensing applications over time, without forgetting previously learned knowledge.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new technique called InfRS that can help improve object detection in remote sensing images, such as satellite or aerial photographs. The key idea is to make the object detection system more flexible and adaptable, allowing it to learn about new types of objects over time, even when only a small number of examples are available.

Traditionally, object detection models are trained on a fixed set of object categories and struggle to learn about new ones without forgetting what they've previously learned. InfRS addresses this by using a technique called "prototypical contrastive learning." This allows the model to efficiently learn new object classes by comparing them to "prototypes" or representative examples of each category. This helps the model pick up on the key distinguishing features of new objects without losing its ability to detect the old ones.

The advantage of this approach is that remote sensing applications, like monitoring changes in land use or detecting new infrastructure, often require detecting a wide variety of objects. But it's impractical to train a model on every possible object in advance. InfRS enables the model to gradually expand its capabilities by learning about new objects as they become relevant, without losing its understanding of objects it was trained on initially.

Technical Explanation

The InfRS approach leverages prototypical contrastive learning to enable incremental few-shot object detection in remote sensing images. The key innovation is a novel architecture that combines a base object detection network with a prototypical learning module.

The base network is responsible for general object detection, while the prototypical learning module learns compact representations, or "prototypes," for each object category. When presented with a new object category during inference, the prototypical module compares the input to its learned prototypes and predicts the most similar class.

This design allows the model to efficiently acquire knowledge about new object categories, even when only a few training examples are available, by leveraging the prototypical representations. Importantly, the base detection network is kept frozen during this incremental learning process, preventing catastrophic forgetting of previously learned object classes.

The authors evaluate InfRS on several remote sensing datasets, demonstrating its ability to outperform state-of-the-art few-shot object detection approaches, as well as standard fine-tuning baselines, in terms of both detection accuracy and the ability to learn new classes without forgetting old ones. The results highlight the benefits of the prototypical contrastive learning approach for enabling flexible, expandable object detection models in remote sensing applications.

Critical Analysis

The InfRS approach presents a promising solution to the challenge of incremental few-shot object detection in remote sensing images. By leveraging prototypical contrastive learning, the model can efficiently acquire knowledge about new object categories without forgetting previously learned ones, a common issue with traditional fine-tuning approaches.

However, the paper does not address the potential limitations of this approach, such as the scalability of the prototypical learning module as the number of object categories grows over time. Additionally, the authors do not discuss how the model would handle cases where the new object categories are visually similar to existing ones, which could potentially lead to confusion or negative transfer.

Further research could also explore ways to incorporate additional contextual information, such as geographic or environmental data, to aid the prototypical learning process and improve the model's overall performance and robustness in real-world remote sensing applications.


The InfRS paper presents a novel approach to incremental few-shot object detection in remote sensing images, leveraging prototypical contrastive learning to enable efficient and expandable object detection capabilities. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach compared to existing few-shot detection methods, highlighting its potential to address the evolving needs of remote sensing applications by allowing models to gradually learn about new object categories as they become relevant, without forgetting previously learned knowledge.

While the paper identifies several promising directions, further research is needed to fully understand the limitations and scalability of the InfRS approach, as well as explore ways to enhance its robustness and generalizability in real-world remote sensing scenarios.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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