Learning Governing Equations of Unobserved States in Dynamical Systems






Published 5/8/2024 by Gevik Grigorian, Sandip V. George, Simon Arridge



Data-driven modelling and scientific machine learning have been responsible for significant advances in determining suitable models to describe data. Within dynamical systems, neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs), where the system equations are set to be governed by a neural network, have become a popular tool for this challenge in recent years. However, less emphasis has been placed on systems that are only partially-observed. In this work, we employ a hybrid neural ODE structure, where the system equations are governed by a combination of a neural network and domain-specific knowledge, together with symbolic regression (SR), to learn governing equations of partially-observed dynamical systems. We test this approach on two case studies: A 3-dimensional model of the Lotka-Volterra system and a 5-dimensional model of the Lorenz system. We demonstrate that the method is capable of successfully learning the true underlying governing equations of unobserved states within these systems, with robustness to measurement noise.

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  • This paper explores the use of hybrid neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and symbolic regression to learn the governing equations of partially-observed dynamical systems.
  • Neural ODEs, where the system equations are modeled using a neural network, have become a popular tool for data-driven modeling of dynamical systems.
  • However, less emphasis has been placed on systems that are only partially-observed, where some of the system states are not directly measured.
  • The authors propose a hybrid approach that combines a neural network and domain-specific knowledge to model the system equations, along with symbolic regression to learn the underlying governing equations.

Plain English Explanation

In this research, the authors are looking at ways to [learn-deep-dynamical-systems-using-stable-neural] and [stretched-measured-neural-predictions-complex-network-dynamics] when some of the information about the system is missing. Dynamical systems are mathematical models that describe how things change over time, and they're used in a lot of different fields, like biology, physics, and engineering.

The researchers are using a [neural-network-based-approach-to-hybrid-systems] to learn the rules that govern these dynamical systems, even when some of the key information about the system is not directly observed or measured. This is important because in many real-world situations, we can't measure everything that's going on in a complex system.

The key idea is to combine a neural network, which is a type of [physics-constrained-robust-learning-open-form-partial] that can learn patterns in data, with some existing knowledge about the system. This "hybrid" approach allows the researchers to learn the underlying equations that describe the system, even when some of the details are missing.

The researchers tested their method on two well-known dynamical systems: the Lotka-Volterra system, which models the interactions between predators and prey, and the Lorenz system, which is a simplified model of atmospheric convection. They showed that their hybrid approach could successfully learn the true governing equations of these systems, even in the presence of measurement noise.

Technical Explanation

The authors employ a [neural-control-concurrent-system-identification-control-learning] approach, where the system equations are governed by a combination of a neural network and domain-specific knowledge. This hybrid structure allows the model to capture the complex, nonlinear dynamics of the system while also incorporating prior knowledge about the system's behavior.

Specifically, the neural network component of the model learns the underlying dynamics of the observed states, while the domain-specific knowledge is used to model the unobserved states. The authors then use symbolic regression to learn the governing equations that describe the entire system, including the unobserved states.

The researchers evaluated their approach on two case studies: a 3-dimensional Lotka-Volterra system and a 5-dimensional Lorenz system. In both cases, they demonstrated that the hybrid neural ODE model could successfully learn the true underlying governing equations, even when some of the system states were not directly observed. The method also showed robustness to measurement noise, an important consideration for real-world applications.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for future research in their work. For example, they note that the performance of the method may depend on the specific choice of domain-specific knowledge used to model the unobserved states. Additionally, the symbolic regression component of the approach may struggle with high-dimensional systems or those with complex nonlinearities.

One potential concern is the interpretability of the learned models. While the symbolic regression component aims to produce human-readable governing equations, the overall hybrid architecture may still be relatively opaque, particularly if the neural network component becomes very complex. [physics-constrained-robust-learning-open-form-partial] may be an area for further exploration to address this issue.

Furthermore, the authors only test their method on well-known dynamical systems, and it's unclear how well it would generalize to more complex, real-world systems. Evaluating the approach on a wider range of applications would be an important next step to assess its broader applicability and robustness.


This research presents a novel hybrid approach for learning the governing equations of partially-observed dynamical systems, combining neural ODEs and symbolic regression. The method shows promise in its ability to successfully recover the true underlying dynamics, even when some system states are not directly measured.

The work highlights the potential of [learning-deep-dynamical-systems-using-stable-neural] and [stretched-measured-neural-predictions-complex-network-dynamics] for modeling complex, real-world systems where not all relevant information can be directly observed. Further development and validation of this approach could lead to significant advances in our understanding and modeling of a wide range of dynamical systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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