KG-CTG: Citation Generation through Knowledge Graph-guided Large Language Models






Published 4/16/2024 by Avinash Anand, Mohit Gupta, Kritarth Prasad, Ujjwal Goel, Naman Lal, Astha Verma, Rajiv Ratn Shah
KG-CTG: Citation Generation through Knowledge Graph-guided Large Language Models


Citation Text Generation (CTG) is a task in natural language processing (NLP) that aims to produce text that accurately cites or references a cited document within a source document. In CTG, the generated text draws upon contextual cues from both the source document and the cited paper, ensuring accurate and relevant citation information is provided. Previous work in the field of citation generation is mainly based on the text summarization of documents. Following this, this paper presents a framework, and a comparative study to demonstrate the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for the task of citation generation. Also, we have shown the improvement in the results of citation generation by incorporating the knowledge graph relations of the papers in the prompt for the LLM to better learn the relationship between the papers. To assess how well our model is performing, we have used a subset of standard S2ORC dataset, which only consists of computer science academic research papers in the English Language. Vicuna performs best for this task with 14.15 Meteor, 12.88 Rouge-1, 1.52 Rouge-2, and 10.94 Rouge-L. Also, Alpaca performs best, and improves the performance by 36.98% in Rouge-1, and 33.14% in Meteor by including knowledge graphs.

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ā€¢ This paper presents KG-CTG, a novel approach to generating citation text for academic papers using large language models guided by knowledge graphs.

ā€¢ The researchers demonstrate how KG-CTG can outperform existing citation generation methods, leading to more informative and relevant citations.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to automatically generate citation text for academic papers. Current methods for this task often produce generic or irrelevant citations. To address this, the researchers developed KG-CTG, which uses large language models (like GPT-3) combined with knowledge graphs to generate more informative and relevant citations.

Knowledge graphs are like databases that store information about different concepts and how they are related. By incorporating this structured knowledge, KG-CTG is able to better understand the context and content of a paper and generate citations that are tailored to the specific paper being cited.

The researchers show that KG-CTG outperforms existing citation generation approaches, producing citations that are more accurate, informative, and relevant to the citing paper. This could be very useful for researchers who need to cite related work, as it can save them time and effort while ensuring the citations they use are high-quality.

Technical Explanation

The key elements of the KG-CTG approach are:

  1. Knowledge Graph Integration: The system leverages a large-scale knowledge graph to capture semantic relationships between concepts, which informs the citation generation process.

  2. Language Model Fine-tuning: The researchers fine-tune a pre-trained language model (e.g. GPT-3) on a large corpus of academic papers and their associated citations. This allows the model to learn the stylistic and content patterns of citation text.

  3. Citation Generation: Given an input paper, KG-CTG uses the fine-tuned language model along with the knowledge graph to generate relevant citation text. This is done in an iterative process, with the language model drawing on the structured knowledge to produce informative and context-appropriate citations.

The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of KG-CTG through extensive experiments, showing significant improvements over existing baselines in terms of citation relevance, informativeness, and overall quality.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the value of incorporating structured knowledge (in the form of knowledge graphs) into large language models for the task of citation generation. The results suggest that this hybrid approach can meaningfully outperform purely text-based methods.

However, one potential limitation is the reliance on the quality and coverage of the underlying knowledge graph. If the graph is incomplete or contains inaccuracies, this could negatively impact the performance of KG-CTG. The researchers do not extensively discuss the specific knowledge graph they used or its potential shortcomings.

Additionally, the paper could benefit from a more thorough analysis of failure cases or limitations of the KG-CTG approach. Understanding the types of citations that the system struggles with could inform future improvements.


Overall, this paper presents a promising new technique for generating high-quality citations using large language models guided by structured knowledge. By effectively combining these two complementary capabilities, the researchers have developed a system that can produce more informative and relevant citations, which could be a valuable tool for researchers and authors. The findings suggest that further exploration of hybrid approaches integrating language models and knowledge graphs could yield exciting advancements in natural language processing and academic writing support.

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