Learning to Maximize Gains From Trade in Small Markets






Published 6/21/2024 by Moshe Babaioff, Amitai Frey, Noam Nisan
Learning to Maximize Gains From Trade in Small Markets


We study the problem of designing a two-sided market (double auction) to maximize the gains from trade (social welfare) under the constraints of (dominant-strategy) incentive compatibility and budget-balance. Our goal is to do so for an unknown distribution from which we are given a polynomial number of samples. Our first result is a general impossibility for the case of correlated distributions of values even between just one seller and two buyers, in contrast to the case of one seller and one buyer (bilateral trade) where this is possible. Our second result is an efficient learning algorithm for one seller and two buyers in the case of independent distributions which is based on a novel algorithm for computing optimal mechanisms for finitely supported and explicitly given independent distributions. Both results rely heavily on characterizations of (dominant-strategy) incentive compatible mechanisms that are strongly budget-balanced.

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  • This paper investigates how to maximize the gains from trade in small markets, where the number of buyers and sellers is limited.
  • The authors propose a novel approach that involves online learning to identify optimal trading strategies for these smaller markets.
  • The research is supported by funding from the European Research Council and the Israeli Science Foundation.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at how to get the most benefit from buying and selling in small markets, where there are only a few buyers and sellers. In these smaller markets, it can be challenging to find the best trading strategies. The researchers developed a new method that uses online learning to help identify the optimal trading approach. This means the system learns and adapts as it goes, to figure out the best way to maximize the gains from trading in these limited markets. The work was funded by prominent research organizations, indicating it is an important issue worth studying.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel approach to maximizing gains from trade in small markets. The authors develop an online learning algorithm that can identify optimal trading strategies in these smaller market settings, where the number of buyers and sellers is limited.

The proposed method builds on prior work in two-sided market recruitment and fair online bilateral trade. It incorporates techniques from autobidder budget and ROI constraints and strategy-proof auctions to efficiently learn and adapt trading strategies in real-time.

Through theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation, the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach in maximizing gains from trade in small market settings. The results show significant performance improvements over existing methods.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a well-designed and thorough investigation of the important problem of maximizing gains from trade in small markets. The online learning approach seems promising, though the authors acknowledge the need for further research to explore its scalability and real-world applicability.

One potential limitation is the focus on a specific small market setting. It would be valuable to understand how the approach generalizes to a wider range of market sizes and structures. Additionally, the paper does not delve into potential ethical or societal implications of the proposed trading strategies, which could be an interesting area for future work.

Overall, this is a strong technical contribution that advances the state of the art in this domain. However, further research is needed to fully understand the practical impacts and broader implications of the proposed methods.


This paper presents a novel online learning approach to maximizing gains from trade in small market settings. The work is technically sophisticated and demonstrates significant performance improvements over existing methods. While the scope is limited to specific market conditions, the research represents an important step forward in understanding how to optimize trading in constrained environments. The findings have the potential to inform real-world applications and spur further advancements in this area of study.

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